/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "VPolarGrid.hxx"
#include "VCartesianGrid.hxx"
#include "Tickmarks.hxx"
#include <PlottingPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <ShapeFactory.hxx>
#include <ObjectIdentifier.hxx>
#include <CommonConverters.hxx>
#include <VLineProperties.hxx>
#include "Tickmarks_Equidistant.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <vector>
namespace chart
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
VPolarGrid::VPolarGrid( sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex, sal_Int32 nDimensionCount
                       , const uno::Sequence< Reference< beans::XPropertySet > > & rGridPropertiesList )
            : VAxisOrGridBase( nDimensionIndex, nDimensionCount )
            , m_aGridPropertiesList( rGridPropertiesList )
            , m_pPosHelper( new PolarPlottingPositionHelper() )
            , m_aIncrements()
    PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper = m_pPosHelper.get();
void VPolarGrid::setIncrements( const std::vector< ExplicitIncrementData >& rIncrements )
    m_aIncrements = rIncrements;
void VPolarGrid::getAllTickInfos( sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex, TickInfoArraysType& rAllTickInfos ) const
    TickFactory aTickFactory(
            m_pPosHelper->getScales()[nDimensionIndex], m_aIncrements[nDimensionIndex] );
    aTickFactory.getAllTicks( rAllTickInfos );
void VPolarGrid::createLinePointSequence_ForAngleAxis(
        drawing::PointSequenceSequence& rPoints
        , TickInfoArraysType& rAllTickInfos
        , const ExplicitIncrementData& rIncrement
        , const ExplicitScaleData& rScale
        , PolarPlottingPositionHelper const * pPosHelper
        , double fLogicRadius, double fLogicZ )
    Reference< XScaling > xInverseScaling;
    if( rScale.Scaling.is() )
        xInverseScaling = rScale.Scaling->getInverseScaling();
    sal_Int32 nTick = 0;
    EquidistantTickIter aIter( rAllTickInfos, rIncrement, 0 );
    for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = aIter.firstInfo()
        ; pTickInfo
        ; pTickInfo = aIter.nextInfo(), nTick++ )
        //xxxxx pTickInfo->updateUnscaledValue( xInverseScaling );
        double fLogicAngle = pTickInfo->getUnscaledTickValue();
        drawing::Position3D aScenePosition3D( pPosHelper->transformAngleRadiusToScene( fLogicAngle, fLogicRadius, fLogicZ ) );
        rPoints[0][nTick].X = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePosition3D.PositionX);
        rPoints[0][nTick].Y = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePosition3D.PositionY);
        rPoints[0][nTick].X = rPoints[0][0].X;
        rPoints[0][nTick].Y = rPoints[0][0].Y;
#ifdef NOTYET
void VPolarGrid::create2DAngleGrid( const Reference< drawing::XShapes >& xLogicTarget
        , TickInfoArraysType& /* rRadiusTickInfos */
        , TickInfoArraysType& rAngleTickInfos
        , const std::vector<VLineProperties>& rLinePropertiesList )
    Reference< drawing::XShapes > xMainTarget(
        createGroupShape( xLogicTarget, m_aCID ) );
    const ExplicitScaleData&     rAngleScale = m_pPosHelper->getScales()[0];
    Reference< XScaling > xInverseScaling( NULL );
    if( rAngleScale.Scaling.is() )
        xInverseScaling = rAngleScale.Scaling->getInverseScaling();
    double fLogicInnerRadius = m_pPosHelper->getInnerLogicRadius();
    double fLogicOuterRadius = m_pPosHelper->getOuterLogicRadius();
    sal_Int32 nLinePropertiesCount = rLinePropertiesList.size();
        double fLogicZ      = 1.0;//as defined
        sal_Int32 nDepth=0;
        //create axis main lines
        drawing::PointSequenceSequence aAllPoints;
        for (auto const& tick : rAngleTickInfos[0])
            if( !tick.bPaintIt )
            //xxxxx rTickInfo.updateUnscaledValue( xInverseScaling );
            double fLogicAngle = tick.getUnscaledTickValue();
            drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPoints(1);
            drawing::Position3D aScenePositionStart( m_pPosHelper->transformAngleRadiusToScene( fLogicAngle, fLogicInnerRadius, fLogicZ ) );
            drawing::Position3D aScenePositionEnd(   m_pPosHelper->transformAngleRadiusToScene( fLogicAngle, fLogicOuterRadius, fLogicZ ) );
            aPoints[0][0].X = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePositionStart.PositionX);
            aPoints[0][0].Y = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePositionStart.PositionY);
            aPoints[0][1].X = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePositionEnd.PositionX);
            aPoints[0][1].Y = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aScenePositionEnd.PositionY);
            appendPointSequence( aAllPoints, aPoints );
        Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape = m_pShapeFactory->createLine2D(
                xMainTarget, aAllPoints, &rLinePropertiesList[nDepth] );
        //because of this name this line will be used for marking
        m_pShapeFactory->setShapeName( xShape, "MarkHandles" );
void VPolarGrid::create2DRadiusGrid( const Reference< drawing::XShapes >& xLogicTarget
        , TickInfoArraysType& rRadiusTickInfos
        , TickInfoArraysType& rAngleTickInfos
        , const std::vector<VLineProperties>& rLinePropertiesList )
    Reference< drawing::XShapes > xMainTarget(
        createGroupShape( xLogicTarget, m_aCID ) );
    const ExplicitScaleData&     rRadiusScale = m_pPosHelper->getScales()[1];
    const ExplicitScaleData&     rAngleScale = m_pPosHelper->getScales()[0];
    const ExplicitIncrementData& rAngleIncrement = m_aIncrements[0];
    Reference< XScaling > xInverseRadiusScaling;
    if( rRadiusScale.Scaling.is() )
        xInverseRadiusScaling = rRadiusScale.Scaling->getInverseScaling();
    sal_Int32 nLinePropertiesCount = rLinePropertiesList.size();
    TickInfoArraysType::iterator aDepthIter             = rRadiusTickInfos.begin();
    const TickInfoArraysType::const_iterator aDepthEnd  = rRadiusTickInfos.end();
    for( sal_Int32 nDepth=0
        ; aDepthIter != aDepthEnd && nDepth < nLinePropertiesCount
        ; ++aDepthIter, nDepth++ )
        if( !rLinePropertiesList[nDepth].isLineVisible() )
        Reference< drawing::XShapes > xTarget( xMainTarget );
        if( nDepth > 0 )
            xTarget.set( createGroupShape( xLogicTarget
                , ObjectIdentifier::addChildParticle( m_aCID, ObjectIdentifier::createChildParticleWithIndex( OBJECTTYPE_SUBGRID, nDepth-1 ) )
                ) );
                xTarget.set( xMainTarget );
        //create axis main lines
        drawing::PointSequenceSequence aAllPoints;
        for (auto const& tick : *aDepthIter)
            if( !tick.bPaintIt )
            //xxxxx rTickInfo.updateUnscaledValue( xInverseRadiusScaling );
            double fLogicRadius = tick.getUnscaledTickValue();
            double const fLogicZ = 1.0;//as defined
            drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPoints(1);
            VPolarGrid::createLinePointSequence_ForAngleAxis( aPoints, rAngleTickInfos
                , rAngleIncrement, rAngleScale, m_pPosHelper.get(), fLogicRadius, fLogicZ );
                appendPointSequence( aAllPoints, aPoints );
        Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape = m_pShapeFactory->createLine2D(
                xTarget, aAllPoints, &rLinePropertiesList[nDepth] );
        //because of this name this line will be used for marking
        ::chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName( xShape, "MarkHandles" );
void VPolarGrid::createShapes()
    OSL_PRECOND(m_pShapeFactory&&m_xLogicTarget.is()&&m_xFinalTarget.is(),"Axis is not proper initialized");
    //create all scaled tickmark values
    TickInfoArraysType aAngleTickInfos;
    TickInfoArraysType aRadiusTickInfos;
    getAllTickInfos( 0, aAngleTickInfos );
    getAllTickInfos( 1, aRadiusTickInfos );
    std::vector<VLineProperties> aLinePropertiesList;
    VCartesianGrid::fillLinePropertiesFromGridModel( aLinePropertiesList, m_aGridPropertiesList );
    //create tick mark line shapes
            create2DRadiusGrid( m_xLogicTarget, aRadiusTickInfos, aAngleTickInfos, aLinePropertiesList );
        //else //no Angle Grid so far as this equals exactly the y axis positions
        //    create2DAngleGrid( m_xLogicTarget, aRadiusTickInfos, aAngleTickInfos, aLinePropertiesList );
} //namespace chart
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V758 The 'rAngleScale' reference becomes invalid when temporary object returned by a function is destroyed.

V758 The 'rRadiusScale' reference becomes invalid when temporary object returned by a function is destroyed.

V773 The 'm_pPosHelper' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible.