/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "VLegend.hxx"
#include "VButton.hxx"
#include <PropertyMapper.hxx>
#include <ChartModel.hxx>
#include <CommonConverters.hxx>
#include <ObjectIdentifier.hxx>
#include <RelativePositionHelper.hxx>
#include <ShapeFactory.hxx>
#include <RelativeSizeHelper.hxx>
#include <LegendEntryProvider.hxx>
#include <chartview/DrawModelWrapper.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/text/XTextRange.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/WritingMode2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertyState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/TextHorizontalAdjust.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineJoint.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartLegendExpansion.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/LegendPosition.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/RelativePosition.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/RelativeSize.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XFormattedString2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XPivotTableDataProvider.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/PivotTableFieldEntry.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <svl/languageoptions.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
namespace chart
typedef std::pair< ::chart::tNameSequence, ::chart::tAnySequence > tPropertyValues;
double lcl_CalcViewFontSize(
    const Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xProp,
    const awt::Size & rReferenceSize )
    double fResult = 10.0;
    awt::Size aPropRefSize;
    float fFontHeight( 0.0 );
    if( xProp.is() && ( xProp->getPropertyValue( "CharHeight") >>= fFontHeight ))
        fResult = fFontHeight;
            if( (xProp->getPropertyValue( "ReferencePageSize") >>= aPropRefSize) &&
                (aPropRefSize.Height > 0))
                fResult = ::chart::RelativeSizeHelper::calculate( fFontHeight, aPropRefSize, rReferenceSize );
        catch( const uno::Exception & )
    // pt -> 1/100th mm
    return (fResult * (2540.0 / 72.0));
void lcl_getProperties(
    const Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xLegendProp,
    tPropertyValues & rOutLineFillProperties,
    tPropertyValues & rOutTextProperties,
    const awt::Size & rReferenceSize )
    // Get Line- and FillProperties from model legend
    if( xLegendProp.is())
        // set rOutLineFillProperties
        ::chart::tPropertyNameValueMap aLineFillValueMap;
        ::chart::PropertyMapper::getValueMap( aLineFillValueMap, ::chart::PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFillAndLineProperties(), xLegendProp );
        aLineFillValueMap[ "LineJoint" ] <<= drawing::LineJoint_ROUND;
            rOutLineFillProperties.first, rOutLineFillProperties.second, aLineFillValueMap );
        // set rOutTextProperties
        ::chart::tPropertyNameValueMap aTextValueMap;
        ::chart::PropertyMapper::getValueMap( aTextValueMap, ::chart::PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForCharacterProperties(), xLegendProp );
        aTextValueMap[ "TextAutoGrowHeight" ] <<= true;
        aTextValueMap[ "TextAutoGrowWidth" ] <<= true;
        aTextValueMap[ "TextHorizontalAdjust" ] <<= drawing::TextHorizontalAdjust_LEFT;
        aTextValueMap[ "TextMaximumFrameWidth" ] <<= rReferenceSize.Width; //needs to be overwritten by actual available space in the legend
        // recalculate font size
        awt::Size aPropRefSize;
        float fFontHeight( 0.0 );
        if( (xLegendProp->getPropertyValue( "ReferencePageSize") >>= aPropRefSize) &&
            (aPropRefSize.Height > 0) &&
            (aTextValueMap[ "CharHeight" ] >>= fFontHeight) )
            aTextValueMap[ "CharHeight" ] <<=
                static_cast< float >(
                    ::chart::RelativeSizeHelper::calculate( fFontHeight, aPropRefSize, rReferenceSize ));
            if( aTextValueMap[ "CharHeightAsian" ] >>= fFontHeight )
                aTextValueMap[ "CharHeightAsian" ] <<=
                    static_cast< float >(
                        ::chart::RelativeSizeHelper::calculate( fFontHeight, aPropRefSize, rReferenceSize ));
            if( aTextValueMap[ "CharHeightComplex" ] >>= fFontHeight )
                aTextValueMap[ "CharHeightComplex" ] <<=
                    static_cast< float >(
                        ::chart::RelativeSizeHelper::calculate( fFontHeight, aPropRefSize, rReferenceSize ));
            rOutTextProperties.first, rOutTextProperties.second, aTextValueMap );
awt::Size lcl_createTextShapes(
    const std::vector<ViewLegendEntry> & rEntries,
    const Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & xShapeFactory,
    const Reference< drawing::XShapes > & xTarget,
    std::vector< Reference< drawing::XShape > > & rOutTextShapes,
    const tPropertyValues & rTextProperties )
    awt::Size aResult;
    ShapeFactory* pShapeFactory = ShapeFactory::getOrCreateShapeFactory(xShapeFactory);
    for (ViewLegendEntry const & rEntry : rEntries)
            OUString aLabelString;
            Sequence< Reference< XFormattedString2 > > aLabelSeq = rEntry.aLabel;
            for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aLabelSeq.getLength(); ++i )
                // todo: support more than one text range
                if( i == 1 )
                aLabelString = aLabelString + aLabelSeq[i]->getString();
                // workaround for Issue #i67540#
                if( aLabelString.isEmpty())
                    aLabelString = " ";
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xEntry =
                pShapeFactory->createText( xTarget, aLabelString,
                        rTextProperties.first, rTextProperties.second, uno::Any() );
            // adapt max-extent
            awt::Size aCurrSize( xEntry->getSize());
            aResult.Width  = std::max( aResult.Width,  aCurrSize.Width  );
            aResult.Height = std::max( aResult.Height, aCurrSize.Height );
            rOutTextShapes.push_back( xEntry );
        catch( const uno::Exception & )
    return aResult;
void lcl_collectColumnWidths( std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rColumnWidths, const sal_Int32 nNumberOfRows, const sal_Int32 nNumberOfColumns,
                              const std::vector< Reference< drawing::XShape > >& rTextShapes, sal_Int32 nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth )
    sal_Int32 nNumberOfEntries = rTextShapes.size();
    for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nNumberOfRows; ++nRow )
        for (sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nNumberOfColumns; ++nColumn )
            sal_Int32 nEntry = (nColumn + nRow * nNumberOfColumns);
            if( nEntry < nNumberOfEntries )
                awt::Size aTextSize( rTextShapes[ nEntry ]->getSize() );
                sal_Int32 nWidth = nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth + aTextSize.Width;
                if( nRow==0 )
                    rColumnWidths.push_back( nWidth );
                    rColumnWidths[nColumn] = std::max( nWidth, rColumnWidths[nColumn] );
void lcl_collectRowHeighs( std::vector< sal_Int32 >& rRowHeights, const sal_Int32 nNumberOfRows, const sal_Int32 nNumberOfColumns,
                           const std::vector< Reference< drawing::XShape > >& rTextShapes )
    // calculate maximum height for each row
    // and collect column widths
    sal_Int32 nNumberOfEntries = rTextShapes.size();
    for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nNumberOfRows; ++nRow)
        sal_Int32 nCurrentRowHeight = 0;
        for (sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nNumberOfColumns; ++nColumn)
            sal_Int32 nEntry = (nColumn + nRow * nNumberOfColumns);
            if( nEntry < nNumberOfEntries )
                awt::Size aTextSize( rTextShapes[ nEntry ]->getSize() );
                nCurrentRowHeight = std::max( nCurrentRowHeight, aTextSize.Height );
        rRowHeights.push_back( nCurrentRowHeight );
sal_Int32 lcl_getTextLineHeight( const std::vector< sal_Int32 >& aRowHeights, const sal_Int32 nNumberOfRows, double fViewFontSize )
    const sal_Int32 nFontHeight = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fViewFontSize );
    if (!nFontHeight)
        return 0;
    sal_Int32 nTextLineHeight = nFontHeight;
    for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nNumberOfRows; ++nRow)
        sal_Int32 nFullTextHeight = aRowHeights[nRow];
        if( ( nFullTextHeight / nFontHeight ) <= 1 )
            nTextLineHeight = nFullTextHeight;//found an entry with one line-> have real text height
    return nTextLineHeight;
//returns resulting legend size
awt::Size lcl_placeLegendEntries(
    std::vector<ViewLegendEntry> & rEntries,
    css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion eExpansion,
    bool bSymbolsLeftSide,
    double fViewFontSize,
    const awt::Size& rMaxSymbolExtent,
    tPropertyValues & rTextProperties,
    const Reference< drawing::XShapes > & xTarget,
    const Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & xShapeFactory,
    const awt::Size& rRemainingSpace,
    sal_Int32 nYStartPosition,
    const awt::Size& rPageSize,
    bool bIsPivotChart)
    bool bIsCustomSize = (eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_CUSTOM);
    awt::Size aResultingLegendSize(0,0);
    // For Pivot charts set the *minimum* legend size as a function of page size.
    if ( bIsPivotChart )
        aResultingLegendSize = awt::Size((rPageSize.Width * 13) / 80, (rPageSize.Height * 31) / 90);
    if( bIsCustomSize )
        aResultingLegendSize = awt::Size(rRemainingSpace.Width, rRemainingSpace.Height + nYStartPosition);
    // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
    sal_Int32 nXPadding = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( std::max( 100.0, fViewFontSize * 0.33 ) );
    sal_Int32 nXOffset  = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( std::max( 100.0, fViewFontSize * 0.66 ) );
    sal_Int32 nYPadding = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( std::max( 100.0, fViewFontSize * 0.2 ) );
    sal_Int32 nYOffset  = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( std::max( 100.0, fViewFontSize * 0.2 ) );
    const sal_Int32 nSymbolToTextDistance = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( std::max( 100.0, fViewFontSize * 0.22 ) );//minimum 1mm
    const sal_Int32 nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth = rMaxSymbolExtent.Width + nSymbolToTextDistance;
    sal_Int32 nMaxTextWidth = rRemainingSpace.Width - (2 * nXPadding) - nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth;
    uno::Any* pFrameWidthAny = PropertyMapper::getValuePointer( rTextProperties.second, rTextProperties.first, "TextMaximumFrameWidth");
        if( eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_HIGH )
            // limit the width of texts to 30% of the total available width
            // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
            nMaxTextWidth = rRemainingSpace.Width * 3 / 10;
        *pFrameWidthAny <<= nMaxTextWidth;
    std::vector< Reference< drawing::XShape > > aTextShapes;
    awt::Size aMaxEntryExtent = lcl_createTextShapes( rEntries, xShapeFactory, xTarget, aTextShapes, rTextProperties );
    OSL_ASSERT( aTextShapes.size() == rEntries.size());
    sal_Int32 nMaxEntryWidth = nXOffset + nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth + aMaxEntryExtent.Width;
    sal_Int32 nMaxEntryHeight = nYOffset + aMaxEntryExtent.Height;
    sal_Int32 nNumberOfEntries = rEntries.size();
    sal_Int32 nNumberOfColumns = 0, nNumberOfRows = 0;
    std::vector< sal_Int32 > aColumnWidths;
    std::vector< sal_Int32 > aRowHeights;
    sal_Int32 nTextLineHeight = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fViewFontSize );
    // determine layout depending on LegendExpansion
    if( eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_CUSTOM )
        sal_Int32 nCurrentRow=0;
        sal_Int32 nCurrentColumn=-1;
        sal_Int32 nMaxColumnCount=-1;
        for( sal_Int32 nN=0; nN<static_cast<sal_Int32>(aTextShapes.size()); nN++ )
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape( aTextShapes[nN] );
            if( !xShape.is() )
            awt::Size aSize( xShape->getSize() );
            sal_Int32 nNewWidth = aSize.Width + nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth;
            sal_Int32 nCurrentColumnCount = aColumnWidths.size();
            //are we allowed to add a new column?
            if( nMaxColumnCount==-1 || (nCurrentColumn+1) < nMaxColumnCount )
                //try add a new column
                if( nCurrentColumn < nCurrentColumnCount )
                    //check whether the current column width is sufficient for the new entry
                    if( aColumnWidths[nCurrentColumn]>=nNewWidth )
                        //all good proceed with next entry
                if( nCurrentColumn < nCurrentColumnCount )
                    aColumnWidths[nCurrentColumn] = std::max( nNewWidth, aColumnWidths[nCurrentColumn] );
                //do the columns still fit into the given size?
                nCurrentColumnCount = aColumnWidths.size();//update count
                sal_Int32 nSumWidth = 0;
                for (sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nCurrentColumnCount; nColumn++)
                    nSumWidth += aColumnWidths[nColumn];
                if( nSumWidth <= rRemainingSpace.Width || nCurrentColumnCount==1 )
                    //all good proceed with next entry
                    //not enough space for the current amount of columns
                    //try again with less columns
                    nMaxColumnCount = nCurrentColumnCount-1;
                //add a new row and try the same entry again
        nNumberOfColumns = aColumnWidths.size();
        nNumberOfRows = nCurrentRow+1;
        //check if there is not enough space so that some entries must be removed
        lcl_collectRowHeighs( aRowHeights, nNumberOfRows, nNumberOfColumns, aTextShapes );
        nTextLineHeight = lcl_getTextLineHeight( aRowHeights, nNumberOfRows, fViewFontSize );
        sal_Int32 nSumHeight = 0;
        for (sal_Int32 nRow=0; nRow < nNumberOfRows; nRow++)
            nSumHeight += aRowHeights[nRow];
        sal_Int32 nRemainingSpace = rRemainingSpace.Height - nSumHeight;
        if( nRemainingSpace < -100 ) // 1mm tolerance for OOXML interop tdf#90404
            //remove entries that are too big
            for (sal_Int32 nRow = nNumberOfRows; nRow--; )
                for (sal_Int32 nColumn = nNumberOfColumns; nColumn--; )
                    sal_Int32 nEntry = (nColumn + nRow * nNumberOfColumns);
                    if( nEntry < static_cast<sal_Int32>(aTextShapes.size()) )
                        DrawModelWrapper::removeShape( aTextShapes[nEntry] );
                    if( nEntry < nNumberOfEntries )
                        DrawModelWrapper::removeShape( rEntries[ nEntry ].aSymbol );
                nSumHeight -= aRowHeights[nRow];
                nRemainingSpace = rRemainingSpace.Height - nSumHeight;
                if( nRemainingSpace>=0 )
            nNumberOfRows = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aRowHeights.size());
        if( nRemainingSpace >= -100 ) // 1mm tolerance for OOXML interop tdf#90404
            sal_Int32 nNormalSpacingHeight = 2*nYPadding+(nNumberOfRows-1)*nYOffset;
            if( nRemainingSpace < nNormalSpacingHeight )
                //reduce spacing between the entries
                nYPadding = nYOffset = nRemainingSpace/(nNumberOfRows+1);
                //we have some space left that should be spread equally between all rows
                sal_Int32 nRemainingSingleSpace = (nRemainingSpace-nNormalSpacingHeight)/(nNumberOfRows+1);
                nYPadding += nRemainingSingleSpace;
                nYOffset += nRemainingSingleSpace;
        //check spacing between columns
        sal_Int32 nSumWidth = 0;
        for (sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nNumberOfColumns; nColumn++)
            nSumWidth += aColumnWidths[nColumn];
        nRemainingSpace = rRemainingSpace.Width - nSumWidth;
        if( nRemainingSpace>=0 )
            sal_Int32 nNormalSpacingWidth = 2*nXPadding+(nNumberOfColumns-1)*nXOffset;
            if( nRemainingSpace < nNormalSpacingWidth )
                //reduce spacing between the entries
                nXPadding = nXOffset = nRemainingSpace/(nNumberOfColumns+1);
                //we have some space left that should be spread equally between all columns
                sal_Int32 nRemainingSingleSpace = (nRemainingSpace-nNormalSpacingWidth)/(nNumberOfColumns+1);
                nXPadding += nRemainingSingleSpace;
                nXOffset += nRemainingSingleSpace;
    else if( eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_HIGH )
        sal_Int32 nMaxNumberOfRows = nMaxEntryHeight
            ? (rRemainingSpace.Height - 2*nYPadding ) / nMaxEntryHeight
            : 0;
        nNumberOfColumns = nMaxNumberOfRows
            ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
                ceil( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) /
                      static_cast< double >( nMaxNumberOfRows ) ))
            : 0;
        nNumberOfRows =  nNumberOfColumns
            ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
                ceil( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) /
                      static_cast< double >( nNumberOfColumns ) ))
            : 0;
    else if( eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_WIDE )
        sal_Int32 nMaxNumberOfColumns = nMaxEntryWidth
            ? (rRemainingSpace.Width - 2*nXPadding ) / nMaxEntryWidth
            : 0;
        nNumberOfRows = nMaxNumberOfColumns
            ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
                ceil( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) /
                      static_cast< double >( nMaxNumberOfColumns ) ))
            : 0;
        nNumberOfColumns = nNumberOfRows
            ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
                ceil( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) /
                      static_cast< double >( nNumberOfRows ) ))
            : 0;
    else // css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_BALANCED
        double fAspect = nMaxEntryHeight
            ? static_cast< double >( nMaxEntryWidth ) / static_cast< double >( nMaxEntryHeight )
            : 0.0;
        nNumberOfRows = static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
            ceil( sqrt( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) * fAspect )));
        nNumberOfColumns = nNumberOfRows
            ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >(
                ceil( static_cast< double >( nNumberOfEntries ) /
                      static_cast< double >( nNumberOfRows ) ))
            : 0;
        return aResultingLegendSize;
    if( eExpansion != css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_CUSTOM )
        lcl_collectColumnWidths( aColumnWidths, nNumberOfRows, nNumberOfColumns, aTextShapes, nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth );
        lcl_collectRowHeighs( aRowHeights, nNumberOfRows, nNumberOfColumns, aTextShapes );
        nTextLineHeight = lcl_getTextLineHeight( aRowHeights, nNumberOfRows, fViewFontSize );
    sal_Int32 nCurrentXPos = bSymbolsLeftSide ? nXPadding : -nXPadding;
    // place entries into column and rows
    sal_Int32 nMaxYPos = 0;
    for (sal_Int32 nColumn = 0; nColumn < nNumberOfColumns; ++nColumn)
        sal_Int32 nCurrentYPos = nYPadding + nYStartPosition;
        for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nNumberOfRows; ++nRow)
            sal_Int32 nEntry = (nColumn + nRow * nNumberOfColumns);
            if( nEntry >= nNumberOfEntries )
            // text shape
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xTextShape( aTextShapes[nEntry] );
            if( xTextShape.is() )
                awt::Size aTextSize( xTextShape->getSize() );
                sal_Int32 nTextXPos = nCurrentXPos + nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth;
                if( !bSymbolsLeftSide )
                    nTextXPos = nCurrentXPos - nSymbolPlusDistanceWidth - aTextSize.Width;
                xTextShape->setPosition( awt::Point( nTextXPos, nCurrentYPos ));
            // symbol
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xSymbol( rEntries[ nEntry ].aSymbol );
            if( xSymbol.is() )
                awt::Size aSymbolSize( rMaxSymbolExtent );
                sal_Int32 nSymbolXPos = nCurrentXPos;
                if( !bSymbolsLeftSide )
                    nSymbolXPos = nCurrentXPos - rMaxSymbolExtent.Width;
                sal_Int32 nSymbolYPos = nCurrentYPos + ( ( nTextLineHeight - aSymbolSize.Height ) / 2 );
                xSymbol->setPosition( awt::Point( nSymbolXPos, nSymbolYPos ) );
            nCurrentYPos += aRowHeights[ nRow ];
            if( nRow+1 < nNumberOfRows )
                nCurrentYPos += nYOffset;
            nMaxYPos = std::max( nMaxYPos, nCurrentYPos );
        if( bSymbolsLeftSide )
            nCurrentXPos += aColumnWidths[nColumn];
            if( nColumn+1 < nNumberOfColumns )
                nCurrentXPos += nXOffset;
            nCurrentXPos -= aColumnWidths[nColumn];
            if( nColumn+1 < nNumberOfColumns )
                nCurrentXPos -= nXOffset;
    if( !bIsCustomSize )
        if( bSymbolsLeftSide )
            aResultingLegendSize.Width  = std::max( aResultingLegendSize.Width, nCurrentXPos + nXPadding );
            sal_Int32 nLegendWidth = -(nCurrentXPos-nXPadding);
            aResultingLegendSize.Width  = std::max( aResultingLegendSize.Width, nLegendWidth );
        aResultingLegendSize.Height = std::max( aResultingLegendSize.Height, nMaxYPos + nYPadding );
    if( !bSymbolsLeftSide )
        sal_Int32 nLegendWidth = aResultingLegendSize.Width;
        awt::Point aPos(0,0);
        for( sal_Int32 nEntry=0; nEntry<nNumberOfEntries; nEntry++ )
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xSymbol( rEntries[ nEntry ].aSymbol );
            aPos = xSymbol->getPosition();
            aPos.X += nLegendWidth;
            xSymbol->setPosition( aPos );
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xText( aTextShapes[ nEntry ] );
            aPos = xText->getPosition();
            aPos.X += nLegendWidth;
            xText->setPosition( aPos );
    return aResultingLegendSize;
// #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
inline sal_Int32 lcl_getLegendLeftRightMargin()
    return 210;  // 1/100 mm
// #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
inline sal_Int32 lcl_getLegendTopBottomMargin()
    return 185;  // 1/100 mm
chart2::RelativePosition lcl_getDefaultPosition( LegendPosition ePos, const awt::Rectangle& rOutAvailableSpace, const awt::Size & rPageSize )
    chart2::RelativePosition aResult;
    switch( ePos )
        case LegendPosition_LINE_START:
                // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
                const double fDefaultDistance = ( static_cast< double >( lcl_getLegendLeftRightMargin() ) /
                    static_cast< double >( rPageSize.Width ) );
                aResult = chart2::RelativePosition(
                    fDefaultDistance, 0.5, drawing::Alignment_LEFT );
        case LegendPosition_LINE_END:
                // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
                const double fDefaultDistance = ( static_cast< double >( lcl_getLegendLeftRightMargin() ) /
                    static_cast< double >( rPageSize.Width ) );
                aResult = chart2::RelativePosition(
                    1.0 - fDefaultDistance, 0.5, drawing::Alignment_RIGHT );
        case LegendPosition_PAGE_START:
                // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
                const double fDefaultDistance = ( static_cast< double >( lcl_getLegendTopBottomMargin() ) /
                    static_cast< double >( rPageSize.Height ) );
                double fDistance = (static_cast<double>(rOutAvailableSpace.Y)/static_cast<double>(rPageSize.Height)) + fDefaultDistance;
                aResult = chart2::RelativePosition(
                    0.5, fDistance, drawing::Alignment_TOP );
        case LegendPosition_PAGE_END:
                // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
                const double fDefaultDistance = ( static_cast< double >( lcl_getLegendTopBottomMargin() ) /
                    static_cast< double >( rPageSize.Height ) );
                double fDistance = double(rPageSize.Height - (rOutAvailableSpace.Y + rOutAvailableSpace.Height));
                fDistance += fDefaultDistance;
                fDistance /= double(rPageSize.Height);
                aResult = chart2::RelativePosition(
                    0.5, 1.0 - fDistance, drawing::Alignment_BOTTOM );
        case LegendPosition_CUSTOM:
            // to avoid warning
        case LegendPosition::LegendPosition_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE:
            // nothing to be set
    return aResult;
/**  @return
         a point relative to the upper left corner that can be used for
awt::Point lcl_calculatePositionAndRemainingSpace(
    awt::Rectangle & rRemainingSpace,
    const awt::Size & rPageSize,
    const chart2::RelativePosition& rRelPos,
    LegendPosition ePos,
    const awt::Size& aLegendSize )
    // calculate position
    awt::Point aResult(
        static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rRelPos.Primary * rPageSize.Width ),
        static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rRelPos.Secondary * rPageSize.Height ));
    aResult = RelativePositionHelper::getUpperLeftCornerOfAnchoredObject(
        aResult, aLegendSize, rRelPos.Anchor );
    // adapt rRemainingSpace if LegendPosition is not CUSTOM
    // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
    sal_Int32 nXDistance = lcl_getLegendLeftRightMargin();
    sal_Int32 nYDistance = lcl_getLegendTopBottomMargin();
    switch( ePos )
        case LegendPosition_LINE_START:
                sal_Int32 nExtent = aLegendSize.Width;
                rRemainingSpace.Width -= ( nExtent + nXDistance );
                rRemainingSpace.X += ( nExtent + nXDistance );
        case LegendPosition_LINE_END:
                rRemainingSpace.Width -= ( aLegendSize.Width + nXDistance );
        case LegendPosition_PAGE_START:
                sal_Int32 nExtent = aLegendSize.Height;
                rRemainingSpace.Height -= ( nExtent + nYDistance );
                rRemainingSpace.Y += ( nExtent + nYDistance );
        case LegendPosition_PAGE_END:
                rRemainingSpace.Height -= ( aLegendSize.Height + nYDistance );
            // nothing
    // adjust the legend position. Esp. for old files that had slightly smaller legends
    const sal_Int32 nEdgeDistance( 30 );
    if( aResult.X + aLegendSize.Width > rPageSize.Width )
        sal_Int32 nNewX( (rPageSize.Width - aLegendSize.Width) - nEdgeDistance );
        if( nNewX > rPageSize.Width / 4 )
            aResult.X = nNewX;
    if( aResult.Y + aLegendSize.Height > rPageSize.Height )
        sal_Int32 nNewY( (rPageSize.Height - aLegendSize.Height) - nEdgeDistance );
        if( nNewY > rPageSize.Height / 4 )
            aResult.Y = nNewY;
    return aResult;
bool lcl_shouldSymbolsBePlacedOnTheLeftSide( const Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xLegendProp, sal_Int16 nDefaultWritingMode )
    bool bSymbolsLeftSide = true;
        if( SvtLanguageOptions().IsCTLFontEnabled() )
                sal_Int16 nWritingMode=-1;
                if( xLegendProp->getPropertyValue( "WritingMode" ) >>= nWritingMode )
                    if( nWritingMode == text::WritingMode2::PAGE )
                        nWritingMode = nDefaultWritingMode;
                    if( nWritingMode == text::WritingMode2::RL_TB )
    catch( const uno::Exception & )
    return bSymbolsLeftSide;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VButton>> lcl_createButtons(
                       uno::Reference<drawing::XShapes> const & xLegendContainer,
                       uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> const & xShapeFactory,
                       ChartModel& rModel, bool bPlaceButtonsVertically, long & nUsedHeight)
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VButton>> aButtons;
    uno::Reference<chart2::data::XPivotTableDataProvider> xPivotTableDataProvider(rModel.getDataProvider(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
    if (!xPivotTableDataProvider.is())
        return aButtons;
    if (!xPivotTableDataProvider->getColumnFields().hasElements())
        return aButtons;
    awt::Size aSize(2000, 700);
    int x = 100;
    int y = 100;
    for (chart2::data::PivotTableFieldEntry const & sColumnFieldEntry : xPivotTableDataProvider->getColumnFields())
        std::shared_ptr<VButton> pButton(new VButton);
        pButton->init(xLegendContainer, xShapeFactory);
        awt::Point aNewPosition = awt::Point(x, y);
        pButton->setCID("FieldButton.Column." + OUString::number(sColumnFieldEntry.DimensionIndex));
        if (sColumnFieldEntry.Name == "Data")
        if (sColumnFieldEntry.HasHiddenMembers)
        if (bPlaceButtonsVertically)
            y += aSize.Height + 100;
            x += aSize.Width + 100;
    if (bPlaceButtonsVertically)
        nUsedHeight += y + 100;
        nUsedHeight += aSize.Height + 100;
    return aButtons;
} // anonymous namespace
    const Reference< XLegend > & xLegend,
    const Reference< uno::XComponentContext > & xContext,
    const std::vector< LegendEntryProvider* >& rLegendEntryProviderList,
    const Reference< drawing::XShapes >& xTargetPage,
    const Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory,
    ChartModel& rModel )
        : m_xTarget(xTargetPage)
        , m_xShapeFactory(xFactory)
        , m_xLegend(xLegend)
        , mrModel(rModel)
        , m_xContext(xContext)
        , m_aLegendEntryProviderList(rLegendEntryProviderList)
        , m_nDefaultWritingMode(text::WritingMode2::LR_TB)
void VLegend::setDefaultWritingMode( sal_Int16 nDefaultWritingMode )
    m_nDefaultWritingMode = nDefaultWritingMode;
bool VLegend::isVisible( const Reference< XLegend > & xLegend )
    if( ! xLegend.is())
        return false;
    bool bShow = false;
        Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xLegendProp( xLegend, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        xLegendProp->getPropertyValue( "Show") >>= bShow;
    catch( const uno::Exception & )
    return bShow;
void VLegend::createShapes(
    const awt::Size & rAvailableSpace,
    const awt::Size & rPageSize )
    if(! (m_xLegend.is() &&
          m_xShapeFactory.is() &&
        //create shape and add to page
        ShapeFactory* pShapeFactory = ShapeFactory::getOrCreateShapeFactory(m_xShapeFactory);
        OUString aLegendParticle( ObjectIdentifier::createParticleForLegend( mrModel ) );
        m_xShape.set( pShapeFactory->createGroup2D( m_xTarget,
                    ObjectIdentifier::createClassifiedIdentifierForParticle( aLegendParticle )),
        // create and insert sub-shapes
        Reference< drawing::XShapes > xLegendContainer( m_xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY );
        if( xLegendContainer.is())
            // for quickly setting properties
            tPropertyValues aLineFillProperties;
            tPropertyValues aTextProperties;
            Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xLegendProp( m_xLegend, uno::UNO_QUERY );
            css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion eExpansion = css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_HIGH;
            awt::Size aLegendSize( rAvailableSpace );
            bool bCustom = false;
            LegendPosition eLegendPosition = LegendPosition_CUSTOM;
            if (xLegendProp.is())
                // get Expansion property
                xLegendProp->getPropertyValue("Expansion") >>= eExpansion;
                if( eExpansion == css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_CUSTOM )
                    RelativeSize aRelativeSize;
                    if (xLegendProp->getPropertyValue("RelativeSize") >>= aRelativeSize)
                        aLegendSize.Width = static_cast<sal_Int32>(::rtl::math::approxCeil( aRelativeSize.Primary * rPageSize.Width ));
                        aLegendSize.Height = static_cast<sal_Int32>(::rtl::math::approxCeil( aRelativeSize.Secondary * rPageSize.Height ));
                        bCustom = true;
                        eExpansion = css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_HIGH;
                xLegendProp->getPropertyValue("AnchorPosition") >>= eLegendPosition;
                lcl_getProperties( xLegendProp, aLineFillProperties, aTextProperties, rPageSize );
            // create entries
            double fViewFontSize = lcl_CalcViewFontSize( xLegendProp, rPageSize );//todo
            // #i109336# Improve auto positioning in chart
            sal_Int32 nSymbolHeight = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( fViewFontSize * 0.6  );
            sal_Int32 nSymbolWidth = nSymbolHeight;
            for (LegendEntryProvider* pLegendEntryProvider : m_aLegendEntryProviderList)
                if (pLegendEntryProvider)
                    awt::Size aCurrentRatio = pLegendEntryProvider->getPreferredLegendKeyAspectRatio();
                    sal_Int32 nCurrentWidth = aCurrentRatio.Width;
                    if( aCurrentRatio.Height > 0 )
                        nCurrentWidth = nSymbolHeight* aCurrentRatio.Width/aCurrentRatio.Height;
                    nSymbolWidth = std::max( nSymbolWidth, nCurrentWidth );
            awt::Size aMaxSymbolExtent( nSymbolWidth, nSymbolHeight );
            std::vector<ViewLegendEntry> aViewEntries;
            for(LegendEntryProvider* pLegendEntryProvider : m_aLegendEntryProviderList)
                if (pLegendEntryProvider)
                    std::vector<ViewLegendEntry> aNewEntries = pLegendEntryProvider->createLegendEntries(
                                                                    aMaxSymbolExtent, eExpansion, xLegendProp,
                                                                    xLegendContainer, m_xShapeFactory, m_xContext);
                    aViewEntries.insert( aViewEntries.end(), aNewEntries.begin(), aNewEntries.end() );
            bool bSymbolsLeftSide = lcl_shouldSymbolsBePlacedOnTheLeftSide( xLegendProp, m_nDefaultWritingMode );
            uno::Reference<chart2::data::XPivotTableDataProvider> xPivotTableDataProvider( mrModel.getDataProvider(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
            bool bIsPivotChart = xPivotTableDataProvider.is();
            if ( !aViewEntries.empty() || bIsPivotChart )
                // create buttons
                long nUsedButtonHeight = 0;
                bool bPlaceButtonsVertically = (eLegendPosition != LegendPosition_PAGE_START &&
                                                eLegendPosition != LegendPosition_PAGE_END &&
                                                eExpansion != css::chart::ChartLegendExpansion_WIDE);
                std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VButton>> aButtons;
                aButtons = lcl_createButtons(xLegendContainer, m_xShapeFactory, mrModel, bPlaceButtonsVertically, nUsedButtonHeight);
                // A custom size includes the size we used for buttons already, so we need to
                // subtract that from the size that is available for the legend
                if (bCustom)
                    aLegendSize.Height -= nUsedButtonHeight;
                // place the legend entries
                aLegendSize = lcl_placeLegendEntries(aViewEntries, eExpansion, bSymbolsLeftSide, fViewFontSize,
                                                     aMaxSymbolExtent, aTextProperties, xLegendContainer,
                                                     m_xShapeFactory, aLegendSize, nUsedButtonHeight, rPageSize, bIsPivotChart);
                uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xModelPage(mrModel.getPageBackground());
                for (std::shared_ptr<VButton> const & pButton : aButtons)
                    // adjust the width of the buttons if we place them vertically
                    if (bPlaceButtonsVertically)
                        pButton->setSize({aLegendSize.Width - 200, pButton->getSize().Height});
                    // create the buttons
            Reference< drawing::XShape > xBorder =
                pShapeFactory->createRectangle( xLegendContainer,
                        aLineFillProperties.second, ShapeFactory::Bottom );
            //because of this name this border will be used for marking the legend
            ShapeFactory::setShapeName( xBorder, "MarkHandles" );
    catch( const uno::Exception & )
        DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2" );
void VLegend::changePosition(
    awt::Rectangle & rOutAvailableSpace,
    const awt::Size & rPageSize )
    if(! m_xShape.is())
        // determine position and alignment depending on default position
        awt::Size aLegendSize = m_xShape->getSize();
        Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xLegendProp( m_xLegend, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        chart2::RelativePosition aRelativePosition;
        bool bAutoPosition =
            ! (xLegendProp->getPropertyValue( "RelativePosition") >>= aRelativePosition);
        LegendPosition ePos = LegendPosition_CUSTOM;
        xLegendProp->getPropertyValue( "AnchorPosition") >>= ePos;
        //calculate position
        if( bAutoPosition )
            // auto position: relative to remaining space
            aRelativePosition = lcl_getDefaultPosition( ePos, rOutAvailableSpace, rPageSize );
            awt::Point aPos = lcl_calculatePositionAndRemainingSpace(
                rOutAvailableSpace, rPageSize, aRelativePosition, ePos, aLegendSize );
            m_xShape->setPosition( aPos );
            // manual position: relative to whole page
            awt::Rectangle aAvailableSpace( 0, 0, rPageSize.Width, rPageSize.Height );
            awt::Point aPos = lcl_calculatePositionAndRemainingSpace(
                aAvailableSpace, rPageSize, aRelativePosition, ePos, aLegendSize );
            m_xShape->setPosition( aPos );
            if( ePos != LegendPosition_CUSTOM )
                // calculate remaining space as if having autoposition:
                aRelativePosition = lcl_getDefaultPosition( ePos, rOutAvailableSpace, rPageSize );
                    rOutAvailableSpace, rPageSize, aRelativePosition, ePos, aLegendSize );
    catch( const uno::Exception & )
        DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chart2" );
} //namespace chart
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V1019 Compound assignment expression is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression is used inside condition.