/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <svx/svdetc.hxx>
#include <svx/svditer.hxx>
#include <svx/svdoole2.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
#include <svl/ptitem.hxx>
#include <svl/urlbmk.hxx>
#include <comphelper/classids.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#include <sot/storage.hxx>
#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <sot/exchange.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <sfx2/lokhelper.hxx>
#include <attrib.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <viewfunc.hxx>
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <docfunc.hxx>
#include <undoblk.hxx>
#include <refundo.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <global.hxx>
#include <transobj.hxx>
#include <drwtrans.hxx>
#include <rangenam.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <impex.hxx>
#include <chgtrack.hxx>
#include <waitoff.hxx>
#include <scmod.hxx>
#include <sc.hrc>
#include <inputopt.hxx>
#include <warnbox.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <editable.hxx>
#include <docuno.hxx>
#include <clipparam.hxx>
#include <undodat.hxx>
#include <drawview.hxx>
#include <cliputil.hxx>
#include <clipoptions.hxx>
#include <gridwin.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloneable.hpp>
using namespace com::sun::star;
//  GlobalName of writer-DocShell from comphelper/classids.hxx
//      C U T
void ScViewFunc::CutToClip()
    ScEditableTester aTester( this );
    if (!aTester.IsEditable())                  // selection editable?
        ErrorMessage( aTester.GetMessageId() );
    ScRange aRange;                             // delete this range
    if ( GetViewData().GetSimpleArea( aRange ) == SC_MARK_SIMPLE )
        ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
        ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
        const bool bRecord(pDoc->IsUndoEnabled());                  // Undo/Redo
        ScDocShellModificator aModificator( *pDocSh );
        if ( !rMark.IsMarked() && !rMark.IsMultiMarked() )          // mark the range if not marked yet
            rMark.SetMarkArea( aRange );
        CopyToClip( nullptr, true, false, true/*bIncludeObjects*/ );           // copy to clipboard
        ScAddress aOldEnd( aRange.aEnd );       //  combined cells in this range?
        pDoc->ExtendMerge( aRange, true );
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
        if ( bRecord )
            pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
            pUndoDoc->InitUndoSelected( pDoc, rMark );
            // all sheets - CopyToDocument skips those that don't exist in pUndoDoc
            ScRange aCopyRange = aRange;
            pDoc->CopyToDocument( aCopyRange, (InsertDeleteFlags::ALL & ~InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS) | InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS, false, *pUndoDoc );
        sal_uInt16 nExtFlags = 0;
        pDocSh->UpdatePaintExt( nExtFlags, aRange );
        pDoc->DeleteSelection( InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, rMark );
        pDoc->DeleteObjectsInSelection( rMark );
        if ( !AdjustRowHeight( aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() ) )
            pDocSh->PostPaint( aRange, PaintPartFlags::Grid, nExtFlags );
        if ( bRecord )                          // Draw-Undo now available
                new ScUndoCut( pDocSh, aRange, aOldEnd, rMark, std::move(pUndoDoc) ) );
        ErrorMessage( STR_NOMULTISELECT );
//      C O P Y
bool ScViewFunc::CopyToClip( ScDocument* pClipDoc, bool bCut, bool bApi, bool bIncludeObjects, bool bStopEdit )
    ScRange aRange;
    ScMarkType eMarkType = GetViewData().GetSimpleArea( aRange );
    ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    bool bDone = false;
    if ( eMarkType == SC_MARK_SIMPLE || eMarkType == SC_MARK_SIMPLE_FILTERED )
       ScRangeList aRangeList( aRange );
       bDone = CopyToClip( pClipDoc, aRangeList, bCut, bApi, bIncludeObjects, bStopEdit );
    else if (eMarkType == SC_MARK_MULTI)
        ScRangeList aRangeList;
        rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks(&aRangeList, false);
        bDone = CopyToClip( pClipDoc, aRangeList, bCut, bApi, bIncludeObjects, bStopEdit );
        if (!bApi)
    return bDone;
// Copy the content of the Range into clipboard.
bool ScViewFunc::CopyToClip( ScDocument* pClipDoc, const ScRangeList& rRanges, bool bCut, bool bApi, bool bIncludeObjects, bool bStopEdit )
    if ( rRanges.empty() )
        return false;
    if ( bStopEdit )
    bool bDone;
    if (rRanges.size() > 1) // isMultiRange
        bDone = CopyToClipMultiRange(pClipDoc, rRanges, bCut, bApi, bIncludeObjects);
        bDone = CopyToClipSingleRange(pClipDoc, rRanges, bCut, bIncludeObjects);
    return bDone;
bool ScViewFunc::CopyToClipSingleRange( ScDocument* pClipDoc, const ScRangeList& rRanges, bool bCut, bool bIncludeObjects )
    ScRange aRange = rRanges[0];
    ScClipParam aClipParam( aRange, bCut );
    aClipParam.maRanges = rRanges;
    ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
    ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    if ( !pDoc
        || pDoc->HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment( aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), rMark ) )
        return false;
    bool bSysClip = false;
    if ( !pClipDoc )                                    // no clip doc specified
        // Create one (deleted by ScTransferObj).
        pClipDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP );
        bSysClip = true;                                // and copy into system
    if ( !bCut )
        ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
        if ( pChangeTrack )
    if ( bSysClip && bIncludeObjects )
        bool bAnyOle = pDoc->HasOLEObjectsInArea( aRange );
        // Update ScGlobal::xDrawClipDocShellRef.
        ScDrawLayer::SetGlobalDrawPersist( ScTransferObj::SetDrawClipDoc( bAnyOle ) );
    // is this necessary?, will setting the doc id upset the
    // following paste operation with range? would be nicer to just set this always
    // and lose the 'if' above
    aClipParam.setSourceDocID( pDoc->GetDocumentID() );
    if (SfxObjectShell* pObjectShell = pDoc->GetDocumentShell())
        // Copy document properties from pObjectShell to pClipDoc (to its clip options, as it has no object shell).
        uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xDocumentPropertiesSupplier(pObjectShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
        uno::Reference<util::XCloneable> xCloneable(xDocumentPropertiesSupplier->getDocumentProperties(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
        std::unique_ptr<ScClipOptions> pOptions(new ScClipOptions);
        pOptions->m_xDocumentProperties.set(xCloneable->createClone(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
    pDoc->CopyToClip( aClipParam, pClipDoc, &rMark, false, bIncludeObjects );
    if ( pDoc && pClipDoc )
        ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = pClipDoc->GetDrawLayer();
        if ( pDrawLayer )
            ScClipParam& rClipDocClipParam = pClipDoc->GetClipParam();
            ScRangeListVector& rRangesVector = rClipDocClipParam.maProtectedChartRangesVector;
            SCTAB nTabCount = pClipDoc->GetTableCount();
            for ( SCTAB nTab = 0; nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab )
                SdrPage* pPage = pDrawLayer->GetPage( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nTab ) );
                if ( pPage )
                    ScChartHelper::FillProtectedChartRangesVector( rRangesVector, pDoc, pPage );
    if ( bSysClip )
        ScGlobal::SetClipDocName( pDoc->GetDocumentShell()->GetTitle( SFX_TITLE_FULLNAME ) );
    pClipDoc->ExtendMerge( aRange, true );
    if ( bSysClip )
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
        TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc;
        pDocSh->FillTransferableObjectDescriptor( aObjDesc );
        aObjDesc.maDisplayName = pDocSh->GetMedium()->GetURLObject().GetURLNoPass();
        // maSize is set in ScTransferObj ctor
        ScTransferObj* pTransferObj = new ScTransferObj( ScDocumentUniquePtr(pClipDoc), aObjDesc );
        uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable2> xTransferObj = pTransferObj;
        if ( ScGlobal::xDrawClipDocShellRef.is() )
            SfxObjectShellRef aPersistRef( ScGlobal::xDrawClipDocShellRef.get() );
            pTransferObj->SetDrawPersist( aPersistRef );// keep persist for ole objects alive
        pTransferObj->CopyToClipboard( GetActiveWin() );
    return true;
bool ScViewFunc::CopyToClipMultiRange( ScDocument* pInputClipDoc, const ScRangeList& rRanges, bool bCut, bool bApi, bool bIncludeObjects )
    if (bCut)
        // We don't support cutting of multi-selections.
        if (!bApi)
        return false;
    if (pInputClipDoc)
        // TODO: What's this for?
        if (!bApi)
        return false;
    ScClipParam aClipParam( rRanges[0], bCut );
    aClipParam.maRanges = rRanges;
    ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
    ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    bool bDone = false;
    bool bSuccess = false;
    aClipParam.mbCutMode = false;
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pDocClip(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_CLIP));
        // Check for geometrical feasibility of the ranges.
        bool bValidRanges = true;
        ScRange const * p = &aClipParam.maRanges.front();
        SCCOL nPrevColDelta = 0;
        SCROW nPrevRowDelta = 0;
        SCCOL nPrevCol = p->aStart.Col();
        SCROW nPrevRow = p->aStart.Row();
        SCCOL nPrevColSize = p->aEnd.Col() - p->aStart.Col() + 1;
        SCROW nPrevRowSize = p->aEnd.Row() - p->aStart.Row() + 1;
        for ( size_t i = 1; i < aClipParam.maRanges.size(); ++i )
            p = &aClipParam.maRanges[i];
            if ( pDoc->HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
                p->aStart.Col(), p->aStart.Row(), p->aEnd.Col(), p->aEnd.Row(), rMark) )
                if (!bApi)
                return false;
            SCCOL nColDelta = p->aStart.Col() - nPrevCol;
            SCROW nRowDelta = p->aStart.Row() - nPrevRow;
            if ((nColDelta && nRowDelta) || (nPrevColDelta && nRowDelta) || (nPrevRowDelta && nColDelta))
                bValidRanges = false;
            if (aClipParam.meDirection == ScClipParam::Unspecified)
                if (nColDelta)
                    aClipParam.meDirection = ScClipParam::Column;
                if (nRowDelta)
                    aClipParam.meDirection = ScClipParam::Row;
            SCCOL nColSize = p->aEnd.Col() - p->aStart.Col() + 1;
            SCROW nRowSize = p->aEnd.Row() - p->aStart.Row() + 1;
            if (aClipParam.meDirection == ScClipParam::Column && nRowSize != nPrevRowSize)
                // column-oriented ranges must have identical row size.
                bValidRanges = false;
            if (aClipParam.meDirection == ScClipParam::Row && nColSize != nPrevColSize)
                // likewise, row-oriented ranges must have identical
                // column size.
                bValidRanges = false;
            nPrevCol = p->aStart.Col();
            nPrevRow = p->aStart.Row();
            nPrevColDelta = nColDelta;
            nPrevRowDelta = nRowDelta;
            nPrevColSize  = nColSize;
            nPrevRowSize  = nRowSize;
        if (!bValidRanges)
        pDoc->CopyToClip(aClipParam, pDocClip.get(), &rMark, false, bIncludeObjects );
        ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
        if ( pChangeTrack )
            pChangeTrack->ResetLastCut();   // no more cut-mode
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
        TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc;
        pDocSh->FillTransferableObjectDescriptor( aObjDesc );
        aObjDesc.maDisplayName = pDocSh->GetMedium()->GetURLObject().GetURLNoPass();
        // maSize is set in ScTransferObj ctor
        ScTransferObj* pTransferObj = new ScTransferObj( std::move(pDocClip), aObjDesc );
        uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable2> xTransferObj = pTransferObj;
        if ( ScGlobal::xDrawClipDocShellRef.is() )
            SfxObjectShellRef aPersistRef( ScGlobal::xDrawClipDocShellRef.get() );
            pTransferObj->SetDrawPersist( aPersistRef );    // keep persist for ole objects alive
        pTransferObj->CopyToClipboard( GetActiveWin() );    // system clipboard
        bSuccess = true;
    while (false);
    if (!bSuccess && !bApi)
    bDone = bSuccess;
    return bDone;
ScTransferObj* ScViewFunc::CopyToTransferable()
    ScRange aRange;
    if ( GetViewData().GetSimpleArea( aRange ) == SC_MARK_SIMPLE )
        ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
        ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
        if ( !pDoc->HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
                        aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
                        aRange.aEnd.Col(),   aRange.aEnd.Row(),
                        rMark ) )
            ScDocumentUniquePtr pClipDoc(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP ));    // create one (deleted by ScTransferObj)
            bool bAnyOle = pDoc->HasOLEObjectsInArea( aRange, &rMark );
            ScDrawLayer::SetGlobalDrawPersist( ScTransferObj::SetDrawClipDoc( bAnyOle ) );
            ScClipParam aClipParam(aRange, false);
            pDoc->CopyToClip(aClipParam, pClipDoc.get(), &rMark, false, true);
            pClipDoc->ExtendMerge( aRange, true );
            ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
            TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc;
            pDocSh->FillTransferableObjectDescriptor( aObjDesc );
            aObjDesc.maDisplayName = pDocSh->GetMedium()->GetURLObject().GetURLNoPass();
            ScTransferObj* pTransferObj = new ScTransferObj( std::move(pClipDoc), aObjDesc );
            return pTransferObj;
    return nullptr;
//      P A S T E
void ScViewFunc::PasteDraw()
    ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
    SCCOL nPosX = rViewData.GetCurX();
    SCROW nPosY = rViewData.GetCurY();
    vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveWin();
    Point aPos = pWin->PixelToLogic( rViewData.GetScrPos( nPosX, nPosY,
                                     rViewData.GetActivePart() ) );
    const ScDrawTransferObj* pDrawClip = ScDrawTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(rViewData.GetActiveWin()));
    if (pDrawClip)
        OUString aSrcShellID = pDrawClip->GetShellID();
        OUString aDestShellID = SfxObjectShell::CreateShellID(rViewData.GetDocShell());
        PasteDraw(aPos, pDrawClip->GetModel(), false, aSrcShellID, aDestShellID);
void ScViewFunc::PasteFromSystem()
    vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveWin();
    css::uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable2> xTransferable2(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(pWin));
    const ScTransferObj* pOwnClip = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable2);
    // keep a reference in case the clipboard is changed during PasteFromClip
    const ScDrawTransferObj* pDrawClip = ScDrawTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable2);
    if (pOwnClip)
        PasteFromClip( InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, pOwnClip->GetDocument(),
                        ScPasteFunc::NONE, false, false, false, INS_NONE, InsertDeleteFlags::NONE,
                        true );     // allow warning dialog
    else if (pDrawClip)
        TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( pWin ) );
            SotClipboardFormatId nBiff8 = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName("Biff8");
            SotClipboardFormatId nBiff5 = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName("Biff5");
            SotClipboardFormatId nFormat; // output param for GetExchangeAction
            sal_uInt8 nEventAction;      // output param for GetExchangeAction
            uno::Reference<css::datatransfer::XTransferable> xTransferable( aDataHelper.GetXTransferable() );
            sal_uInt8 nAction = SotExchange::GetExchangeAction(
                                    nFormat, nEventAction, SotClipboardFormatId::NONE,
                                    &xTransferable );
            if ( nAction != EXCHG_INOUT_ACTION_NONE )
                switch( nAction )
                case EXCHG_OUT_ACTION_INSERT_SVXB:
                case EXCHG_OUT_ACTION_INSERT_BITMAP:
                case EXCHG_OUT_ACTION_INSERT_GRAPH:
                    // SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP
                    // SotClipboardFormatId::PNG
                    // SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE
                    // SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB
                    nAction = EXCHG_INOUT_ACTION_NONE;
            if ( nAction == EXCHG_INOUT_ACTION_NONE )
                //  first SvDraw-model, then drawing
                //  (only one drawing is allowed)
                if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::DRAWING ))
                    // special case for tables from drawing
                    if( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) )
                        PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF );
                    else if( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT ) )
                        PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT );
                        PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::DRAWING );
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE ))
                    //  If it's a Writer object, insert RTF instead of OLE
                    //  Else, if the class id is all-zero, and SYLK is available,
                    //  it probably is spreadsheet cells that have been put
                    //  on the clipboard by OOo, so use the SYLK. (fdo#31077)
                    bool bDoRtf = false;
                    TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc;
                    if( aDataHelper.GetTransferableObjectDescriptor( SotClipboardFormatId::OBJECTDESCRIPTOR, aObjDesc ) )
                        bDoRtf = ( ( aObjDesc.maClassName == SvGlobalName( SO3_SW_CLASSID ) ||
                                     aObjDesc.maClassName == SvGlobalName( SO3_SWWEB_CLASSID ) )
                                   && ( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT ) ) );
                    if ( bDoRtf )
                        PasteFromSystem( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) ? SotClipboardFormatId::RTF : SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT );
                    else if ( aObjDesc.maClassName == SvGlobalName( 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 )
                              && aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK ))
                        PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK );
                        PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE );
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE ))
                    PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE );
                    // the following format can not affect scenario from #89579#
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE ))
                    PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE );
                    // SotClipboardFormatId::PRIVATE no longer here (can't work if pOwnClip is NULL)
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(nBiff8))      // before xxx_OLE formats
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(nBiff5))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::RTF))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::HTML))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC))
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::STRING))
                // xxx_OLE formats come last, like in SotExchange tables
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE ))
                    PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE );
                else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE_OLE ))
                    PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE_OLE );
    //  no exception-> SID_PASTE has FastCall-flag from idl
    //  will be called in case of empty clipboard (#42531#)
void ScViewFunc::PasteFromTransferable( const uno::Reference<datatransfer::XTransferable>& rxTransferable )
    ScTransferObj *pOwnClip=nullptr;
    ScDrawTransferObj *pDrawClip=nullptr;
    uno::Reference<lang::XUnoTunnel> xTunnel( rxTransferable, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xTunnel.is() )
        sal_Int64 nHandle = xTunnel->getSomething( ScTransferObj::getUnoTunnelId() );
        if ( nHandle )
            pOwnClip = reinterpret_cast<ScTransferObj*>( static_cast<sal_IntPtr>(nHandle));
            nHandle = xTunnel->getSomething( ScDrawTransferObj::getUnoTunnelId() );
            if ( nHandle )
                pDrawClip = reinterpret_cast<ScDrawTransferObj*>( static_cast<sal_IntPtr>(nHandle) );
    if (pOwnClip)
        PasteFromClip( InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, pOwnClip->GetDocument(),
                        ScPasteFunc::NONE, false, false, false, INS_NONE, InsertDeleteFlags::NONE,
                        true );     // allow warning dialog
    else if (pDrawClip)
        ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
        SCCOL nPosX = rViewData.GetCurX();
        SCROW nPosY = rViewData.GetCurY();
        vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveWin();
        Point aPos = pWin->PixelToLogic( rViewData.GetScrPos( nPosX, nPosY, rViewData.GetActivePart() ) );
            aPos, pDrawClip->GetModel(), false,
            pDrawClip->GetShellID(), SfxObjectShell::CreateShellID(rViewData.GetDocShell()));
            TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( rxTransferable );
            SotClipboardFormatId nBiff8 = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName("Biff8");
            SotClipboardFormatId nBiff5 = SotExchange::RegisterFormatName("Biff5");
            SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::NONE;
                //  first SvDraw-model, then drawing
                //  (only one drawing is allowed)
            if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::DRAWING ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::DRAWING;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE ))
                //  If it's a Writer object, insert RTF instead of OLE
                bool bDoRtf = false;
                TransferableObjectDescriptor aObjDesc;
                if( aDataHelper.GetTransferableObjectDescriptor( SotClipboardFormatId::OBJECTDESCRIPTOR, aObjDesc ) )
                    bDoRtf = ( ( aObjDesc.maClassName == SvGlobalName( SO3_SW_CLASSID ) ||
                                 aObjDesc.maClassName == SvGlobalName( SO3_SWWEB_CLASSID ) )
                               && ( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT ) ));
                if ( bDoRtf )
                    nFormatId = aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) ? SotClipboardFormatId::RTF : SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT;
                    nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE;
            // the following format can not affect scenario from #89579#
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE;
            // SotClipboardFormatId::PRIVATE no longer here (can't work if pOwnClip is NULL)
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(nBiff8))      // before xxx_OLE formats
                nFormatId = nBiff8;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(nBiff5))
                nFormatId = nBiff5;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::RTF))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::RTF;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::HTML))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::HTML;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::STRING))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::STRING;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat(SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP;
            // xxx_OLE formats come last, like in SotExchange tables
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE;
            else if (aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE_OLE ))
                nFormatId = SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE_OLE;
            PasteDataFormat( nFormatId, aDataHelper.GetTransferable(),
                GetViewData().GetCurX(), GetViewData().GetCurY(), nullptr );
bool ScViewFunc::PasteFromSystem( SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId, bool bApi )
    bool bRet = true;
    vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveWin();
    // keep a reference in case the clipboard is changed during PasteFromClip
    const ScTransferObj* pOwnClip = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(pWin));
    if ( nFormatId == SotClipboardFormatId::NONE && pOwnClip )
        PasteFromClip( InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, pOwnClip->GetDocument(),
                        ScPasteFunc::NONE, false, false, false, INS_NONE, InsertDeleteFlags::NONE,
                        !bApi );        // allow warning dialog
        TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( pWin ) );
        if ( !aDataHelper.GetTransferable().is() )
            return false;
        SCCOL nPosX = 0;
        SCROW nPosY = 0;
        ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
        ScRange aRange;
        if ( rViewData.GetSimpleArea( aRange ) == SC_MARK_SIMPLE )
            nPosX = aRange.aStart.Col();
            nPosY = aRange.aStart.Row();
            nPosX = rViewData.GetCurX();
            nPosY = rViewData.GetCurY();
        bRet = PasteDataFormat( nFormatId, aDataHelper.GetTransferable(),
                                nPosX, nPosY,
                                nullptr, false, !bApi );       // allow warning dialog
        if ( !bRet && !bApi )
    return bRet;
//      P A S T E
bool ScViewFunc::PasteOnDrawObjectLinked(
    const uno::Reference<datatransfer::XTransferable>& rxTransferable,
    SdrObject& rHitObj)
    TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( rxTransferable );
    if ( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB ) )
        tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xStm;
        ScDrawView* pScDrawView = GetScDrawView();
        if( pScDrawView && aDataHelper.GetSotStorageStream( SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB, xStm ) )
            Graphic aGraphic;
            ReadGraphic( *xStm, aGraphic );
            const OUString aBeginUndo(ScResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP));
            if(pScDrawView->ApplyGraphicToObject( rHitObj, aGraphic, aBeginUndo, "", "" ))
                return true;
    else if ( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE ) )
        GDIMetaFile aMtf;
        ScDrawView* pScDrawView = GetScDrawView();
        if( pScDrawView && aDataHelper.GetGDIMetaFile( SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE, aMtf ) )
            const OUString aBeginUndo(ScResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP));
            if(pScDrawView->ApplyGraphicToObject( rHitObj, Graphic(aMtf), aBeginUndo, "", "" ))
                return true;
    else if ( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::PNG ) )
        BitmapEx aBmpEx;
        ScDrawView* pScDrawView = GetScDrawView();
        if( pScDrawView && aDataHelper.GetBitmapEx( SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP, aBmpEx ) )
            const OUString aBeginUndo(ScResId(STR_UNDO_DRAGDROP));
            if(pScDrawView->ApplyGraphicToObject( rHitObj, Graphic(aBmpEx), aBeginUndo, "", "" ))
                return true;
    return false;
static bool lcl_SelHasAttrib( const ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
                        const ScMarkData& rTabSelection, HasAttrFlags nMask )
    ScMarkData::const_iterator itr = rTabSelection.begin(), itrEnd = rTabSelection.end();
    for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
        if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( nCol1, nRow1, *itr, nCol2, nRow2, *itr, nMask ) )
            return true;
    return false;
//  paste into sheet:
//  internal paste
namespace {
bool checkDestRangeForOverwrite(const ScRangeList& rDestRanges, const ScDocument* pDoc, const ScMarkData& rMark, weld::Window* pParentWnd)
    bool bIsEmpty = true;
    ScMarkData::const_iterator itrTab = rMark.begin(), itrTabEnd = rMark.end();
    size_t nRangeSize = rDestRanges.size();
    for (; itrTab != itrTabEnd && bIsEmpty; ++itrTab)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nRangeSize && bIsEmpty; ++i)
            const ScRange& rRange = rDestRanges[i];
            bIsEmpty = pDoc->IsBlockEmpty(
                *itrTab, rRange.aStart.Col(), rRange.aStart.Row(),
                rRange.aEnd.Col(), rRange.aEnd.Row());
    if (!bIsEmpty)
        ScReplaceWarnBox aBox(pParentWnd);
        if (aBox.execute() != RET_YES)
            //  changing the configuration is within the ScReplaceWarnBox
            return false;
    return true;
bool ScViewFunc::PasteFromClip( InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument* pClipDoc,
                                ScPasteFunc nFunction, bool bSkipEmpty,
                                bool bTranspose, bool bAsLink,
                                InsCellCmd eMoveMode, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoExtraFlags,
                                bool bAllowDialogs )
    if (!pClipDoc)
        OSL_FAIL("PasteFromClip: pClipDoc=0 not allowed");
        return false;
    if (GetViewData().SelectionForbidsCellFill())
        return false;
    //  undo: save all or no content
    InsertDeleteFlags nContFlags = InsertDeleteFlags::NONE;
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS)
        nContFlags |= InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS;
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
        nContFlags |= InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB;
    // move attributes to undo without copying them from clip to doc
    InsertDeleteFlags nUndoFlags = nContFlags;
    if (nUndoExtraFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
        nUndoFlags |= InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB;
    // do not copy note captions into undo document
    nUndoFlags |= InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS;
    ScClipParam& rClipParam = pClipDoc->GetClipParam();
    if (rClipParam.isMultiRange())
        // Source data is multi-range.
        return PasteMultiRangesFromClip(
            nFlags, pClipDoc, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, bTranspose, bAsLink, bAllowDialogs,
            eMoveMode, nUndoFlags);
    ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    if (rMark.IsMultiMarked())
        // Source data is single-range but destination is multi-range.
        return PasteFromClipToMultiRanges(
            nFlags, pClipDoc, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, bTranspose, bAsLink, bAllowDialogs,
            eMoveMode, nUndoFlags);
    bool bCutMode = pClipDoc->IsCutMode();      // if transposing, take from original clipdoc
    bool bIncludeFiltered = bCutMode;
    // paste drawing: also if InsertDeleteFlags::NOTE is set (to create drawing layer for note captions)
    bool bPasteDraw = ( pClipDoc->GetDrawLayer() && ( nFlags & (InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS|InsertDeleteFlags::NOTE) ) );
    ScDocShellRef aTransShellRef;   // for objects in xTransClip - must remain valid as long as xTransClip
    ScDocument* pOrigClipDoc = nullptr;
    ScDocumentUniquePtr xTransClip;
    if ( bTranspose )
        SCCOL nX;
        SCROW nY;
        // include filtered rows until TransposeClip can skip them
        bIncludeFiltered = true;
        pClipDoc->GetClipArea( nX, nY, true );
        if ( nY > static_cast<sal_Int32>(MAXCOL) )                      // too many lines for transpose
            return false;
        pOrigClipDoc = pClipDoc;        // refs
        if ( bPasteDraw )
            aTransShellRef = new ScDocShell;        // DocShell needs a Ref immediately
        ScDrawLayer::SetGlobalDrawPersist( aTransShellRef.get() );
        xTransClip.reset( new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP ));
        pClipDoc->TransposeClip( xTransClip.get(), nFlags, bAsLink );
        pClipDoc = xTransClip.get();
    SCCOL nStartCol;
    SCROW nStartRow;
    SCTAB nStartTab;
    SCCOL nEndCol;
    SCROW nEndRow;
    SCTAB nEndTab;
    SCCOL nClipSizeX;
    SCROW nClipSizeY;
    pClipDoc->GetClipArea( nClipSizeX, nClipSizeY, true );      // size in clipboard doc
    //  size in target doc: include filtered rows only if CutMode is set
    SCCOL nDestSizeX;
    SCROW nDestSizeY;
    pClipDoc->GetClipArea( nDestSizeX, nDestSizeY, bIncludeFiltered );
    ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
    SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = pDocSh->GetUndoManager();
    const bool bRecord(pDoc->IsUndoEnabled());
    ScDocShellModificator aModificator( *pDocSh );
    ScRange aMarkRange;
    ScMarkData aFilteredMark( rMark);   // local copy for all modifications
    ScMarkType eMarkType = GetViewData().GetSimpleArea( aMarkRange, aFilteredMark);
    bool bMarkIsFiltered = (eMarkType == SC_MARK_SIMPLE_FILTERED);
    bool bNoPaste = ((eMarkType != SC_MARK_SIMPLE && !bMarkIsFiltered) ||
            (bMarkIsFiltered && (eMoveMode != INS_NONE || bAsLink)));
    if (!bNoPaste)
        if (!rMark.IsMarked())
            // Create a selection with clipboard row count and check that for
            // filtered.
            nStartCol = GetViewData().GetCurX();
            nStartRow = GetViewData().GetCurY();
            nStartTab = GetViewData().GetTabNo();
            nEndCol = nStartCol + nDestSizeX;
            nEndRow = nStartRow + nDestSizeY;
            nEndTab = nStartTab;
            aMarkRange = ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab);
            if (ScViewUtil::HasFiltered( aMarkRange, pDoc))
                bMarkIsFiltered = true;
                // Fit to clipboard's row count unfiltered rows. If there is no
                // fit assume that pasting is not possible. Note that nDestSizeY is
                // size-1 (difference).
                if (!ScViewUtil::FitToUnfilteredRows( aMarkRange, pDoc, nDestSizeY+1))
                    bNoPaste = true;
            aFilteredMark.SetMarkArea( aMarkRange);
            // Expand the marked area when the destination area is larger than the
            // current selection, to get the undo do the right thing. (i#106711)
            ScRange aRange;
            aFilteredMark.GetMarkArea( aRange );
            if( (aRange.aEnd.Col() - aRange.aStart.Col()) < nDestSizeX )
                aRange.aEnd.SetCol(aRange.aStart.Col() + nDestSizeX);
    if (bNoPaste)
        return false;
    SCROW nUnfilteredRows = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row() - aMarkRange.aStart.Row() + 1;
    ScRangeList aRangeList;
    if (bMarkIsFiltered)
        ScViewUtil::UnmarkFiltered( aFilteredMark, pDoc);
        aFilteredMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aRangeList, false);
        nUnfilteredRows = 0;
        size_t ListSize = aRangeList.size();
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < ListSize; ++i )
            ScRange & r = aRangeList[i];
            nUnfilteredRows += r.aEnd.Row() - r.aStart.Row() + 1;
#if 0
        /* This isn't needed but could be a desired restriction. */
        // For filtered, destination rows have to be an exact multiple of
        // source rows. Note that nDestSizeY is size-1 (difference), so
        // nDestSizeY==0 fits always.
        if ((nUnfilteredRows % (nDestSizeY+1)) != 0)
            /* FIXME: this should be a more descriptive error message then. */
            return false;
    // Also for a filtered selection the area is used, for undo et al.
    if ( aFilteredMark.IsMarked() || bMarkIsFiltered )
        aMarkRange.GetVars( nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab);
        SCCOL nBlockAddX = nEndCol-nStartCol;
        SCROW nBlockAddY = nEndRow-nStartRow;
        // request, if the selection is greater than one row/column, but smaller
        // as the Clipboard (then inserting is done beyond the selection)
        //  ClipSize is not size, but difference
        if ( ( nBlockAddX != 0 && nBlockAddX < nDestSizeX ) ||
             ( nBlockAddY != 0 && nBlockAddY < nDestSizeY ) ||
             ( bMarkIsFiltered && nUnfilteredRows < nDestSizeY+1 ) )
            ScWaitCursorOff aWaitOff( GetFrameWin() );
            OUString aMessage = ScResId( STR_PASTE_BIGGER );
            vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData().GetDialogParent();
            std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xQueryBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                                           VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo,
            if (xQueryBox->run() != RET_YES)
                return false;
        if (nBlockAddX <= nDestSizeX)
            nEndCol = nStartCol + nDestSizeX;
        if (nBlockAddY <= nDestSizeY)
            nEndRow = nStartRow + nDestSizeY;
            if (bMarkIsFiltered || nEndRow > aMarkRange.aEnd.Row())
                // Same as above if nothing was marked: re-fit selection to
                // unfiltered rows. Extending the selection actually may
                // introduce filtered rows where there weren't any before, so
                // we also need to test for that.
                aMarkRange = ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab);
                if (bMarkIsFiltered || ScViewUtil::HasFiltered( aMarkRange, pDoc))
                    bMarkIsFiltered = true;
                    // Worst case: all rows up to the end of the sheet are filtered.
                    if (!ScViewUtil::FitToUnfilteredRows( aMarkRange, pDoc, nDestSizeY+1))
                        return false;
                aMarkRange.GetVars( nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab);
                aFilteredMark.SetMarkArea( aMarkRange);
                if (bMarkIsFiltered)
                    ScViewUtil::UnmarkFiltered( aFilteredMark, pDoc);
                    aFilteredMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aRangeList, true);
        nStartCol = GetViewData().GetCurX();
        nStartRow = GetViewData().GetCurY();
        nStartTab = GetViewData().GetTabNo();
        nEndCol = nStartCol + nDestSizeX;
        nEndRow = nStartRow + nDestSizeY;
        nEndTab = nStartTab;
    bool bOffLimits = !ValidCol(nEndCol) || !ValidRow(nEndRow);
    //  target-range, as displayed:
    ScRange aUserRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab );
    //  should lines be inserted?
    //  ( too large nEndCol/nEndRow are detected below)
    bool bInsertCells = ( eMoveMode != INS_NONE && !bOffLimits );
    if ( bInsertCells )
        //  Instead of EnterListAction, the paste undo action is merged into the
        //  insert action, so Repeat can insert the right cells
        MarkRange( aUserRange );            // set through CopyFromClip
        // CutMode is reset on insertion of cols/rows but needed again on cell move
        bool bCut = pClipDoc->IsCutMode();
        if (!InsertCells( eMoveMode, bRecord, true ))   // is inserting possible?
            return false;
            //  #i21036# EnterListAction isn't used, and InsertCells doesn't insert
            //  its undo action on failure, so no undo handling is needed here
        if ( bCut )
            pClipDoc->SetCutMode( bCut );
    else if (!bOffLimits)
        bool bAskIfNotEmpty = bAllowDialogs &&
                                ( nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS ) &&
                                nFunction == ScPasteFunc::NONE &&
        if ( bAskIfNotEmpty )
            ScRangeList aTestRanges(aUserRange);
            vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData().GetDialogParent();
            if (!checkDestRangeForOverwrite(aTestRanges, pDoc, aFilteredMark, pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr))
                return false;
    SCCOL nClipStartX;                      // enlarge clipboard-range
    SCROW nClipStartY;
    pClipDoc->GetClipStart( nClipStartX, nClipStartY );
    SCCOL nUndoEndCol = nClipStartX + nClipSizeX;
    SCROW nUndoEndRow = nClipStartY + nClipSizeY;   // end of source area in clipboard document
    bool bClipOver = false;
    // #i68690# ExtendMerge for the clip doc must be called with the clipboard's sheet numbers.
    // The same end column/row can be used for all calls because the clip doc doesn't contain
    // content outside the clip area.
    for (SCTAB nClipTab=0; nClipTab < pClipDoc->GetTableCount(); nClipTab++)
        if ( pClipDoc->HasTable(nClipTab) )
            if ( pClipDoc->ExtendMerge( nClipStartX,nClipStartY, nUndoEndCol,nUndoEndRow, nClipTab ) )
                bClipOver = true;
    nUndoEndCol -= nClipStartX + nClipSizeX;
    nUndoEndRow -= nClipStartY + nClipSizeY;        // now contains only the difference added by ExtendMerge
    nUndoEndCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( nUndoEndCol + nEndCol );
    nUndoEndRow = sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>( nUndoEndRow + nEndRow ); // destination area, expanded for merged cells
    if (nUndoEndCol>MAXCOL || nUndoEndRow>MAXROW)
        return false;
    pDoc->ExtendMergeSel( nStartCol,nStartRow, nUndoEndCol,nUndoEndRow, aFilteredMark );
        //  check cell-protection
    ScEditableTester aTester( pDoc, nStartTab, nStartCol,nStartRow, nUndoEndCol,nUndoEndRow );
    if (!aTester.IsEditable())
        return false;
        //! check overlapping
        //! just check truly intersection !!!!!!!
    ScDocFunc& rDocFunc = pDocSh->GetDocFunc();
    if ( bRecord )
        OUString aUndo = ScResId( pClipDoc->IsCutMode() ? STR_UNDO_MOVE : STR_UNDO_COPY );
        pUndoMgr->EnterListAction( aUndo, aUndo, 0, GetViewData().GetViewShell()->GetViewShellId() );
    if (bClipOver)
        if (lcl_SelHasAttrib( pDoc, nStartCol,nStartRow, nUndoEndCol,nUndoEndRow, aFilteredMark, HasAttrFlags::Overlapped ))
        {       // "Cell merge not possible if cells already merged"
            ScDocAttrIterator aIter( pDoc, nStartTab, nStartCol, nStartRow, nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow );
            const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = nullptr;
            SCCOL nCol = -1;
            SCROW nRow1 = -1;
            SCROW nRow2 = -1;
            while ( ( pPattern = aIter.GetNext( nCol, nRow1, nRow2 ) ) != nullptr )
                const ScMergeAttr* pMergeFlag = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
                const ScMergeFlagAttr* pMergeFlagAttr = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG);
                if( ( pMergeFlag && pMergeFlag->IsMerged() ) || ( pMergeFlagAttr && pMergeFlagAttr->IsOverlapped() ) )
                    ScRange aRange(nCol, nRow1, nStartTab);
                    pDoc->ExtendMerge(aRange, true);
                    rDocFunc.UnmergeCells(aRange, bRecord, nullptr /*TODO: should pass combined UndoDoc if bRecord*/);
    if ( !bCutMode )
        ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
        if ( pChangeTrack )
            pChangeTrack->ResetLastCut();   // no more cut-mode
    bool bColInfo = ( nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==MAXROW );
    bool bRowInfo = ( nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==MAXCOL );
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    ScDocument* pRefUndoDoc = nullptr;
    std::unique_ptr<ScRefUndoData> pUndoData;
    if ( bRecord )
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndoSelected( pDoc, aFilteredMark, bColInfo, bRowInfo );
        // all sheets - CopyToDocument skips those that don't exist in pUndoDoc
        SCTAB nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
        pDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, nStartRow, 0, nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow, nTabCount-1,
                              nUndoFlags, false, *pUndoDoc );
        if ( bCutMode )
            pRefUndoDoc = new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO );
            pRefUndoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, 0, nTabCount-1 );
            pUndoData.reset(new ScRefUndoData( pDoc ));
    sal_uInt16 nExtFlags = 0;
    pDocSh->UpdatePaintExt( nExtFlags, nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab,
                                       nEndCol,   nEndRow,   nEndTab );     // content before the change
    if (GetViewData().IsActive())
    rMark.SetMarkArea( aUserRange );
        //  copy from clipboard
        //  save original data in case of calculation
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pMixDoc;
    if (nFunction != ScPasteFunc::NONE)
        bSkipEmpty = false;
        if ( nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS )
            pMixDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
            pMixDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, nStartTab, nEndTab );
            pDoc->CopyToDocument(nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab,
                                 InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, false, *pMixDoc);
    /*  Make draw layer and start drawing undo.
        - Needed before AdjustBlockHeight to track moved drawing objects.
        - Needed before pDoc->CopyFromClip to track inserted note caption objects.
    if ( bPasteDraw )
    if ( bRecord )
    InsertDeleteFlags nNoObjFlags = nFlags & ~InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS;
    if (!bAsLink)
        //  copy normally (original range)
        pDoc->CopyFromClip( aUserRange, aFilteredMark, nNoObjFlags,
                pRefUndoDoc, pClipDoc, true, false, bIncludeFiltered,
                bSkipEmpty, (bMarkIsFiltered ? &aRangeList : nullptr) );
        // adapt refs manually in case of transpose
        if ( bTranspose && bCutMode && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS) )
            pDoc->UpdateTranspose( aUserRange.aStart, pOrigClipDoc, aFilteredMark, pRefUndoDoc );
    else if (!bTranspose)
        //  copy with bAsLink=TRUE
        pDoc->CopyFromClip( aUserRange, aFilteredMark, nNoObjFlags, pRefUndoDoc, pClipDoc,
                                true, true, bIncludeFiltered, bSkipEmpty );
        //  copy all content (TransClipDoc contains only formula)
        pDoc->CopyFromClip( aUserRange, aFilteredMark, nContFlags, pRefUndoDoc, pClipDoc );
    // skipped rows and merged cells don't mix
    if ( !bIncludeFiltered && pClipDoc->HasClipFilteredRows() )
        rDocFunc.UnmergeCells( aUserRange, false, nullptr );
    pDoc->ExtendMergeSel( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, aFilteredMark, true );    // refresh
                                                                                    // new range
    if ( pMixDoc )              // calculate with original data?
        pDoc->MixDocument( aUserRange, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, pMixDoc.get() );
    AdjustBlockHeight();            // update row heights before pasting objects
    ::std::vector< OUString > aExcludedChartNames;
    SdrPage* pPage = nullptr;
    if ( nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS )
        ScDrawView* pScDrawView = GetScDrawView();
        SdrModel* pModel = ( pScDrawView ? pScDrawView->GetModel() : nullptr );
        pPage = ( pModel ? pModel->GetPage( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nStartTab ) ) : nullptr );
        if ( pPage )
            ScChartHelper::GetChartNames( aExcludedChartNames, pPage );
        //  Paste the drawing objects after the row heights have been updated.
        pDoc->CopyFromClip( aUserRange, aFilteredMark, InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS, pRefUndoDoc, pClipDoc,
                                true, false, bIncludeFiltered );
    pDocSh->UpdatePaintExt( nExtFlags, nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab,
                                       nEndCol,   nEndRow,   nEndTab );     // content after the change
        //  if necessary, delete autofilter-heads
    if (bCutMode)
        if (pDoc->RefreshAutoFilter( nClipStartX,nClipStartY, nClipStartX+nClipSizeX,
                                        nClipStartY+nClipSizeY, nStartTab ))
                ScRange(nClipStartX, nClipStartY, nStartTab, nClipStartX+nClipSizeX, nClipStartY, nStartTab),
                PaintPartFlags::Grid );
    //!     remove block-range on RefUndoDoc !!!
    if ( bRecord )
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pRedoDoc;
        // copy redo data after appearance of the first undo
        // don't create Redo-Doc without RefUndoDoc
        if (pRefUndoDoc)
            pRedoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
            pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, nStartTab, nEndTab, bColInfo, bRowInfo );
            //      move adapted refs to Redo-Doc
            SCTAB nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount();
            pRedoDoc->AddUndoTab( 0, nTabCount-1 );
            pDoc->CopyUpdated( pRefUndoDoc, pRedoDoc.get() );
            //      move old refs to Undo-Doc
            //      not charts?
            pUndoDoc->AddUndoTab( 0, nTabCount-1 );
            pRefUndoDoc->DeleteArea( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, aFilteredMark, InsertDeleteFlags::ALL );
            pRefUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,0, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTabCount-1,
                                            InsertDeleteFlags::FORMULA, false, *pUndoDoc );
            delete pRefUndoDoc;
        //  DeleteUnchanged for pUndoData is in ScUndoPaste ctor,
        //  UndoData for redo is made during first undo
        ScUndoPasteOptions aOptions;            // store options for repeat
        aOptions.nFunction  = nFunction;
        aOptions.bSkipEmpty = bSkipEmpty;
        aOptions.bTranspose = bTranspose;
        aOptions.bAsLink    = bAsLink;
        aOptions.eMoveMode  = eMoveMode;
        std::unique_ptr<SfxUndoAction> pUndo(new ScUndoPaste(
            pDocSh, ScRange(nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow, nEndTab),
            aFilteredMark, std::move(pUndoDoc), std::move(pRedoDoc), nFlags | nUndoFlags, std::move(pUndoData),
            false, &aOptions ));     // false = Redo data not yet copied
        if ( bInsertCells )
            //  Merge the paste undo action into the insert action.
            //  Use ScUndoWrapper so the ScUndoPaste pointer can be stored in the insert action.
            pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction( new ScUndoWrapper( std::move(pUndo) ), true );
            pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction( pUndo.release() );
    PaintPartFlags nPaint = PaintPartFlags::Grid;
    if (bColInfo)
        nPaint |= PaintPartFlags::Top;
        nUndoEndCol = MAXCOL;               // just for drawing !
    if (bRowInfo)
        nPaint |= PaintPartFlags::Left;
        nUndoEndRow = MAXROW;               // just for drawing !
        ScRange(nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab, nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow, nEndTab),
        nPaint, nExtFlags);
    // AdjustBlockHeight has already been called above
    PostPasteFromClip(aUserRange, rMark);
    if ( nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS )
        ScModelObj* pModelObj = ScModelObj::getImplementation( pDocSh->GetModel() );
        if ( pPage && pModelObj )
            bool bSameDoc = ( rClipParam.getSourceDocID() == pDoc->GetDocumentID() );
            const ScRangeListVector& rProtectedChartRangesVector( rClipParam.maProtectedChartRangesVector );
            ScChartHelper::CreateProtectedChartListenersAndNotify( pDoc, pPage, pModelObj, nStartTab,
                rProtectedChartRangesVector, aExcludedChartNames, bSameDoc );
    return true;
bool ScViewFunc::PasteMultiRangesFromClip(
    InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument* pClipDoc, ScPasteFunc nFunction,
    bool bSkipEmpty, bool bTranspose, bool bAsLink, bool bAllowDialogs,
    InsCellCmd eMoveMode, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoFlags)
    ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
    ScDocument* pDoc = rViewData.GetDocument();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = rViewData.GetDocShell();
    ScMarkData aMark(rViewData.GetMarkData());
    const ScAddress& rCurPos = rViewData.GetCurPos();
    ScClipParam& rClipParam = pClipDoc->GetClipParam();
    SCCOL nColSize = rClipParam.getPasteColSize();
    SCROW nRowSize = rClipParam.getPasteRowSize();
    if (bTranspose)
        if (static_cast<SCROW>(rCurPos.Col()) + nRowSize-1 > static_cast<SCROW>(MAXCOL))
            return false;
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pTransClip(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_CLIP));
        pClipDoc->TransposeClip(pTransClip.get(), nFlags, bAsLink);
        pClipDoc = pTransClip.release();
        SCCOL nTempColSize = nColSize;
        nColSize = static_cast<SCCOL>(nRowSize);
        nRowSize = static_cast<SCROW>(nTempColSize);
    if (!ValidCol(rCurPos.Col()+nColSize-1) || !ValidRow(rCurPos.Row()+nRowSize-1))
        return false;
    // Determine the first and last selected sheet numbers.
    SCTAB nTab1 = aMark.GetFirstSelected();
    SCTAB nTab2 = aMark.GetLastSelected();
    ScDocShellModificator aModificator(*pDocSh);
    // For multi-selection paste, we don't support cell duplication for larger
    // destination range.  In case the destination is marked, we reset it to
    // the clip size.
    ScRange aMarkedRange(rCurPos.Col(), rCurPos.Row(), nTab1,
                         rCurPos.Col()+nColSize-1, rCurPos.Row()+nRowSize-1, nTab2);
    // Extend the marked range to account for filtered rows in the destination
    // area.
    if (ScViewUtil::HasFiltered(aMarkedRange, pDoc))
        if (!ScViewUtil::FitToUnfilteredRows(aMarkedRange, pDoc, nRowSize))
            return false;
    bool bAskIfNotEmpty =
        bAllowDialogs && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS) &&
        nFunction == ScPasteFunc::NONE && SC_MOD()->GetInputOptions().GetReplaceCellsWarn();
    if (bAskIfNotEmpty)
        ScRangeList aTestRanges(aMarkedRange);
        vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData().GetDialogParent();
        if (!checkDestRangeForOverwrite(aTestRanges, pDoc, aMark, pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr))
            return false;
    bool bInsertCells = (eMoveMode != INS_NONE);
    if (bInsertCells)
        if (!InsertCells(eMoveMode, pDoc->IsUndoEnabled(), true))
            return false;
    bool bRowInfo = ( aMarkedRange.aStart.Col()==0 && aMarkedRange.aEnd.Col()==MAXCOL );
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_UNDO));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndoSelected(pDoc, aMark, false, bRowInfo);
        pDoc->CopyToDocument(aMarkedRange, nUndoFlags, false, *pUndoDoc, &aMark);
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pMixDoc;
    if ( bSkipEmpty || nFunction != ScPasteFunc::NONE)
        if ( nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS )
            pMixDoc.reset(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_UNDO));
            pMixDoc->InitUndoSelected(pDoc, aMark);
            pDoc->CopyToDocument(aMarkedRange, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, false, *pMixDoc, &aMark);
    /*  Make draw layer and start drawing undo.
        - Needed before AdjustBlockHeight to track moved drawing objects.
        - Needed before pDoc->CopyFromClip to track inserted note caption objects.
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS)
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
    InsertDeleteFlags nNoObjFlags = nFlags & ~InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS;
    pDoc->CopyMultiRangeFromClip(rCurPos, aMark, nNoObjFlags, pClipDoc,
                                 true, bAsLink, false, bSkipEmpty);
    if (pMixDoc.get())
        pDoc->MixDocument(aMarkedRange, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, pMixDoc.get());
    AdjustBlockHeight();            // update row heights before pasting objects
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS)
        //  Paste the drawing objects after the row heights have been updated.
        pDoc->CopyMultiRangeFromClip(rCurPos, aMark, InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS, pClipDoc,
                                     true, false, false, true);
    if (bRowInfo)
        pDocSh->PostPaint(aMarkedRange.aStart.Col(), aMarkedRange.aStart.Row(), nTab1, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab1, PaintPartFlags::Grid|PaintPartFlags::Left);
        ScRange aTmp = aMarkedRange;
        pDocSh->PostPaint(aTmp, PaintPartFlags::Grid);
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
        SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = pDocSh->GetUndoManager();
        OUString aUndo = ScResId(
            pClipDoc->IsCutMode() ? STR_UNDO_CUT : STR_UNDO_COPY);
        pUndoMgr->EnterListAction(aUndo, aUndo, 0, GetViewData().GetViewShell()->GetViewShellId());
        ScUndoPasteOptions aOptions;            // store options for repeat
        aOptions.nFunction  = nFunction;
        aOptions.bSkipEmpty = bSkipEmpty;
        aOptions.bTranspose = bTranspose;
        aOptions.bAsLink    = bAsLink;
        aOptions.eMoveMode  = eMoveMode;
        std::unique_ptr<ScUndoPaste> pUndo(new ScUndoPaste(pDocSh,
            aMarkedRange, aMark, std::move(pUndoDoc), nullptr, nFlags|nUndoFlags, nullptr, false, &aOptions));
        if (bInsertCells)
            pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction(new ScUndoWrapper(std::move(pUndo)), true);
    PostPasteFromClip(aMarkedRange, aMark);
    return true;
bool ScViewFunc::PasteFromClipToMultiRanges(
    InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument* pClipDoc, ScPasteFunc nFunction,
    bool bSkipEmpty, bool bTranspose, bool bAsLink, bool bAllowDialogs,
    InsCellCmd eMoveMode, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoFlags )
    if (bTranspose)
        // We don't allow transpose for this yet.
        return false;
    if (eMoveMode != INS_NONE)
        // We don't allow insertion mode either.  Too complicated.
        return false;
    ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
    ScClipParam& rClipParam = pClipDoc->GetClipParam();
    if (rClipParam.mbCutMode)
        // No cut and paste with this, please.
        return false;
    const ScAddress& rCurPos = rViewData.GetCurPos();
    ScDocument* pDoc = rViewData.GetDocument();
    ScRange aSrcRange = rClipParam.getWholeRange();
    SCROW nRowSize = aSrcRange.aEnd.Row() - aSrcRange.aStart.Row() + 1;
    SCCOL nColSize = aSrcRange.aEnd.Col() - aSrcRange.aStart.Col() + 1;
    if (!ValidCol(rCurPos.Col()+nColSize-1) || !ValidRow(rCurPos.Row()+nRowSize-1))
        return false;
    ScMarkData aMark(rViewData.GetMarkData());
    ScRangeList aRanges;
    aMark.FillRangeListWithMarks(&aRanges, false);
    if (!ScClipUtil::CheckDestRanges(pDoc, nColSize, nRowSize, aMark, aRanges))
        return false;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = rViewData.GetDocShell();
    ScDocShellModificator aModificator(*pDocSh);
    bool bAskIfNotEmpty =
        bAllowDialogs && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS) &&
        nFunction == ScPasteFunc::NONE && SC_MOD()->GetInputOptions().GetReplaceCellsWarn();
    if (bAskIfNotEmpty)
        vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData().GetDialogParent();
        if (!checkDestRangeForOverwrite(aRanges, pDoc, aMark, pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr))
            return false;
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_UNDO));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndoSelected(pDoc, aMark);
        for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
                aRanges[i], nUndoFlags, false, *pUndoDoc, &aMark);
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pMixDoc;
    if (bSkipEmpty || nFunction != ScPasteFunc::NONE)
        if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS)
            pMixDoc.reset(new ScDocument(SCDOCMODE_UNDO));
            pMixDoc->InitUndoSelected(pDoc, aMark);
            for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
                    aRanges[i], InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, false, *pMixDoc, &aMark);
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS)
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
    // First, paste everything but the drawing objects.
    for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
            aRanges[i], aMark, (nFlags & ~InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS), nullptr, pClipDoc,
            false, false, true, bSkipEmpty);
    if (pMixDoc.get())
        for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
            pDoc->MixDocument(aRanges[i], nFunction, bSkipEmpty, pMixDoc.get());
    AdjustBlockHeight();            // update row heights before pasting objects
    // Then paste the objects.
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS)
        for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
                aRanges[i], aMark, InsertDeleteFlags::OBJECTS, nullptr, pClipDoc,
                false, false, true, bSkipEmpty);
    // Refresh the range that includes all pasted ranges.  We only need to
    // refresh the current sheet.
    PaintPartFlags nPaint = PaintPartFlags::Grid;
    bool bRowInfo = (aSrcRange.aStart.Col()==0 &&  aSrcRange.aEnd.Col()==MAXCOL);
    if (bRowInfo)
        nPaint |= PaintPartFlags::Left;
    pDocSh->PostPaint(aRanges, nPaint);
    if (pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
        SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = pDocSh->GetUndoManager();
        OUString aUndo = ScResId(
            pClipDoc->IsCutMode() ? STR_UNDO_CUT : STR_UNDO_COPY);
        pUndoMgr->EnterListAction(aUndo, aUndo, 0, GetViewData().GetViewShell()->GetViewShellId());
        ScUndoPasteOptions aOptions;            // store options for repeat
        aOptions.nFunction  = nFunction;
        aOptions.bSkipEmpty = bSkipEmpty;
        aOptions.bTranspose = bTranspose;
        aOptions.bAsLink    = bAsLink;
        aOptions.eMoveMode  = eMoveMode;
        ScUndoPaste* pUndo = new ScUndoPaste(
            pDocSh, aRanges, aMark, std::move(pUndoDoc), nullptr, nFlags|nUndoFlags, nullptr, false, &aOptions);
    PostPasteFromClip(aRanges, aMark);
    return false;
void ScViewFunc::PostPasteFromClip(const ScRangeList& rPasteRanges, const ScMarkData& rMark)
    ScViewData& rViewData = GetViewData();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = rViewData.GetDocShell();
    ScModelObj* pModelObj = HelperNotifyChanges::getMustPropagateChangesModel(*pDocSh);
    if (!pModelObj)
    ScRangeList aChangeRanges;
    for (size_t i = 0, n = rPasteRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
        const ScRange& r = rPasteRanges[i];
        ScMarkData::const_iterator itr = rMark.begin(), itrEnd = rMark.end();
        for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
            ScRange aChangeRange(r);
    HelperNotifyChanges::Notify(*pModelObj, aChangeRanges);
//      D R A G   A N D   D R O P
//  inside the doc
bool ScViewFunc::MoveBlockTo( const ScRange& rSource, const ScAddress& rDestPos,
                                bool bCut )
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
    bool bSuccess = true;
    SCTAB nDestTab = rDestPos.Tab();
    const ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    if ( rSource.aStart.Tab() == nDestTab && rSource.aEnd.Tab() == nDestTab && rMark.GetSelectCount() > 1 )
        //  moving within one table and several tables selected -> apply to all selected tables
        OUString aUndo = ScResId( bCut ? STR_UNDO_MOVE : STR_UNDO_COPY );
        pDocSh->GetUndoManager()->EnterListAction( aUndo, aUndo, 0, GetViewData().GetViewShell()->GetViewShellId() );
        //  collect ranges of consecutive selected tables
        ScRange aLocalSource = rSource;
        ScAddress aLocalDest = rDestPos;
        SCTAB nTabCount = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetTableCount();
        SCTAB nStartTab = 0;
        while ( nStartTab < nTabCount && bSuccess )
            while ( nStartTab < nTabCount && !rMark.GetTableSelect(nStartTab) )
            if ( nStartTab < nTabCount )
                SCTAB nEndTab = nStartTab;
                while ( nEndTab+1 < nTabCount && rMark.GetTableSelect(nEndTab+1) )
                aLocalSource.aStart.SetTab( nStartTab );
                aLocalSource.aEnd.SetTab( nEndTab );
                aLocalDest.SetTab( nStartTab );
                bSuccess = pDocSh->GetDocFunc().MoveBlock(
                                aLocalSource, aLocalDest, bCut, true/*bRecord*/, true/*bPaint*/, true/*bApi*/ );
                nStartTab = nEndTab + 1;
        //  move the block as specified
        bSuccess = pDocSh->GetDocFunc().MoveBlock(
                                rSource, rDestPos, bCut, true/*bRecord*/, true/*bPaint*/, true/*bApi*/ );
    if (bSuccess)
        //   mark destination range
        ScAddress aDestEnd(
                    rDestPos.Col() + rSource.aEnd.Col() - rSource.aStart.Col(),
                    rDestPos.Row() + rSource.aEnd.Row() - rSource.aStart.Row(),
                    nDestTab );
        bool bIncludeFiltered = bCut;
        if ( !bIncludeFiltered )
            // find number of non-filtered rows
            SCROW nPastedCount = pDocSh->GetDocument().CountNonFilteredRows(
                rSource.aStart.Row(), rSource.aEnd.Row(), rSource.aStart.Tab());
            if ( nPastedCount == 0 )
                nPastedCount = 1;
            aDestEnd.SetRow( rDestPos.Row() + nPastedCount - 1 );
        MarkRange( ScRange( rDestPos, aDestEnd ), false );          //! sal_False ???
    return bSuccess;
//  link inside the doc
bool ScViewFunc::LinkBlock( const ScRange& rSource, const ScAddress& rDestPos )
    //  check overlapping
    if ( rSource.aStart.Tab() == rDestPos.Tab() )
        SCCOL nDestEndCol = rDestPos.Col() + ( rSource.aEnd.Col() - rSource.aStart.Col() );
        SCROW nDestEndRow = rDestPos.Row() + ( rSource.aEnd.Row() - rSource.aStart.Row() );
        if ( rSource.aStart.Col() <= nDestEndCol && rDestPos.Col() <= rSource.aEnd.Col() &&
             rSource.aStart.Row() <= nDestEndRow && rDestPos.Row() <= rSource.aEnd.Row() )
            return false;
    //  run with paste
    ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pClipDoc(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_CLIP ));
    pDoc->CopyTabToClip( rSource.aStart.Col(), rSource.aStart.Row(),
                            rSource.aEnd.Col(), rSource.aEnd.Row(),
                         rSource.aStart.Tab(), pClipDoc.get() );
    //  mark destination area (set cursor, no marks)
    if ( GetViewData().GetTabNo() != rDestPos.Tab() )
        SetTabNo( rDestPos.Tab() );
    MoveCursorAbs( rDestPos.Col(), rDestPos.Row(), SC_FOLLOW_NONE, false, false );
    //  Paste
    PasteFromClip( InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, pClipDoc.get(), ScPasteFunc::NONE, false, false, true );       // as a link
    return true;
void ScViewFunc::DataFormPutData( SCROW nCurrentRow ,
                                  SCROW nStartRow , SCCOL nStartCol ,
                                  SCROW nEndRow , SCCOL nEndCol ,
                                  std::vector<VclPtr<Edit> >& aEdits,
                                  sal_uInt16 aColLength )
    ScDocument* pDoc = GetViewData().GetDocument();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData().GetDocShell();
    ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData().GetMarkData();
    ScDocShellModificator aModificator( *pDocSh );
    SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = pDocSh->GetUndoManager();
    if ( pDoc )
        const bool bRecord( pDoc->IsUndoEnabled());
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pRedoDoc;
        std::unique_ptr<ScRefUndoData> pUndoData;
        SCTAB nTab = GetViewData().GetTabNo();
        SCTAB nStartTab = nTab;
        SCTAB nEndTab = nTab;
                ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
                if ( pChangeTrack )
                        pChangeTrack->ResetLastCut();   // no more cut-mode
        ScRange aUserRange( nStartCol, nCurrentRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nCurrentRow, nEndTab );
        bool bColInfo = ( nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==MAXROW );
        bool bRowInfo = ( nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==MAXCOL );
        SCCOL nUndoEndCol = nStartCol+aColLength-1;
        SCROW nUndoEndRow = nCurrentRow;
        if ( bRecord )
            pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
            pUndoDoc->InitUndoSelected( pDoc , rMark , bColInfo , bRowInfo );
            pDoc->CopyToDocument( aUserRange , InsertDeleteFlags::VALUE , false, *pUndoDoc );
        sal_uInt16 nExtFlags = 0;
        pDocSh->UpdatePaintExt( nExtFlags, nStartCol, nStartRow, nStartTab , nEndCol, nEndRow, nEndTab ); // content before the change
        for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < aColLength; i++)
            if (aEdits[i] != nullptr)
                OUString  aFieldName=aEdits[i]->GetText();
                pDoc->SetString( nStartCol + i, nCurrentRow, nTab, aFieldName );
        pDocSh->UpdatePaintExt( nExtFlags, nStartCol, nCurrentRow, nStartTab, nEndCol, nCurrentRow, nEndTab );  // content after the change
        std::unique_ptr<SfxUndoAction> pUndo( new ScUndoDataForm( pDocSh,
                                                   nStartCol, nCurrentRow, nStartTab,
                                                   nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow, nEndTab, rMark,
                                                   std::move(pUndoDoc), std::move(pRedoDoc),
                                                   std::move(pUndoData) ) );
        pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction( new ScUndoWrapper( std::move(pUndo) ), true );
        PaintPartFlags nPaint = PaintPartFlags::Grid;
        if (bColInfo)
                nPaint |= PaintPartFlags::Top;
                nUndoEndCol = MAXCOL;                           // just for drawing !
        if (bRowInfo)
                nPaint |= PaintPartFlags::Left;
                nUndoEndRow = MAXROW;                           // just for drawing !
            ScRange(nStartCol, nCurrentRow, nStartTab, nUndoEndCol, nUndoEndRow, nEndTab),
            nPaint, nExtFlags);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V575 The null pointer is passed into 'move' function. Inspect the first argument.

V575 The null pointer is passed into 'move' function. Inspect the first argument.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pDoc.

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'pClipDoc' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pMergeFlag.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pMergeFlagAttr.