/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "vbacommandbar.hxx"
#include "vbacommandbarcontrols.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XLayoutManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/office/MsoBarType.hpp>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace ooo::vba;
ScVbaCommandBar::ScVbaCommandBar( const uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent,
                                  const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext,
                                  VbaCommandBarHelperRef const & pHelper,
                                  const uno::Reference< container::XIndexAccess >& xBarSettings,
                                  const OUString& sResourceUrl, bool bIsMenu )
   : CommandBar_BASE( xParent, xContext ), pCBarHelper( pHelper ), m_xBarSettings( xBarSettings ), m_sResourceUrl( sResourceUrl ), m_bIsMenu( bIsMenu )
    // This will get a "NULL length string" when Name is not set.
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropertySet( m_xBarSettings, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Any aName = xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( "UIName" );
    OUString sName;
    aName >>= sName;
    if( sName.isEmpty() )
        if( m_bIsMenu )
            if( m_sResourceUrl == ITEM_MENUBAR_URL )
                if( pCBarHelper->getModuleId() == "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" )
                    sName = "Worksheet Menu Bar";
                else if( pCBarHelper->getModuleId() == "com.sun.star.text.TextDocument" )
                    sName = "Menu Bar";
                return sName;
        // Toolbar name
        uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xNameAccess = pCBarHelper->getPersistentWindowState();
        if( xNameAccess->hasByName( m_sResourceUrl ) )
            uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aToolBar;
            xNameAccess->getByName( m_sResourceUrl ) >>= aToolBar;
            getPropertyValue( aToolBar, "UIName" ) >>= sName;
    return sName;
ScVbaCommandBar::setName( const OUString& _name )
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropertySet( m_xBarSettings, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( "UIName" , uno::makeAny( _name ) );
    pCBarHelper->ApplyTempChange( m_sResourceUrl, m_xBarSettings );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    // menu bar is always visible in OOo
    if( m_bIsMenu )
        return true;
    bool bVisible = false;
        uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xNameAccess = pCBarHelper->getPersistentWindowState();
        if( xNameAccess->hasByName( m_sResourceUrl ) )
            uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aToolBar;
            xNameAccess->getByName( m_sResourceUrl ) >>= aToolBar;
            getPropertyValue( aToolBar, "Visible" ) >>= bVisible;
    catch (const uno::Exception&)
    return bVisible;
ScVbaCommandBar::setVisible( sal_Bool _visible )
        uno::Reference< frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager = pCBarHelper->getLayoutManager();
        if( _visible )
            xLayoutManager->createElement( m_sResourceUrl );
            xLayoutManager->showElement( m_sResourceUrl );
            xLayoutManager->hideElement( m_sResourceUrl );
            xLayoutManager->destroyElement( m_sResourceUrl );
    catch(const uno::Exception&)
        SAL_INFO("vbahelper", "SetVisible get an exception" );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL
    // emulated with Visible
    return getVisible();
ScVbaCommandBar::setEnabled( sal_Bool _enabled )
    // emulated with Visible
    setVisible( _enabled );
ScVbaCommandBar::Delete(  )
    pCBarHelper->removeSettings( m_sResourceUrl );
    uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xNameContainer( pCBarHelper->getPersistentWindowState(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    if( xNameContainer->hasByName( m_sResourceUrl ) )
        xNameContainer->removeByName( m_sResourceUrl );
uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaCommandBar::Controls( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< XCommandBarControls > xCommandBarControls( new ScVbaCommandBarControls( this, mxContext, m_xBarSettings, pCBarHelper, m_xBarSettings, m_sResourceUrl ) );
    if( aIndex.hasValue() )
        return xCommandBarControls->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );
    return uno::makeAny( xCommandBarControls );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL
    // #FIXME support msoBarTypePopup
    sal_Int32 nType = office::MsoBarType::msoBarTypePopup;
    nType = m_bIsMenu? office::MsoBarType::msoBarTypeNormal : office::MsoBarType::msoBarTypeMenuBar;
    return nType;
uno::Any SAL_CALL
ScVbaCommandBar::FindControl( const uno::Any& /*aType*/, const uno::Any& /*aId*/, const uno::Any& /*aTag*/, const uno::Any& /*aVisible*/, const uno::Any& /*aRecursive*/ )
    // alwayse fail to find control
    return uno::makeAny( uno::Reference< XCommandBarControl > () );
    return OUString("ScVbaCommandBar");
    static uno::Sequence< OUString > aServiceNames;
    if ( aServiceNames.getLength() == 0 )
        aServiceNames.realloc( 1 );
        aServiceNames[ 0 ] = "ooo.vba.CommandBar";
    return aServiceNames;
        const uno::Reference< ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent,
        const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext,
        const OUString& rName ) :
    CommandBar_BASE( xParent, xContext ),
    maName( rName )
OUString SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::getName()
    return maName;
void SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::setName( const OUString& _name )
    maName = _name;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::getVisible()
    // #STUB
    return true;
void SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::setVisible( sal_Bool /*_visible*/ )
    // #STUB
sal_Bool SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::getEnabled()
    // emulated with Visible
    return getVisible();
void SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::setEnabled( sal_Bool _enabled )
    // emulated with Visible
    setVisible( _enabled );
void SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::Delete(  )
    // no-op
    // #STUB
uno::Any SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::Controls( const uno::Any& aIndex )
    uno::Reference< XCommandBarControls > xCommandBarControls( new VbaDummyCommandBarControls( this, mxContext ) );
    if( aIndex.hasValue() )
        return xCommandBarControls->Item( aIndex, uno::Any() );
    return uno::Any( xCommandBarControls );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::Type()
    return office::MsoBarType::msoBarTypePopup;
uno::Any SAL_CALL VbaDummyCommandBar::FindControl( const uno::Any& /*aType*/, const uno::Any& /*aId*/, const uno::Any& /*aTag*/, const uno::Any& /*aVisible*/, const uno::Any& /*aRecursive*/ )
    return uno::Any( uno::Reference< XCommandBarControl >() );
OUString VbaDummyCommandBar::getServiceImplName()
    return OUString("VbaDummyCommandBar");
uno::Sequence< OUString > VbaDummyCommandBar::getServiceNames()
    static uno::Sequence< OUString > aServiceNames;
    if ( aServiceNames.getLength() == 0 )
        aServiceNames.realloc( 1 );
        aServiceNames[ 0 ] = "ooo.vba.CommandBar";
    return aServiceNames;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V519 The 'nType' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 165, 166.