/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/idle.hxx>
#include <vcl/help.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmap.hxx>
#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/mnemonic.hxx>
#include <vcl/menu.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/IconThemeInfo.hxx>
#include <vcl/commandinfoprovider.hxx>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <brdwin.hxx>
#include <toolbox.h>
#include <unotools/confignode.hxx>
using namespace vcl;
#define TB_SEP_SIZE     8  // Separator size
    meButtonSize = ToolBoxButtonSize::DontCare;
    mpMenu = VclPtr<PopupMenu>::Create();
    maMenuType = ToolBoxMenuType::NONE;
    maMenubuttonItem.meState = TRISTATE_FALSE;
    mnMenuButtonWidth = TB_MENUBUTTON_SIZE;
    mbIsLocked = false;
    mbNativeButtons = false;
    mbIsPaintLocked = false;
    mbAssumeDocked = false;
    mbAssumePopupMode = false;
    mbAssumeFloating = false;
    mbKeyInputDisabled = false;
    mbMenubuttonSelected = false;
    mbPageScroll = false;
    mbWillUsePopupMode = false;
    mbDropDownByKeyboard = false;
void ImplToolItem::init(sal_uInt16 nItemId, ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits,
                        bool bEmptyBtn)
    mnId            = nItemId;
    mpWindow        = nullptr;
    mpUserData      = nullptr;
    meType          = ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON;
    mnBits          = nItemBits;
    meState         = TRISTATE_FALSE;
    mbEnabled       = true;
    mbVisible       = true;
    mbEmptyBtn      = bEmptyBtn;
    mbShowWindow    = false;
    mbBreak         = false;
    mnSepSize       = TB_SEP_SIZE;
    mnDropDownArrowWidth = TB_DROPDOWNARROWWIDTH;
    mnImageAngle    = 0;
    mbMirrorMode    = false;
    mbVisibleText   = false;
    mbExpand        = false;
    init(0, ToolBoxItemBits::NONE, true);
ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage,
                            ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) :
    maImage( rImage )
    init(nItemId, nItemBits, false);
ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText,
                            ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) :
    maText( rText )
    init(nItemId, nItemBits, false);
ImplToolItem::ImplToolItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage,
                            const OUString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nItemBits ) :
    maImage( rImage ),
    maText( rText )
    init(nItemId, nItemBits, false);
Size ImplToolItem::GetSize( bool bHorz, bool bCheckMaxWidth, long maxWidth, const Size& rDefaultSize )
    Size aSize( rDefaultSize ); // the size of 'standard' toolbox items
                                // non-standard items are eg windows or buttons with text
    if ( (meType == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON) || (meType == ToolBoxItemType::SPACE) )
        aSize = maItemSize;
        if ( mpWindow && bHorz )
            // get size of item window and check if it fits
            // no windows in vertical toolbars (the default is mbShowWindow=false)
            Size aWinSize = mpWindow->GetSizePixel();
            if (mpWindow->GetStyle() & WB_NOLABEL)
                // Window wants no label? Then don't check width, it'll be just
                // clipped.
                bCheckMaxWidth = false;
            if ( !bCheckMaxWidth || (aWinSize.Width() <= maxWidth) )
                aSize.setWidth( aWinSize.Width() );
                aSize.setHeight( aWinSize.Height() );
                mbShowWindow = true;
                if ( mbEmptyBtn )
                    aSize.setWidth( 0 );
                    aSize.setHeight( 0 );
    else if ( meType == ToolBoxItemType::SEPARATOR )
        if ( bHorz )
            aSize.setWidth( mnSepSize );
            aSize.setHeight( rDefaultSize.Height() );
            aSize.setWidth( rDefaultSize.Width() );
            aSize.setHeight( mnSepSize );
    else if ( meType == ToolBoxItemType::BREAK )
        aSize.setWidth( 0 );
        aSize.setHeight( 0 );
    return aSize;
void ImplToolItem::DetermineButtonDrawStyle( ButtonType eButtonType, bool& rbImage, bool& rbText ) const
    if ( meType != ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON )
        // no button -> draw nothing
        rbImage = rbText = false;
    bool bHasImage;
    bool bHasText;
    // check for image and/or text
    bHasImage = !!maImage;
    bHasText = !maText.isEmpty();
    // prefer images if symbolonly buttons are drawn
    // prefer texts if textonly buttons are drawn
    if ( eButtonType == ButtonType::SYMBOLONLY )         // drawing icons only
        if( bHasImage || !bHasText )
            rbImage = true;
            rbText  = false;
            rbImage = false;
            rbText  = true;
    else if ( eButtonType == ButtonType::TEXT )      // drawing text only
        if( bHasText || !bHasImage )
            rbImage = false;
            rbText  = true;
            rbImage = true;
            rbText  = false;
    else                                        // drawing icons and text both
        rbImage = true;
        rbText  = true;
tools::Rectangle ImplToolItem::GetDropDownRect( bool bHorz ) const
    tools::Rectangle aRect;
    if( (mnBits & ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN) && !maRect.IsEmpty() )
        aRect = maRect;
        if( mbVisibleText && !bHorz )
            // item will be rotated -> place dropdown to the bottom
            aRect.SetTop( aRect.Bottom() - mnDropDownArrowWidth );
            // place dropdown to the right
            aRect.SetLeft( aRect.Right() - mnDropDownArrowWidth );
    return aRect;
bool ImplToolItem::IsClipped() const
    return ( meType == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON && mbVisible && maRect.IsEmpty() );
bool ImplToolItem::IsItemHidden() const
    return ( meType == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON && !mbVisible );
void ToolBox::ImplInvalidate( bool bNewCalc, bool bFullPaint )
    if ( bNewCalc )
        mbCalc = true;
    if ( bFullPaint )
        mbFormat = true;
        // do we need to redraw?
        if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() )
            Invalidate( tools::Rectangle( mnLeftBorder, mnTopBorder,
                                   mnDX-mnRightBorder-1, mnDY-mnBottomBorder-1 ) );
        if ( !mbFormat )
            mbFormat = true;
            // do we need to redraw?
            if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() )
    // request new layout by layoutmanager
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxFormatChanged );
void ToolBox::ImplUpdateItem( ImplToolItems::size_type nIndex )
    // do we need to redraw?
    if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() )
        if ( nIndex == ITEM_NOTFOUND )
            // #i52217# no immediate draw as this might lead to paint problems
            Invalidate( tools::Rectangle( mnLeftBorder, mnTopBorder, mnDX-mnRightBorder-1, mnDY-mnBottomBorder-1 ) );
            if ( !mbFormat )
                // #i52217# no immediate draw as this might lead to paint problems
                Invalidate( mpData->m_aItems[nIndex].maRect );
                maPaintRect.Union( mpData->m_aItems[nIndex].maRect );
void ToolBox::Click()
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxClick );
    maClickHdl.Call( this );
void ToolBox::DoubleClick()
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxDoubleClick );
    maDoubleClickHdl.Call( this );
void ToolBox::Activate()
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxActivate );
    maActivateHdl.Call( this );
void ToolBox::Deactivate()
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxDeactivate );
    maDeactivateHdl.Call( this );
void ToolBox::Highlight()
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxHighlight );
void ToolBox::Select()
    VclPtr<vcl::Window> xWindow = this;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxSelect );
    maSelectHdl.Call( this );
    if ( xWindow->IsDisposed() )
    // TODO: GetFloatingWindow in DockingWindow is currently inline, change it to check dockingwrapper
    ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this );
    if( pWrapper && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow() && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow()->IsInPopupMode() )
void ToolBox::InsertItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !nItemId, "vcl", "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" );
    SAL_WARN_IF( GetItemPos( nItemId ) != ITEM_NOTFOUND, "vcl",
                "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" );
    // create item and add to list
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(),
                             ImplToolItem( nItemId, rImage, nBits ) );
    ImplInvalidate( true );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >(nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage, const OUString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nBits,
                          ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !nItemId, "vcl", "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" );
    SAL_WARN_IF( GetItemPos( nItemId ) != ITEM_NOTFOUND, "vcl",
                "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" );
    // create item and add to list
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(),
                             ImplToolItem( nItemId, rImage, MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars(rText), nBits ) );
    ImplInvalidate( true );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText, ToolBoxItemBits nBits, ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !nItemId, "vcl", "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId == 0" );
    SAL_WARN_IF( GetItemPos( nItemId ) != ITEM_NOTFOUND, "vcl",
                "ToolBox::InsertItem(): ItemId already exists" );
    // create item and add to list
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(),
                             ImplToolItem( nItemId, MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars(rText), nBits ) );
    ImplInvalidate( true );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertItem(const OUString& rCommand, const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>& rFrame, ToolBoxItemBits nBits,
                         const Size& rRequestedSize, ImplToolItems::size_type nPos)
    OUString aModuleName(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetModuleIdentifier(rFrame));
    OUString aLabel(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetLabelForCommand(rCommand, aModuleName));
    OUString aTooltip(vcl::CommandInfoProvider::GetTooltipForCommand(rCommand, rFrame));
    Image aImage(CommandInfoProvider::GetImageForCommand(rCommand, rFrame, GetImageSize()));
    sal_uInt16 nItemId = GetItemCount() + 1;
        //TODO: ImplToolItems::size_type -> sal_uInt16!
    InsertItem(nItemId, aImage, aLabel, nBits, nPos);
    SetItemCommand(nItemId, rCommand);
    SetQuickHelpText(nItemId, aTooltip);
    // set the minimal size
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        pItem->maMinimalItemSize = rRequestedSize;
void ToolBox::InsertWindow( sal_uInt16 nItemId, vcl::Window* pWindow,
                            ToolBoxItemBits nBits, ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !nItemId, "vcl", "ToolBox::InsertWindow(): ItemId == 0" );
    SAL_WARN_IF( GetItemPos( nItemId ) != ITEM_NOTFOUND, "vcl",
                "ToolBox::InsertWindow(): ItemId already exists" );
    // create item and add to list
    ImplToolItem aItem;
    aItem.mnId       = nItemId;
    aItem.meType     = ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON;
    aItem.mnBits     = nBits;
    aItem.mpWindow   = pWindow;
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem );
    if ( pWindow )
    ImplInvalidate( true );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertSpace()
    // create item and add to list
    ImplToolItem aItem;
    aItem.meType     = ToolBoxItemType::SPACE;
    aItem.mbEnabled  = false;
    mpData->m_aItems.push_back( aItem );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertSeparator( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos, sal_uInt16 nPixSize )
    // create item and add to list
    ImplToolItem aItem;
    aItem.meType     = ToolBoxItemType::SEPARATOR;
    aItem.mbEnabled  = false;
    if ( nPixSize )
        aItem.mnSepSize = nPixSize;
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::InsertBreak( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    // create item and add to list
    ImplToolItem aItem;
    aItem.meType     = ToolBoxItemType::BREAK;
    aItem.mbEnabled  = false;
    mpData->m_aItems.insert( (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos : mpData->m_aItems.end(), aItem );
    // Notify
    ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos = ( nPos == APPEND ) ? ( mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1 ) : nPos;
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos ) );
void ToolBox::RemoveItem( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    if( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() )
        bool bMustCalc;
        bMustCalc = mpData->m_aItems[nPos].meType == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON;
        if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mpWindow )
        // add the removed item to PaintRect
        maPaintRect.Union( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].maRect );
        // ensure not to delete in the Select-Handler
        if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == mnCurItemId )
            mnCurItemId = 0;
        if ( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == mnHighItemId )
            mnHighItemId = 0;
        ImplInvalidate( bMustCalc );
        mpData->m_aItems.erase( mpData->m_aItems.begin()+nPos );
        // Notify
        CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemRemoved, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
void ToolBox::CopyItem( const ToolBox& rToolBox, sal_uInt16 nItemId )
    SAL_WARN_IF( GetItemPos( nItemId ) != ITEM_NOTFOUND, "vcl",
                "ToolBox::CopyItem(): ItemId already exists" );
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = rToolBox.GetItemPos( nItemId );
    // found item
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        // push ToolBox item onto the list
        ImplToolItem aNewItem = rToolBox.mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        // reset state
        aNewItem.mpWindow      = nullptr;
        aNewItem.mbShowWindow = false;
        mpData->m_aItems.push_back( aNewItem );
        // redraw ToolBox
        // Notify
        ImplToolItems::size_type nNewPos2 = mpData->m_aItems.size() - 1;
        CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemAdded, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nNewPos2 ) );
void ToolBox::Clear()
    // ensure not to delete in the Select-Handler
    mnCurItemId = 0;
    mnHighItemId = 0;
    ImplInvalidate( true, true );
    // Notify
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxAllItemsChanged );
void ToolBox::SetButtonType( ButtonType eNewType )
    if ( meButtonType != eNewType )
        meButtonType = eNewType;
        // better redraw everything, as otherwise there might be problems
        // with regions that were copied with CopyBits
        ImplInvalidate( true );
void ToolBox::SetToolboxButtonSize( ToolBoxButtonSize eSize )
    if( mpData->meButtonSize != eSize )
        mpData->meButtonSize = eSize;
        mbCalc = true;
        mbFormat = true;
ToolBoxButtonSize ToolBox::GetToolboxButtonSize() const
    return mpData->meButtonSize;
ImageType ToolBox::GetImageSize() const
    ImageType eImageType = ImageType::Size16;
    if (mpData->meButtonSize == ToolBoxButtonSize::Large)
        eImageType = ImageType::Size26;
    else if (mpData->meButtonSize == ToolBoxButtonSize::Size32)
        eImageType = ImageType::Size32;
    return eImageType;
/*static*/ Size ToolBox::GetDefaultImageSize(ToolBoxButtonSize eToolBoxButtonSize)
    OutputDevice *pDefault = Application::GetDefaultDevice();
    float fScaleFactor = pDefault ? pDefault->GetDPIScaleFactor() : 1.0;
    Size aUnscaledSize = Size(16, 16);
    if (eToolBoxButtonSize == ToolBoxButtonSize::Large)
        OUString iconTheme = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().DetermineIconTheme();
        aUnscaledSize = vcl::IconThemeInfo::SizeByThemeName(iconTheme);
    else if (eToolBoxButtonSize == ToolBoxButtonSize::Size32)
        aUnscaledSize = Size(32, 32);
    return Size(aUnscaledSize.Width()  * fScaleFactor,
                aUnscaledSize.Height() * fScaleFactor);
Size ToolBox::GetDefaultImageSize() const
    return GetDefaultImageSize(GetToolboxButtonSize());
void ToolBox::SetAlign( WindowAlign eNewAlign )
    if ( meAlign != eNewAlign )
        meAlign = eNewAlign;
        if ( !ImplIsFloatingMode() )
            // set horizontal/vertical alignment
            if ( (eNewAlign == WindowAlign::Left) || (eNewAlign == WindowAlign::Right) )
                mbHorz = false;
                mbHorz = true;
            // Update the background according to Persona if necessary
            ImplInitSettings( false, false, true );
            // redraw everything, as the border has changed
            mbCalc = true;
            mbFormat = true;
            if ( IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode() )
void ToolBox::SetLineCount( ImplToolItems::size_type nNewLines )
    if ( !nNewLines )
        nNewLines = 1;
    if ( mnLines != nNewLines )
        mnLines = nNewLines;
        // better redraw everything, as otherwise there might be problems
        // with regions that were copied with CopyBits
void ToolBox::SetPageScroll( bool b )
    mpData->mbPageScroll = b;
ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type ToolBox::GetItemCount() const
    return mpData ? mpData->m_aItems.size() : 0;
ToolBoxItemType ToolBox::GetItemType( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos ) const
    return (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems[nPos].meType : ToolBoxItemType::DONTKNOW;
ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type ToolBox::GetItemPos( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    if (mpData)
        ImplToolItems::size_type nCount = mpData->m_aItems.size();
        for( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++ )
            if( mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId == nItemId )
                return nPos;
    return ITEM_NOTFOUND;
ToolBox::ImplToolItems::size_type ToolBox::GetItemPos( const Point& rPos ) const
    // search the item position on the given point
    ImplToolItems::size_type nRet = ITEM_NOTFOUND;
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = 0;
    ImplToolItems::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin();
    while( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() )
        if ( it->maRect.IsInside( rPos ) )
            // item found -> save position and break
            nRet = nPos;
    return nRet;
sal_uInt16 ToolBox::GetItemId( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos ) const
    return (nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size()) ? mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnId : 0;
sal_uInt16 ToolBox::GetItemId( const Point& rPos ) const
    // find item that was clicked
    ImplToolItems::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin();
    while( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() )
        // is it this item?
        if ( it->maRect.IsInside( rPos ) )
            if ( it->meType == ToolBoxItemType::BUTTON )
                return it->mnId;
                return 0;
    return 0;
Size ToolBox::GetItemContentSize( sal_uInt16 nItemId )
    if ( mbCalc || mbFormat )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() )
        return mpData->m_aItems[nPos].maContentSize;
        return Size();
sal_uInt16 ToolBox::GetItemId(const OUString &rCommand) const
    if (!mpData)
        return 0;
    for (ImplToolItems::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin(); it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it)
        if (it->maCommandStr == rCommand)
            return it->mnId;
    return 0;
Point ToolBox::ImplGetPopupPosition( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) const
    Point aPos;
    if( !rRect.IsEmpty() )
        tools::Rectangle aScreen = GetDesktopRectPixel();
        // the popup should be positioned so that it will not cover
        // the item rect and that it fits the desktop
        // the preferred direction is always towards the center of
        // the application window
        Point devPos;           // the position in device coordinates for screen comparison
        switch( meAlign )
            case WindowAlign::Top:
                aPos = rRect.BottomLeft();
                aPos.AdjustY( 1 );
                devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos );
                if( devPos.Y() >= aScreen.Bottom() )
                    aPos.setY( rRect.Top() );
            case WindowAlign::Bottom:
                aPos = rRect.TopLeft();
                aPos.AdjustY( -1 );
                devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos );
                if( devPos.Y() <= aScreen.Top() )
                    aPos.setY( rRect.Bottom() );
            case WindowAlign::Left:
                aPos = rRect.TopRight();
                aPos.AdjustX( 1 );
                devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos );
                if( devPos.X() >= aScreen.Right() )
                    aPos.setX( rRect.Left() );
            case WindowAlign::Right:
                aPos = rRect.TopLeft();
                aPos.AdjustX( -1 );
                devPos = OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos );
                if( devPos.X() <= aScreen.Left() )
                    aPos.setX( rRect.Right() );
    return aPos;
tools::Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemRect( sal_uInt16 nItemId )
    if ( mbCalc || mbFormat )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    return GetItemPosRect( nPos );
tools::Rectangle ToolBox::GetItemPosRect( ImplToolItems::size_type nPos )
    if ( mbCalc || mbFormat )
    if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() )
        return mpData->m_aItems[nPos].maRect;
        return tools::Rectangle();
tools::Rectangle const & ToolBox::GetOverflowRect() const
    return mpData->maMenubuttonItem.maRect;
bool ToolBox::ImplHasExternalMenubutton()
    // check if the borderwindow (i.e. the decoration) provides the menu button
    bool bRet = false;
    if( ImplIsFloatingMode() )
        // custom menu is placed in the decoration
        ImplBorderWindow *pBorderWin = dynamic_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>( GetWindow( GetWindowType::Border ) );
        if( pBorderWin && !pBorderWin->GetMenuRect().IsEmpty() )
            bRet = true;
    return bRet;
void ToolBox::SetItemBits( sal_uInt16 nItemId, ToolBoxItemBits nBits )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos < GetItemCount() )
        ToolBoxItemBits nOldBits = mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnBits;
        mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mnBits = nBits;
        nBits &= ToolBoxItemBits::LEFT | ToolBoxItemBits::AUTOSIZE | ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN;
        nOldBits &= ToolBoxItemBits::LEFT | ToolBoxItemBits::AUTOSIZE | ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN;
        // trigger reformat when the item width has changed (dropdown arrow)
        bool bFormat = ToolBoxItemBits(nBits & ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN) != ToolBoxItemBits(nOldBits & ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN);
        if ( nBits != nOldBits )
            ImplInvalidate( true, bFormat );
ToolBoxItemBits ToolBox::GetItemBits( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->mnBits;
        return ToolBoxItemBits::NONE;
void ToolBox::SetItemExpand( sal_uInt16 nItemId, bool bExpand )
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if (!pItem)
    if (pItem->mbExpand != bExpand)
        pItem->mbExpand = bExpand;
        ImplInvalidate(true, true);
void ToolBox::SetItemData( sal_uInt16 nItemId, void* pNewData )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos < mpData->m_aItems.size() )
        mpData->m_aItems[nPos].mpUserData = pNewData;
        ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
void* ToolBox::GetItemData( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->mpUserData;
        return nullptr;
void ToolBox::SetItemImage( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        Size aOldSize = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel();
        pItem->maImage = rImage;
        // only once all is calculated, do extra work
        if (!mbCalc)
            if (aOldSize != pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel())
                ImplInvalidate( true );
                ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
void ToolBox::SetItemOverlayImage( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        Size aOldSize = pItem->maOverlayImage.GetSizePixel();
        pItem->maOverlayImage = rImage;
        // only once all is calculated, do extra work
        if (!mbCalc)
            if (aOldSize != pItem->maOverlayImage.GetSizePixel())
                ImplInvalidate( true );
                ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
static Image ImplRotImage( const Image& rImage, long nAngle10 )
    BitmapEx    aRotBitmapEx( rImage.GetBitmapEx() );
    aRotBitmapEx.Rotate( nAngle10, COL_WHITE );
    return Image( aRotBitmapEx );
void ToolBox::SetItemImageAngle( sal_uInt16 nItemId, long nAngle10 )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        Size aOldSize = pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel();
        long nDeltaAngle = (nAngle10 - pItem->mnImageAngle) % 3600;
        while( nDeltaAngle < 0 )
            nDeltaAngle += 3600;
        pItem->mnImageAngle = nAngle10;
        if( nDeltaAngle && !!pItem->maImage )
            pItem->maImage = ImplRotImage( pItem->maImage, nDeltaAngle );
        if (!mbCalc)
            if (aOldSize != pItem->maImage.GetSizePixel())
static Image ImplMirrorImage( const Image& rImage )
    BitmapEx    aMirrBitmapEx( rImage.GetBitmapEx() );
    aMirrBitmapEx.Mirror( BmpMirrorFlags::Horizontal );
    return Image( aMirrBitmapEx );
void ToolBox::SetItemImageMirrorMode( sal_uInt16 nItemId, bool bMirror )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        if ((pItem->mbMirrorMode && !bMirror) ||
            (!pItem->mbMirrorMode && bMirror))
            pItem->mbMirrorMode = bMirror;
            if (!!pItem->maImage)
                pItem->maImage = ImplMirrorImage(pItem->maImage);
            if (!mbCalc)
Image ToolBox::GetItemImage(sal_uInt16 nItemId) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem(nItemId);
    return pItem ? pItem->maImage : Image();
void ToolBox::SetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        // only once all is calculated, do extra work
        if ( !mbCalc &&
             ((meButtonType != ButtonType::SYMBOLONLY) || !pItem->maImage) )
            long nOldWidth = GetCtrlTextWidth( pItem->maText );
            pItem->maText = MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars(rText);
            if ( nOldWidth != GetCtrlTextWidth( pItem->maText ) )
                ImplInvalidate( true );
                ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
            pItem->maText = MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars(rText);
        // Notify button changed event to prepare accessibility bridge
        CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxButtonStateChanged, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
        // Notify
        CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemTextChanged, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
const OUString& ToolBox::GetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    assert( pItem );
    return pItem->maText;
void ToolBox::SetItemWindow( sal_uInt16 nItemId, vcl::Window* pNewWindow )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        pItem->mpWindow = pNewWindow;
        if ( pNewWindow )
        ImplInvalidate( true );
        CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemWindowChanged, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
vcl::Window* ToolBox::GetItemWindow( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->mpWindow;
        return nullptr;
void ToolBox::StartSelection()
    if ( mbDrag )
    if ( !mbSelection )
        mbSelection  = true;
        mnCurPos     = ITEM_NOTFOUND;
        mnCurItemId  = 0;
void ToolBox::EndSelection()
    if ( mbDrag || mbSelection )
        // reset
        mbDrag = false;
        mbSelection = false;
        if (mnCurPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND)
        if (IsMouseCaptured())
    mnCurPos        = ITEM_NOTFOUND;
    mnCurItemId     = 0;
    mnDownItemId    = 0;
    mnMouseModifier = 0;
void ToolBox::SetItemDown( sal_uInt16 nItemId, bool bDown )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        if ( bDown )
            if ( nPos != mnCurPos )
                mnCurPos = nPos;
            if ( nPos == mnCurPos )
                mnCurPos = ITEM_NOTFOUND;
        if ( mbDrag || mbSelection )
            mbDrag = false;
            mbSelection = false;
            if (IsMouseCaptured())
        mnCurItemId     = 0;
        mnDownItemId    = 0;
        mnMouseModifier = 0;
void ToolBox::SetItemState( sal_uInt16 nItemId, TriState eState )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        // the state has changed
        if ( pItem->meState != eState )
            // if RadioCheck, un-check the previous
            if ( (eState == TRISTATE_TRUE) && (pItem->mnBits & ToolBoxItemBits::AUTOCHECK) &&
                 (pItem->mnBits & ToolBoxItemBits::RADIOCHECK) )
                ImplToolItem*    pGroupItem;
                ImplToolItems::size_type nGroupPos;
                ImplToolItems::size_type nItemCount = GetItemCount();
                nGroupPos = nPos;
                while ( nGroupPos )
                    pGroupItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nGroupPos-1];
                    if ( pGroupItem->mnBits & ToolBoxItemBits::RADIOCHECK )
                        if ( pGroupItem->meState != TRISTATE_FALSE )
                            SetItemState( pGroupItem->mnId, TRISTATE_FALSE );
                nGroupPos = nPos+1;
                while ( nGroupPos < nItemCount )
                    pGroupItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nGroupPos];
                    if ( pGroupItem->mnBits & ToolBoxItemBits::RADIOCHECK )
                        if ( pGroupItem->meState != TRISTATE_FALSE )
                            SetItemState( pGroupItem->mnId, TRISTATE_FALSE );
            pItem->meState = eState;
            ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
            // Notify button changed event to prepare accessibility bridge
            CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxButtonStateChanged, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
            // Call accessible listener to notify state_changed event
            CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxItemUpdated, reinterpret_cast< void* >(nPos) );
TriState ToolBox::GetItemState( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->meState;
        return TRISTATE_FALSE;
void ToolBox::EnableItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, bool bEnable )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        if ( bEnable )
            bEnable = true;
        if ( pItem->mbEnabled != bEnable )
            pItem->mbEnabled = bEnable;
            // if existing, also redraw the window
            if ( pItem->mpWindow )
                pItem->mpWindow->Enable( pItem->mbEnabled );
            // update item
            ImplUpdateItem( nPos );
            // Notify button changed event to prepare accessibility bridge
            CallEventListeners( VclEventId::ToolboxButtonStateChanged, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
            CallEventListeners( bEnable ? VclEventId::ToolboxItemEnabled : VclEventId::ToolboxItemDisabled, reinterpret_cast< void* >( nPos ) );
bool ToolBox::IsItemEnabled( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->mbEnabled;
        return false;
void ToolBox::ShowItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId, bool bVisible )
    ImplToolItems::size_type nPos = GetItemPos( nItemId );
    if ( nPos != ITEM_NOTFOUND )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[nPos];
        if ( pItem->mbVisible != bVisible )
            pItem->mbVisible = bVisible;
bool ToolBox::IsItemClipped( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->IsClipped();
        return false;
bool ToolBox::IsItemVisible( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->mbVisible;
        return false;
bool ToolBox::IsItemReallyVisible( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    // is the item on the visible area of the toolbox?
    bool bRet = false;
    tools::Rectangle aRect( mnLeftBorder, mnTopBorder, mnDX-mnRightBorder, mnDY-mnBottomBorder );
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem && pItem->mbVisible &&
         !pItem->maRect.IsEmpty() && aRect.IsOver( pItem->maRect ) )
        bRet = true;
    return bRet;
void ToolBox::SetItemCommand(sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rCommand)
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if (pItem)
        pItem->maCommandStr = rCommand;
const OUString ToolBox::GetItemCommand( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if (pItem)
        return pItem->maCommandStr;
    return OUString();
void ToolBox::SetQuickHelpText( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText )
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        pItem->maQuickHelpText = rText;
OUString ToolBox::GetQuickHelpText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        return pItem->maQuickHelpText;
        return OUString();
void ToolBox::SetHelpText( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rText )
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        pItem->maHelpText = rText;
const OUString& ToolBox::GetHelpText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    return ImplGetHelpText( nItemId );
void ToolBox::SetHelpId( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OString& rHelpId )
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        pItem->maHelpId = rHelpId;
OString ToolBox::GetHelpId( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
    OString aRet;
    ImplToolItem* pItem = ImplGetItem( nItemId );
    if ( pItem )
        if ( !pItem->maHelpId.isEmpty() )
            aRet = pItem->maHelpId;
            aRet = OUStringToOString( pItem->maCommandStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
    return aRet;
void ToolBox::SetOutStyle( sal_uInt16 nNewStyle )
    // always force flat looking toolbars since NWF
    nNewStyle |= TOOLBOX_STYLE_FLAT;
    if ( mnOutStyle != nNewStyle )
        mnOutStyle = nNewStyle;
        // so as to redo the ButtonDevice
        if ( !(mnOutStyle & TOOLBOX_STYLE_FLAT) )
            mnMaxItemWidth  = 1;
            mnMaxItemHeight = 1;
        ImplInvalidate( true, true );
// disable key input if all items are disabled
void ToolBox::ImplUpdateInputEnable()
    for( ImplToolItems::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin();
         it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it )
        if( it->mbEnabled )
            // at least one useful entry
            mpData->mbKeyInputDisabled = false;
    mpData->mbKeyInputDisabled = true;
void ToolBox::ImplFillLayoutData()
    mpData->m_pLayoutData.reset(new ToolBoxLayoutData);
    ImplToolItems::size_type nCount = mpData->m_aItems.size();
    for( ImplToolItems::size_type i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplToolItem* pItem = &mpData->m_aItems[i];
        // only draw, if the rectangle is within PaintRectangle
        if (!pItem->maRect.IsEmpty())
OUString ToolBox::GetDisplayText() const
    if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData )
        const_cast<ToolBox *>(this)->ImplFillLayoutData();
    return mpData->m_pLayoutData ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aDisplayText : OUString();
tools::Rectangle ToolBox::GetCharacterBounds( sal_uInt16 nItemID, long nIndex )
    long nItemIndex = -1;
    if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData )
    if( mpData->m_pLayoutData )
        for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds.size(); i++ )
            if( mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds[i] == nItemID )
                nItemIndex = mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i];
    return (mpData->m_pLayoutData && nItemIndex != -1) ? mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetCharacterBounds( nItemIndex+nIndex ) : tools::Rectangle();
long ToolBox::GetIndexForPoint( const Point& rPoint, sal_uInt16& rItemID )
    long nIndex = -1;
    rItemID = 0;
    if( ! mpData->m_pLayoutData )
    if( mpData->m_pLayoutData )
        nIndex = mpData->m_pLayoutData->GetIndexForPoint( rPoint );
        for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices.size(); i++ )
            if( mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i] <= nIndex &&
                (i == mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices.size()-1 || mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineIndices[i+1] > nIndex) )
                rItemID = mpData->m_pLayoutData->m_aLineItemIds[i];
    return nIndex;
void ToolBox::SetDropdownClickHdl( const Link<ToolBox *, void>& rLink )
    if (mpData != nullptr) {
        mpData->maDropdownClickHdl = rLink;
void ToolBox::SetMenuType( ToolBoxMenuType aType )
    if( aType != mpData->maMenuType )
        mpData->maMenuType = aType;
        if( IsFloatingMode() )
            // the menu button may have to be moved into the decoration which changes the layout
            ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this );
            if( pWrapper )
                pWrapper->ShowTitleButton( TitleButton::Menu, bool( aType & ToolBoxMenuType::Customize) );
            mbFormat = true;
            // trigger redraw of menu button
            if( !mpData->maMenubuttonItem.maRect.IsEmpty() )
ToolBoxMenuType ToolBox::GetMenuType() const
    return mpData->maMenuType;
bool ToolBox::IsMenuEnabled() const
    return mpData->maMenuType != ToolBoxMenuType::NONE;
PopupMenu* ToolBox::GetMenu() const
    return mpData == nullptr ? nullptr : mpData->mpMenu;
void ToolBox::SetMenuExecuteHdl( const Link<ToolBox *, void>& rLink )
    mpData->maMenuButtonHdl = rLink;
bool ToolBox::ImplHasClippedItems()
    // are any items currently clipped ?
    ImplToolItems::const_iterator it = mpData->m_aItems.begin();
    while ( it != mpData->m_aItems.end() )
        if( it->IsClipped() )
            return true;
    return false;
    MenuItemBits ConvertBitsFromToolBoxToMenu(ToolBoxItemBits nToolItemBits)
        MenuItemBits nMenuItemBits = MenuItemBits::NONE;
        if ((nToolItemBits & ToolBoxItemBits::CHECKABLE) ||
            (nToolItemBits & ToolBoxItemBits::DROPDOWN))
            nMenuItemBits |= MenuItemBits::CHECKABLE;
        return nMenuItemBits;
void ToolBox::UpdateCustomMenu()
    // fill clipped items into menu
    PopupMenu *pMenu = GetMenu();
    // add menu items: first the overflow items, then hidden items, both in the
    // order they would usually appear in the toolbar. Separators that would be
    // in the toolbar are ignored as they would introduce too much clutter,
    // instead we have a single separator to help distinguish between overflow
    // and hidden items.
    if ( !mpData->m_aItems.empty() )
        // nStartPos will hold the number of clipped items appended from first loop
        for ( ImplToolItems::iterator it(mpData->m_aItems.begin());
                it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it)
            if( it->IsClipped() )
                sal_uInt16 id = it->mnId + TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START;
                MenuItemBits nMenuItemBits = ConvertBitsFromToolBoxToMenu(it->mnBits);
                pMenu->InsertItem( id, it->maText, it->maImage, nMenuItemBits);
                pMenu->SetItemCommand( id, it->maCommandStr );
                pMenu->EnableItem( id, it->mbEnabled );
                pMenu->CheckItem ( id, it->meState == TRISTATE_TRUE );
        // add a separator below the inserted clipped-items
        // now append the items that are explicitly disabled
        for ( ImplToolItems::iterator it(mpData->m_aItems.begin());
                it != mpData->m_aItems.end(); ++it)
            if( it->IsItemHidden() )
                sal_uInt16 id = it->mnId + TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START;
                MenuItemBits nMenuItemBits = ConvertBitsFromToolBoxToMenu(it->mnBits);
                pMenu->InsertItem( id, it->maText, it->maImage, nMenuItemBits );
                pMenu->SetItemCommand( id, it->maCommandStr );
                pMenu->EnableItem( id, it->mbEnabled );
                pMenu->CheckItem( id, it->meState == TRISTATE_TRUE );
IMPL_LINK( ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener, VclMenuEvent&, rEvent, void )
    if( rEvent.GetMenu() == GetMenu() && rEvent.GetId() == VclEventId::MenuSelect )
        sal_uInt16 id = GetMenu()->GetItemId( rEvent.GetItemPos() );
        if( id >= TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START )
            TriggerItem( id - TOOLBOX_MENUITEM_START );
void ToolBox::ExecuteCustomMenu( const tools::Rectangle& rRect )
    if ( !IsMenuEnabled() || ImplIsInPopupMode() )
    if( GetMenuType() & ToolBoxMenuType::Customize )
        // call button handler to allow for menu customization
        mpData->maMenuButtonHdl.Call( this );
    GetMenu()->AddEventListener( LINK( this, ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener ) );
    // make sure all disabled entries will be shown
        GetMenu()->GetMenuFlags() | MenuFlags::AlwaysShowDisabledEntries );
    // toolbox might be destroyed during execute
    bool bBorderDel = false;
    VclPtr<vcl::Window> pWin = this;
    tools::Rectangle aMenuRect = rRect;
    VclPtr<ImplBorderWindow> pBorderWin;
    if( aMenuRect.IsEmpty() && IsFloatingMode() )
        // custom menu is placed in the decoration
        pBorderWin = dynamic_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>( GetWindow( GetWindowType::Border ) );
        if( pBorderWin && !pBorderWin->GetMenuRect().IsEmpty() )
            pWin = pBorderWin;
            aMenuRect = pBorderWin->GetMenuRect();
            bBorderDel = true;
    sal_uInt16 uId = GetMenu()->Execute( pWin, tools::Rectangle( ImplGetPopupPosition( aMenuRect ), Size() ),
                            PopupMenuFlags::ExecuteDown | PopupMenuFlags::NoMouseUpClose );
    if ( pWin->IsDisposed() )
    if( GetMenu() )
        GetMenu()->RemoveEventListener( LINK( this, ToolBox, ImplCustomMenuListener ) );
    if( bBorderDel )
        if( pBorderWin->IsDisposed() )
    pWin->Invalidate( aMenuRect );
    if( uId )
// checks override first, useful during calculation of sizes
bool ToolBox::ImplIsFloatingMode() const
    SAL_WARN_IF( mpData->mbAssumeDocked && mpData->mbAssumeFloating, "vcl",
        "cannot assume docked and floating" );
    if( mpData->mbAssumeDocked )
        return false;
    else if( mpData->mbAssumeFloating )
        return true;
        return IsFloatingMode();
// checks override first, useful during calculation of sizes
bool ToolBox::ImplIsInPopupMode() const
    if( mpData->mbAssumePopupMode )
        return true;
        ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this );
        return ( pWrapper && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow() && pWrapper->GetFloatingWindow()->IsInPopupMode() );
void ToolBox::Lock( bool bLock )
    ImplDockingWindowWrapper *pWrapper = ImplGetDockingManager()->GetDockingWindowWrapper( this );
    if( !pWrapper )
    if( mpData->mbIsLocked != bLock )
        mpData->mbIsLocked = bLock;
        if( !ImplIsFloatingMode() )
            mbCalc = true;
            mbFormat = true;
            SetSizePixel( CalcWindowSizePixel(1) );
bool ToolBox::AlwaysLocked()
    // read config item to determine toolbox behaviour, used for subtoolbars
    static int nAlwaysLocked = -1;
    if( nAlwaysLocked == -1 )
        nAlwaysLocked = 0; // ask configuration only once
        utl::OConfigurationNode aNode = utl::OConfigurationTreeRoot::tryCreateWithComponentContext(
            "/org.openoffice.Office.UI.GlobalSettings/Toolbars" );    // note: case sensitive !
        if ( aNode.isValid() )
            // feature enabled ?
            bool bStatesEnabled = bool();
            css::uno::Any aValue = aNode.getNodeValue( OUString("StatesEnabled") );
            if( aValue >>= bStatesEnabled )
                if( bStatesEnabled )
                    // now read the locking state
                    utl::OConfigurationNode aNode2 = utl::OConfigurationTreeRoot::tryCreateWithComponentContext(
                        "/org.openoffice.Office.UI.GlobalSettings/Toolbars/States" );    // note: case sensitive !
                    bool bLocked = bool();
                    css::uno::Any aValue2 = aNode2.getNodeValue( OUString("Locked") );
                    if( aValue2 >>= bLocked )
                        nAlwaysLocked = bLocked ? 1 : 0;
    return nAlwaysLocked == 1;
bool ToolBox::WillUsePopupMode() const
    return mpData->mbWillUsePopupMode;
void ToolBox::WillUsePopupMode( bool b )
    mpData->mbWillUsePopupMode = b;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && !B) || (!A && B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) != bool(B)' expression.