/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/dnd/DNDConstants.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/XTransferable.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <o3tl/any.hxx>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "target.hxx"
#include "idroptarget.hxx"
#include "globals.hxx"
#include "targetdropcontext.hxx"
#include "targetdragcontext.hxx"
#include <rtl/ustring.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include "../dtobj/DOTransferable.hxx"
using namespace cppu;
using namespace osl;
using namespace com::sun::star::datatransfer;
using namespace com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd;
using namespace com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::DNDConstants;
DropTarget::DropTarget( const Reference<XComponentContext>& rxContext):
    WeakComponentImplHelper<XInitialization,XDropTarget, XServiceInfo>(m_mutex),
    m_hWnd( nullptr),
    m_oleThreadId( 0),
    m_pDropTarget( nullptr),
    m_xContext( rxContext ),
    m_nCurrentDropAction( ACTION_NONE),
// called from WeakComponentImplHelperX::dispose
// WeakComponentImplHelper calls disposing before it destroys
// itself.
// NOTE: RevokeDragDrop decrements the ref count on the IDropTarget
// interface. (m_pDropTarget)
// If the HWND is invalid then it doesn't decrement and
// the IDropTarget object will live on. MEMORY LEAK
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::disposing()
    if( m_threadIdTarget)
        // Call RevokeDragDrop and wait for the OLE thread to die;
        PostThreadMessageW( m_threadIdTarget, WM_REVOKEDRAGDROP, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(this), 0);
        WaitForSingleObject( m_hOleThread, INFINITE);
        CloseHandle( m_hOleThread);
        //OSL_ENSURE( SUCCEEDED( hr), "HWND not valid!" );
        RevokeDragDrop( m_hWnd);
        m_hWnd= nullptr;
    if( m_pDropTarget)
        CoLockObjectExternal( m_pDropTarget, FALSE, TRUE);
        m_pDropTarget = nullptr;
    if( m_oleThreadId)
        if( m_oleThreadId == CoGetCurrentProcess() )
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
    // The window must be registered for Dnd by RegisterDragDrop. We must ensure
    // that RegisterDragDrop is called from an STA ( OleInitialize) thread.
    // As long as the window is registered we need to receive OLE messages in
    // an OLE thread. That is to say, if DropTarget::initialize was called from an
    // MTA thread then we create an OLE thread in which the window is registered.
    // The thread will stay alive until aver RevokeDragDrop has been called.
    // Additionally even if RegisterDragDrop is called from an STA thread we have
    // to ensure that it is called from the same thread that created the Window
    // otherwise meesages sent during DND won't reach the windows message queue.
    // Calling AttachThreadInput first would resolve this problem but would block
    // the message queue of the calling thread. So if the current thread
    // (even if it's an STA thread) and the thread that created the window are not
    // identical we need to create a new thread as we do when the calling thread is
    // an MTA thread.
    if( aArguments.getLength() > 0)
        // Get the window handle from aArgument. It is needed for RegisterDragDrop.
        m_hWnd= reinterpret_cast<HWND>(static_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_uInt64>(aArguments[0])));
        OSL_ASSERT( IsWindow( m_hWnd) );
        // Obtain the id of the thread that created the window
        m_threadIdWindow= GetWindowThreadProcessId( m_hWnd, nullptr);
        HRESULT hr= OleInitialize( nullptr);
        // Current thread is MTA or Current thread and Window thread are not identical
        if( hr == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE || GetCurrentThreadId() != m_threadIdWindow  )
            OSL_ENSURE( ! m_threadIdTarget,"initialize was called twice");
            // create the IDropTargetImplementation
            m_pDropTarget= new IDropTargetImpl( *this );
            // Obtain the id of the thread that created the window
            m_threadIdWindow= GetWindowThreadProcessId( m_hWnd, nullptr);
            // The event is set by the thread that we will create momentarily.
            // It indicates that the thread is ready to receive messages.
            HANDLE m_evtThreadReady= CreateEventW( nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr);
            m_hOleThread= CreateThread( nullptr, 0, DndTargetOleSTAFunc,
                                            &m_evtThreadReady, 0, &m_threadIdTarget);
            WaitForSingleObject( m_evtThreadReady, INFINITE);
            CloseHandle( m_evtThreadReady);
            PostThreadMessageW( m_threadIdTarget, WM_REGISTERDRAGDROP, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(this), 0);
        else if( hr == S_OK || hr == S_FALSE)
            // current thread is STA
            // If OleInitialize has been called by the caller then we must not call
            // OleUninitialize
            if( hr == S_OK)
                // caller did not call OleInitialize, so we call OleUninitialize
                // remember the thread that will call OleUninitialize
                m_oleThreadId= CoGetCurrentProcess(); // get a unique thread id
            // Get the window handle from aArgument. It is needed for RegisterDragDrop.
            // create the IDropTargetImplementation
            m_pDropTarget= new IDropTargetImpl( *this );
            // CoLockObjectExternal is prescribed by the protocol. It bumps up the ref count
            if( SUCCEEDED( CoLockObjectExternal( m_pDropTarget, TRUE, FALSE)))
                if( FAILED( RegisterDragDrop( m_hWnd,  m_pDropTarget) ) )
                    // do clean up if drag and drop is not possible
                    CoLockObjectExternal( m_pDropTarget, FALSE, FALSE);
                    m_pDropTarget = nullptr;
                    m_hWnd= nullptr;
            throw Exception("OleInitialize failed with " + OUString::number(hr), nullptr);
// This function is called as extra thread from DragSource::startDrag.
// The function carries out a drag and drop operation by calling
// DoDragDrop. The thread also notifies all XSourceListener.
    osl_setThreadName("DropTarget DndTargetOleSTAFunc");
    HRESULT hr= OleInitialize( nullptr);
    if( SUCCEEDED( hr) )
        MSG msg;
        // force the creation of a message queue
        PeekMessageW( &msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
        // Signal the creator ( DropTarget::initialize) that the thread is
        // ready to receive messages.
        SetEvent( *static_cast<HANDLE*>(pParams));
        // Thread id is needed for attaching this message queue to the one of the
        // thread where the window was created.
        DWORD threadId= GetCurrentThreadId();
        // We force the creation of a thread message queue. This is necessary
        // for a later call to AttachThreadInput
        while( GetMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0) )
            if( msg.message == WM_REGISTERDRAGDROP)
                DropTarget *pTarget= reinterpret_cast<DropTarget*>(msg.wParam);
                // This thread is attached to the thread that created the window. Hence
                // this thread also receives all mouse and keyboard messages which are
                // needed
                AttachThreadInput( threadId , pTarget->m_threadIdWindow, TRUE );
                if( SUCCEEDED( CoLockObjectExternal(pTarget-> m_pDropTarget, TRUE, FALSE)))
                    if( FAILED( RegisterDragDrop( pTarget-> m_hWnd, pTarget-> m_pDropTarget) ) )
                        // do clean up if drag and drop is not possible
                        CoLockObjectExternal( pTarget->m_pDropTarget, FALSE, FALSE);
                        pTarget->m_pDropTarget = nullptr;
                        pTarget->m_hWnd= nullptr;
            else if( msg.message == WM_REVOKEDRAGDROP)
                DropTarget *pTarget= reinterpret_cast<DropTarget*>(msg.wParam);
                RevokeDragDrop( pTarget-> m_hWnd);
                // Detach this thread from the window thread
                AttachThreadInput( threadId, pTarget->m_threadIdWindow, FALSE);
                pTarget->m_hWnd= nullptr;
            TranslateMessage(  &msg);
            DispatchMessageW( &msg);
    return 0;
// XServiceInfo
OUString SAL_CALL DropTarget::getImplementationName(  )
    return OUString(DNDTARGET_IMPL_NAME);
// XServiceInfo
sal_Bool SAL_CALL DropTarget::supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, ServiceName);
Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL DropTarget::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    OUString names[1]= {OUString(DNDTARGET_SERVICE_NAME)};
    return Sequence<OUString>(names, 1);
// XDropTarget
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::addDropTargetListener( const Reference< XDropTargetListener >& dtl )
    rBHelper.addListener( cppu::UnoType<decltype(dtl)>::get(), dtl );
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::removeDropTargetListener( const Reference< XDropTargetListener >& dtl )
    rBHelper.removeListener( cppu::UnoType<decltype(dtl)>::get(), dtl );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL DropTarget::isActive(  )
    return m_bActive; //m_bDropTargetRegistered;
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::setActive( sal_Bool _b )
    MutexGuard g(m_mutex);
    m_bActive= _b;
sal_Int8 SAL_CALL DropTarget::getDefaultActions(  )
    return m_nDefaultActions;
void SAL_CALL DropTarget::setDefaultActions( sal_Int8 actions )
    OSL_ENSURE( actions < 8, "No valid default actions");
    m_nDefaultActions= actions;
HRESULT DropTarget::DragEnter( IDataObject *pDataObj,
                                    DWORD grfKeyState,
                                    POINTL pt,
                                    DWORD  *pdwEffect)
#if defined DBG_CONSOLE_OUT
    printf("\nDropTarget::DragEnter state: %x effect %d", grfKeyState, *pdwEffect);
    if( m_bActive )
        // Intersection of pdwEffect and the allowed actions ( setDefaultActions)
        m_nCurrentDropAction= getFilteredActions( grfKeyState, *pdwEffect);
        // m_nLastDropAction has to be set by a listener. If no listener calls
        //XDropTargetDragContext::acceptDrag and specifies an action then pdwEffect
        // will be DROPEFFECT_NONE throughout
        m_nLastDropAction= ACTION_DEFAULT | ACTION_MOVE;
        m_currentDragContext= static_cast<XDropTargetDragContext*>( new TargetDragContext(
            this ) );
        //--> TRA
        // shortcut
        if ( g_XTransferable.is( ) )
            m_currentData = g_XTransferable;
            // Convert the IDataObject to a XTransferable
            m_currentData= CDOTransferable::create(
                                            m_xContext, IDataObjectPtr(pDataObj));
        //<-- TRA
        if( m_nCurrentDropAction != ACTION_NONE)
            DropTargetDragEnterEvent e;
            e.SupportedDataFlavors= m_currentData->getTransferDataFlavors();
            e.DropAction= m_nCurrentDropAction;
            e.Source.set( static_cast<XDropTarget*>(this),UNO_QUERY);
            e.Context= m_currentDragContext;
            POINT point={ pt.x, pt.y};
            ScreenToClient( m_hWnd, &point);
            e.LocationX= point.x;
            e.LocationY= point.y;
            e.SourceActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
            fire_dragEnter( e);
            // Check if the action derived from grfKeyState (m_nCurrentDropAction) or the action set
            // by the listener (m_nCurrentDropAction) is allowed by the source. Only a allowed action is set
            // in pdwEffect. The listener notification is asynchron, that is we cannot expect that the listener
            // has already reacted to the notification.
            // If there is more than one valid action which is the case when ALT or RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON is pressed
            // then getDropEffect returns DROPEFFECT_MOVE which is the default value if no other modifier is pressed.
            // On drop the target should present the user a dialog from which the user may change the action.
            sal_Int8 allowedActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
            *pdwEffect= dndActionsToSingleDropEffect( m_nLastDropAction & allowedActions);
            *pdwEffect= DROPEFFECT_NONE;
    return S_OK;
HRESULT DropTarget::DragOver( DWORD grfKeyState,
                                   POINTL pt,
                                   DWORD  *pdwEffect)
    if( m_bActive)
        m_nCurrentDropAction= getFilteredActions( grfKeyState, *pdwEffect);
        if( m_nCurrentDropAction)
            DropTargetDragEvent e;
            e.DropAction= m_nCurrentDropAction;
            e.Context= m_currentDragContext;
            POINT point={ pt.x, pt.y};
            ScreenToClient( m_hWnd, &point);
            e.LocationX= point.x;
            e.LocationY= point.y;
            e.SourceActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
            // if grfKeyState has changed since the last DragOver then fire events.
            // A listener might change m_nCurrentDropAction by calling the
            // XDropTargetDragContext::acceptDrag function. But this is not important
            // because in the afterwards fired dragOver event the action reflects
            // grgKeyState again.
            if( m_nLastDropAction != m_nCurrentDropAction)
                fire_dropActionChanged( e);
            // The Event contains a XDropTargetDragContext implementation.
            fire_dragOver( e);
            // Check if the action derived from grfKeyState (m_nCurrentDropAction) or the action set
            // by the listener (m_nCurrentDropAction) is allowed by the source. Only a allowed action is set
            // in pdwEffect. The listener notification is asynchron, that is we cannot expect that the listener
            // has already reacted to the notification.
            // If there is more than one valid action which is the case when ALT or RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON is pressed
            // then getDropEffect returns DROPEFFECT_MOVE which is the default value if no other modifier is pressed.
            // On drop the target should present the user a dialog from which the user may change the action.
            sal_Int8 allowedActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
            // set the last action to the current if listener has not changed the value yet
            *pdwEffect= dndActionsToSingleDropEffect( m_nLastDropAction & allowedActions);
            *pdwEffect= DROPEFFECT_NONE;
#if defined DBG_CONSOLE_OUT
    printf("\nDropTarget::DragOver %d", *pdwEffect );
    return S_OK;
HRESULT DropTarget::DragLeave()
#if defined DBG_CONSOLE_OUT
    if( m_bActive)
        m_currentDragContext= nullptr;
        m_currentDropContext= nullptr;
        m_nLastDropAction= 0;
        if( m_nDefaultActions != ACTION_NONE)
            DropTargetEvent e;
            e.Source=  static_cast<XDropTarget*>(this);
            fire_dragExit( e);
    return S_OK;
HRESULT DropTarget::Drop( IDataObject  * /*pDataObj*/,
                   DWORD grfKeyState,
                   POINTL pt,
                   DWORD *pdwEffect)
#if defined DBG_CONSOLE_OUT
    if( m_bActive)
        m_bDropComplete= false;
        m_nCurrentDropAction= getFilteredActions( grfKeyState, *pdwEffect);
        m_currentDropContext= static_cast<XDropTargetDropContext*>( new TargetDropContext( this )  );
        if( m_nCurrentDropAction)
            DropTargetDropEvent e;
            e.DropAction= m_nCurrentDropAction;
            e.Source.set( static_cast<XDropTarget*>(this), UNO_QUERY);
            e.Context= m_currentDropContext;
            POINT point={ pt.x, pt.y};
            ScreenToClient( m_hWnd, &point);
            e.LocationX= point.x;
            e.LocationY= point.y;
            e.SourceActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
            e.Transferable= m_currentData;
            fire_drop( e);
            //if fire_drop returns than a listener might have modified m_nCurrentDropAction
            if( m_bDropComplete )
                sal_Int8 allowedActions= dndOleDropEffectsToActions( *pdwEffect);
                *pdwEffect= dndActionsToSingleDropEffect( m_nCurrentDropAction & allowedActions);
                *pdwEffect= DROPEFFECT_NONE;
            *pdwEffect= DROPEFFECT_NONE;
        m_currentData= nullptr;
        m_currentDragContext= nullptr;
        m_currentDropContext= nullptr;
        m_nLastDropAction= 0;
    return S_OK;
void DropTarget::fire_drop( const DropTargetDropEvent& dte)
    OInterfaceContainerHelper* pContainer= rBHelper.getContainer( cppu::UnoType<XDropTargetListener>::get());
    if( pContainer)
        OInterfaceIteratorHelper iter( *pContainer);
        while( iter.hasMoreElements())
            Reference<XDropTargetListener> listener( static_cast<XDropTargetListener*>( iter.next()));
            listener->drop( dte);
void DropTarget::fire_dragEnter( const DropTargetDragEnterEvent& e )
    OInterfaceContainerHelper* pContainer= rBHelper.getContainer( cppu::UnoType<XDropTargetListener>::get());
    if( pContainer)
        OInterfaceIteratorHelper iter( *pContainer);
        while( iter.hasMoreElements())
            Reference<XDropTargetListener> listener( static_cast<XDropTargetListener*>( iter.next()));
            listener->dragEnter( e);
void DropTarget::fire_dragExit( const DropTargetEvent& dte )
    OInterfaceContainerHelper* pContainer= rBHelper.getContainer( cppu::UnoType<XDropTargetListener>::get());
    if( pContainer)
        OInterfaceIteratorHelper iter( *pContainer);
        while( iter.hasMoreElements())
            Reference<XDropTargetListener> listener( static_cast<XDropTargetListener*>( iter.next()));
            listener->dragExit( dte);
void DropTarget::fire_dragOver( const DropTargetDragEvent& dtde )
    OInterfaceContainerHelper* pContainer= rBHelper.getContainer( cppu::UnoType<XDropTargetListener>::get());
    if( pContainer)
        OInterfaceIteratorHelper iter( *pContainer );
        while( iter.hasMoreElements())
            Reference<XDropTargetListener> listener( static_cast<XDropTargetListener*>( iter.next()));
            listener->dragOver( dtde);
void DropTarget::fire_dropActionChanged( const DropTargetDragEvent& dtde )
    OInterfaceContainerHelper* pContainer= rBHelper.getContainer( cppu::UnoType<XDropTargetListener>::get());
    if( pContainer)
        OInterfaceIteratorHelper iter( *pContainer);
        while( iter.hasMoreElements())
            Reference<XDropTargetListener> listener( static_cast<XDropTargetListener*>( iter.next()));
            listener->dropActionChanged( dtde);
// Non - interface functions
// DropTarget fires events to XDropTargetListeners. The event object contains an
// XDropTargetDropContext implementation. When the listener calls on that interface
// then the calls are delegated from DropContext (XDropTargetDropContext) to these
// functions.
// Only one listener which visible area is affected is allowed to call on
// XDropTargetDropContext
// Returning sal_False would cause the XDropTargetDropContext or ..DragContext implementation
// to throw an InvalidDNDOperationException, meaning that a Drag is not currently performed.
// return sal_False results in throwing a InvalidDNDOperationException in the caller.
void DropTarget::_acceptDrop(sal_Int8 dropOperation, const Reference<XDropTargetDropContext>& context)
    if( context == m_currentDropContext)
        m_nCurrentDropAction= dropOperation;
void DropTarget::_rejectDrop( const Reference<XDropTargetDropContext>& context)
    if( context == m_currentDropContext)
        m_nCurrentDropAction= ACTION_NONE;
void DropTarget::_dropComplete(bool success, const Reference<XDropTargetDropContext>& context)
    if(context == m_currentDropContext)
        m_bDropComplete= success;
// DropTarget fires events to XDropTargetListeners. The event object can contains an
// XDropTargetDragContext implementation. When the listener calls on that interface
// then the calls are delegated from DragContext (XDropTargetDragContext) to these
// functions.
// Only one listener which visible area is affected is allowed to call on
// XDropTargetDragContext
void DropTarget::_acceptDrag( sal_Int8 dragOperation, const Reference<XDropTargetDragContext>& context)
    if( context == m_currentDragContext)
        m_nLastDropAction= dragOperation;
void DropTarget::_rejectDrag( const Reference<XDropTargetDragContext>& context)
    if(context == m_currentDragContext)
        m_nLastDropAction= ACTION_NONE;
// This function determines the action dependent on the pressed
// key modifiers ( CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, Right Mouse Button). The result
// is then checked against the allowed actions which can be set through
// XDropTarget::setDefaultActions. Only those values which are also
// default actions are returned. If setDefaultActions has not been called
// beforehand the default actions comprise all possible actions.
// params: grfKeyState - the modifier keys and mouse buttons currently pressed
inline sal_Int8 DropTarget::getFilteredActions( DWORD grfKeyState, DWORD dwEffect)
    sal_Int8 actions= dndOleKeysToAction( grfKeyState, dndOleDropEffectsToActions( dwEffect));
    return actions &  m_nDefaultActions;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.

V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.