/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <memory>
#include "stringresource.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/io/TempFile.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/TextInputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/TextOutputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSink.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSource.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/ElementModes.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/NoSupportException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiComponentFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/resource/MissingResourceException.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/implementationentry.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/ElementExistException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/SimpleFileAccess.hpp>
#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::embed;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
namespace stringresource
// mutex
::osl::Mutex& getMutex()
    static ::osl::Mutex* s_pMutex = nullptr;
    if ( !s_pMutex )
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        if ( !s_pMutex )
            static ::osl::Mutex s_aMutex;
            s_pMutex = &s_aMutex;
    return *s_pMutex;
// StringResourceImpl
// component operations
static Sequence< OUString > getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceImpl()
    Sequence< OUString > names { "com.sun.star.resource.StringResource" };
    return names;
static OUString getImplementationName_StringResourceImpl()
    return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.scripting.StringResource" );
static Reference< XInterface > create_StringResourceImpl(
    Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext )
    return static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject * >( new StringResourcePersistenceImpl( xContext ) );
StringResourceImpl::StringResourceImpl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext )
    : m_xContext( rxContext )
    , m_pCurrentLocaleItem( nullptr )
    , m_pDefaultLocaleItem( nullptr )
    , m_bDefaultModified( false )
    , m_aListenerContainer( getMutex() )
    , m_bModified( false )
    , m_bReadOnly( false )
// XServiceInfo
OUString StringResourceImpl::getImplementationName(  )
    return getImplementationName_StringResourceImpl();
sal_Bool StringResourceImpl::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceImpl::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceImpl();
// XModifyBroadcaster
void StringResourceImpl::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    if( !aListener.is() )
        throw RuntimeException();
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    m_aListenerContainer.addInterface( Reference<XInterface>( aListener, UNO_QUERY ) );
void StringResourceImpl::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    if( !aListener.is() )
        throw RuntimeException();
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    m_aListenerContainer.removeInterface( Reference<XInterface>( aListener, UNO_QUERY ) );
// XStringResourceResolver
OUString StringResourceImpl::implResolveString
    ( const OUString& ResourceID, LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    OUString aRetStr;
    bool bSuccess = false;
    if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pLocaleItem ) )
        IdToStringMap::iterator it = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap.find( ResourceID );
        if( !( it == pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap.end() ) )
            aRetStr = (*it).second;
            bSuccess = true;
    if( !bSuccess )
        throw css::resource::MissingResourceException( "StringResourceImpl: No entry for ResourceID: " + ResourceID );
    return aRetStr;
OUString StringResourceImpl::resolveString( const OUString& ResourceID )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    return implResolveString( ResourceID, m_pCurrentLocaleItem );
OUString StringResourceImpl::resolveStringForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, false );
    return implResolveString( ResourceID, pLocaleItem );
bool StringResourceImpl::implHasEntryForId( const OUString& ResourceID, LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    bool bSuccess = false;
    if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pLocaleItem ) )
        IdToStringMap::iterator it = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap.find( ResourceID );
        if( !( it == pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap.end() ) )
            bSuccess = true;
    return bSuccess;
sal_Bool StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    return implHasEntryForId( ResourceID, m_pCurrentLocaleItem );
sal_Bool StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( const OUString& ResourceID,
    const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, false );
    return implHasEntryForId( ResourceID, pLocaleItem );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceImpl::implGetResourceIDs( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    Sequence< OUString > aIDSeq( 0 );
    if( pLocaleItem && loadLocale( pLocaleItem ) )
        const IdToStringMap& rHashMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
        sal_Int32 nResourceIDCount = rHashMap.size();
        aIDSeq.realloc( nResourceIDCount );
        OUString* pStrings = aIDSeq.getArray();
        IdToStringMap::const_iterator it;
        int iTarget = 0;
        for( it = rHashMap.begin(); it != rHashMap.end(); ++it )
            OUString aStr = (*it).first;
            pStrings[iTarget] = aStr;
    return aIDSeq;
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale
    ( const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, false );
    return implGetResourceIDs( pLocaleItem );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDs(  )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    return implGetResourceIDs( m_pCurrentLocaleItem );
Locale StringResourceImpl::getCurrentLocale()
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    Locale aRetLocale;
    if( m_pCurrentLocaleItem != nullptr )
        aRetLocale = m_pCurrentLocaleItem->m_locale;
    return aRetLocale;
Locale StringResourceImpl::getDefaultLocale(  )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    Locale aRetLocale;
    if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem != nullptr )
        aRetLocale = m_pDefaultLocaleItem->m_locale;
    return aRetLocale;
Sequence< Locale > StringResourceImpl::getLocales(  )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    sal_Int32 nSize = m_aLocaleItemVector.size();
    Sequence< Locale > aLocalSeq( nSize );
    Locale* pLocales = aLocalSeq.getArray();
    int iTarget = 0;
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        pLocales[iTarget] = pLocaleItem->m_locale;
    return aLocalSeq;
// XStringResourceManager
void StringResourceImpl::implCheckReadOnly( const sal_Char* pExceptionMsg )
    if( m_bReadOnly )
        OUString errorMsg = OUString::createFromAscii( pExceptionMsg );
        throw NoSupportException( errorMsg );
sal_Bool StringResourceImpl::isReadOnly()
    return m_bReadOnly;
void StringResourceImpl::implSetCurrentLocale( const Locale& locale,
    bool FindClosestMatch, bool bUseDefaultIfNoMatch )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = nullptr;
    if( FindClosestMatch )
        pLocaleItem = getClosestMatchItemForLocale( locale );
        pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, true );
    if( pLocaleItem == nullptr && bUseDefaultIfNoMatch )
        pLocaleItem = m_pDefaultLocaleItem;
    if( pLocaleItem != nullptr )
        (void)loadLocale( pLocaleItem );
        m_pCurrentLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
        // Only notify without modifying
void StringResourceImpl::setCurrentLocale( const Locale& locale, sal_Bool FindClosestMatch )
    implSetCurrentLocale( locale, FindClosestMatch, false/*bUseDefaultIfNoMatch*/ );
void StringResourceImpl::setDefaultLocale( const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::setDefaultLocale(): Read only" );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, true );
    if( pLocaleItem && pLocaleItem != m_pDefaultLocaleItem )
        if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem )
            LocaleItem* pChangedDefaultLocaleItem = new LocaleItem( m_pDefaultLocaleItem->m_locale );
            m_aChangedDefaultLocaleVector.push_back( pChangedDefaultLocaleItem );
        m_pDefaultLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
        m_bDefaultModified = true;
void StringResourceImpl::implSetString( const OUString& ResourceID,
    const OUString& Str, LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pLocaleItem ) )
        IdToStringMap& rHashMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
        IdToStringMap::iterator it = rHashMap.find( ResourceID );
        bool bNew = ( it == rHashMap.end() );
        if( bNew )
            IdToIndexMap& rIndexMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToIndexMap;
            rIndexMap[ ResourceID ] = pLocaleItem->m_nNextIndex++;
            implScanIdForNumber( ResourceID );
        rHashMap[ ResourceID ] = Str;
        pLocaleItem->m_bModified = true;
void StringResourceImpl::setString( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::setString(): Read only" );
    implSetString( ResourceID, Str, m_pCurrentLocaleItem );
void StringResourceImpl::setStringForLocale
    ( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str, const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::setStringForLocale(): Read only" );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, false );
    implSetString( ResourceID, Str, pLocaleItem );
void StringResourceImpl::implRemoveId( const OUString& ResourceID, LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pLocaleItem ) )
        IdToStringMap& rHashMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
        IdToStringMap::iterator it = rHashMap.find( ResourceID );
        if( it == rHashMap.end() )
            throw css::resource::MissingResourceException( "StringResourceImpl: No entries for ResourceID: " + ResourceID );
        rHashMap.erase( it );
        pLocaleItem->m_bModified = true;
void StringResourceImpl::removeId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::removeId(): Read only" );
    implRemoveId( ResourceID, m_pCurrentLocaleItem );
void StringResourceImpl::removeIdForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::removeIdForLocale(): Read only" );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( locale, false );
    implRemoveId( ResourceID, pLocaleItem );
void StringResourceImpl::newLocale( const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::newLocale(): Read only" );
    if( getItemForLocale( locale, false ) != nullptr )
        throw ElementExistException( "StringResourceImpl: locale already exists" );
    // TODO?: Check if locale is valid? How?
    //if (!bValid)
    //    OUString errorMsg("StringResourceImpl: Invalid locale");
    //    throw IllegalArgumentException( errorMsg, Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = new LocaleItem( locale );
    m_aLocaleItemVector.emplace_back( pLocaleItem );
    pLocaleItem->m_bModified = true;
    // Copy strings from default locale
    LocaleItem* pCopyFromItem = m_pDefaultLocaleItem;
    if( pCopyFromItem == nullptr )
        pCopyFromItem = m_pCurrentLocaleItem;
    if( pCopyFromItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pCopyFromItem ) )
        const IdToStringMap& rSourceMap = pCopyFromItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
        IdToStringMap& rTargetMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
        IdToStringMap::const_iterator it;
        for( it = rSourceMap.begin(); it != rSourceMap.end(); ++it )
            OUString aId  = (*it).first;
            OUString aStr = (*it).second;
            rTargetMap[ aId ] = aStr;
        const IdToIndexMap& rSourceIndexMap = pCopyFromItem->m_aIdToIndexMap;
        IdToIndexMap& rTargetIndexMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToIndexMap;
        IdToIndexMap::const_iterator it_index;
        for( it_index = rSourceIndexMap.begin(); it_index != rSourceIndexMap.end(); ++it_index )
            OUString aId  = (*it_index).first;
            sal_Int32 nIndex = (*it_index).second;
            rTargetIndexMap[ aId ] = nIndex;
        pLocaleItem->m_nNextIndex = pCopyFromItem->m_nNextIndex;
    if( m_pCurrentLocaleItem == nullptr )
        m_pCurrentLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
    if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem == nullptr )
        m_pDefaultLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
        m_bDefaultModified = true;
void StringResourceImpl::removeLocale( const Locale& locale )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceImpl::removeLocale(): Read only" );
    LocaleItem* pRemoveItem = getItemForLocale( locale, true );
    if( pRemoveItem )
        // Last locale?
        sal_Int32 nLocaleCount = m_aLocaleItemVector.size();
        if( nLocaleCount > 1 )
            if( m_pCurrentLocaleItem == pRemoveItem ||
                m_pDefaultLocaleItem  == pRemoveItem )
                LocaleItem* pFallbackItem = nullptr;
                for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
                    if( pLocaleItem.get() != pRemoveItem )
                        pFallbackItem = pLocaleItem.get();
                if( m_pCurrentLocaleItem == pRemoveItem )
                    setCurrentLocale( pFallbackItem->m_locale, false/*FindClosestMatch*/ );
                if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem == pRemoveItem )
                    setDefaultLocale( pFallbackItem->m_locale );
        for( auto it = m_aLocaleItemVector.begin(); it != m_aLocaleItemVector.end(); ++it )
            if( it->get() == pRemoveItem )
                // Remember locale item to delete file while storing
                m_aDeletedLocaleItemVector.push_back( std::move(*it) );
                // Last locale?
                if( nLocaleCount == 1 )
                    m_nNextUniqueNumericId = 0;
                    if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem )
                        LocaleItem* pChangedDefaultLocaleItem = new LocaleItem( m_pDefaultLocaleItem->m_locale );
                        m_aChangedDefaultLocaleVector.push_back( pChangedDefaultLocaleItem );
                    m_pCurrentLocaleItem = nullptr;
                    m_pDefaultLocaleItem = nullptr;
                m_aLocaleItemVector.erase( it );
void StringResourceImpl::implScanIdForNumber( const OUString& ResourceID )
    const sal_Unicode* pSrc = ResourceID.getStr();
    sal_Int32 nLen = ResourceID.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nNumber = 0;
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
        sal_Unicode c = pSrc[i];
        if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
            sal_uInt16 nDigitVal = c - '0';
            nNumber = 10*nNumber + nDigitVal;
    if( m_nNextUniqueNumericId < nNumber + 1 )
        m_nNextUniqueNumericId = nNumber + 1;
sal_Int32 StringResourceImpl::getUniqueNumericId(  )
    if( m_nNextUniqueNumericId == UNIQUE_NUMBER_NEEDS_INITIALISATION )
        m_nNextUniqueNumericId = 0;
        throw NoSupportException( "getUniqueNumericId: Extended sal_Int32 range" );
    return m_nNextUniqueNumericId;
// Private helper methods
LocaleItem* StringResourceImpl::getItemForLocale
    ( const Locale& locale, bool bException )
    LocaleItem* pRetItem = nullptr;
    // Search for locale
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem )
            Locale& cmp_locale = pLocaleItem->m_locale;
            if( cmp_locale.Language == locale.Language &&
                cmp_locale.Country  == locale.Country &&
                cmp_locale.Variant  == locale.Variant )
                pRetItem = pLocaleItem.get();
    if( pRetItem == nullptr && bException )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "StringResourceImpl: Invalid locale", Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    return pRetItem;
// Returns the LocaleItem for a given locale, if it exists, otherwise NULL.
// This method performs a closest match search, at least the language must match.
LocaleItem* StringResourceImpl::getClosestMatchItemForLocale( const Locale& locale )
    LocaleItem* pRetItem = nullptr;
    ::std::vector< Locale > aLocales( m_aLocaleItemVector.size());
    size_t i = 0;
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        aLocales[i] = (pLocaleItem ? pLocaleItem->m_locale : Locale());
    ::std::vector< Locale >::const_iterator iFound( LanguageTag::getMatchingFallback( aLocales, locale));
    if (iFound != aLocales.end())
        pRetItem = (m_aLocaleItemVector.begin() + (iFound - aLocales.begin()))->get();
    return pRetItem;
void StringResourceImpl::implModified()
    m_bModified = true;
void StringResourceImpl::implNotifyListeners()
    EventObject aEvent;
    aEvent.Source = static_cast< XInterface* >( static_cast<OWeakObject*>(this) );
    ::comphelper::OInterfaceIteratorHelper2 it( m_aListenerContainer );
    while( it.hasMoreElements() )
        Reference< XInterface > xIface = it.next();
        Reference< XModifyListener > xListener( xIface, UNO_QUERY );
            xListener->modified( aEvent );
// Loading
bool StringResourceImpl::loadLocale( LocaleItem* )
    // Base implementation has nothing to load
    return true;
void StringResourceImpl::implLoadAllLocales()
    // Base implementation has nothing to load
// StringResourcePersistenceImpl
StringResourcePersistenceImpl::StringResourcePersistenceImpl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext )
    : StringResourcePersistenceImpl_BASE( rxContext )
// XServiceInfo
OUString StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getImplementationName(  )
    return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.scripting.StringResource");
sal_Bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService( this, rServiceName );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getSupportedServiceNames();
// XInitialization base functionality for derived classes
static const char aNameBaseDefaultStr[] = "strings";
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implInitializeCommonParameters
    ( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
    bool bReadOnlyOk = (aArguments[1] >>= m_bReadOnly);
    if( !bReadOnlyOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "XInitialization::initialize: Expected ReadOnly flag", Reference< XInterface >(), 1 );
    css::lang::Locale aCurrentLocale;
    bool bLocaleOk = (aArguments[2] >>= aCurrentLocale);
    if( !bLocaleOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "XInitialization::initialize: Expected Locale", Reference< XInterface >(), 2 );
    bool bNameBaseOk = (aArguments[3] >>= m_aNameBase);
    if( !bNameBaseOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "XInitialization::initialize: Expected NameBase string", Reference< XInterface >(), 3 );
    if( m_aNameBase.isEmpty() )
        m_aNameBase = aNameBaseDefaultStr;
    bool bCommentOk = (aArguments[4] >>= m_aComment);
    if( !bCommentOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "XInitialization::initialize: Expected Comment string", Reference< XInterface >(), 4 );
    implSetCurrentLocale( aCurrentLocale, true/*FindClosestMatch*/, true/*bUseDefaultIfNoMatch*/ );
// Forwarding calls to base class
// XModifyBroadcaster
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::addModifyListener( aListener );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::removeModifyListener( aListener );
// XStringResourceResolver
OUString StringResourcePersistenceImpl::resolveString( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveString( ResourceID ) ;
OUString StringResourcePersistenceImpl::resolveStringForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveStringForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
sal_Bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::hasEntryForId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForId( ResourceID ) ;
sal_Bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( const OUString& ResourceID,
    const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( ResourceID, locale );
Locale StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getCurrentLocale()
    return StringResourceImpl::getCurrentLocale();
Locale StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getDefaultLocale(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getDefaultLocale();
Sequence< Locale > StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getLocales(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getLocales();
// XStringResourceManager
sal_Bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::isReadOnly()
    return StringResourceImpl::isReadOnly();
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setCurrentLocale( const Locale& locale, sal_Bool FindClosestMatch )
    StringResourceImpl::setCurrentLocale( locale, FindClosestMatch );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setDefaultLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setDefaultLocale( locale );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getResourceIDs(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDs();
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setString( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str )
    StringResourceImpl::setString( ResourceID, Str );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setStringForLocale
    ( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setStringForLocale( ResourceID, Str, locale );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale
    ( const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale( locale );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::removeId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    StringResourceImpl::removeId( ResourceID );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::removeIdForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeIdForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::newLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::newLocale( locale );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::removeLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeLocale( locale );
sal_Int32 StringResourcePersistenceImpl::getUniqueNumericId(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getUniqueNumericId();
// XStringResourcePersistence
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::store()
sal_Bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::isModified(  )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    return m_bModified;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setComment( const OUString& Comment )
    m_aComment = Comment;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToStorage( const Reference< XStorage >& Storage,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implStoreAtStorage( NameBase, Comment, Storage, false/*bUsedForStore*/, true/*bStoreAll*/ );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implStoreAtStorage
    const OUString& aNameBase,
    const OUString& aComment,
    const Reference< css::embed::XStorage >& Storage,
    bool bUsedForStore,
    bool bStoreAll
    // Delete files for deleted locales
    if( bUsedForStore )
        for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aDeletedLocaleItemVector )
            if( pLocaleItem )
                OUString aStreamName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem.get(), m_aNameBase );
                aStreamName += ".properties";
                    Storage->removeElement( aStreamName );
                catch( Exception& )
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && (bStoreAll || pLocaleItem->m_bModified) &&
            loadLocale( pLocaleItem.get() ) )
            OUString aStreamName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem.get(), aNameBase );
            aStreamName += ".properties";
            Reference< io::XStream > xElementStream =
                    Storage->openStreamElement( aStreamName, ElementModes::READWRITE );
            OUString aPropName("MediaType");
            uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xElementStream, uno::UNO_QUERY );
            OSL_ENSURE( xProps.is(), "The StorageStream must implement XPropertySet interface!" );
            if ( xProps.is() )
                xProps->setPropertyValue( aPropName, uno::makeAny( OUString("text/plain") ) );
                aPropName = "UseCommonStoragePasswordEncryption";
                xProps->setPropertyValue( aPropName, uno::makeAny( true ) );
            Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = xElementStream->getOutputStream();
            if( xOutputStream.is() )
                implWritePropertiesFile( pLocaleItem.get(), xOutputStream, aComment );
            if( bUsedForStore )
                pLocaleItem->m_bModified = false;
    // Delete files for changed defaults
    if( bUsedForStore )
        for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aChangedDefaultLocaleVector )
            if( pLocaleItem != nullptr )
                OUString aStreamName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem, m_aNameBase );
                aStreamName += ".default";
                    Storage->removeElement( aStreamName );
                catch( Exception& )
                delete pLocaleItem;
    // Default locale
    if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem != nullptr && (bStoreAll || m_bDefaultModified) )
        OUString aStreamName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( m_pDefaultLocaleItem, aNameBase );
        aStreamName += ".default";
        Reference< io::XStream > xElementStream =
                Storage->openStreamElement( aStreamName, ElementModes::READWRITE );
        // Only create stream without content
        Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = xElementStream->getOutputStream();
        if( bUsedForStore )
            m_bDefaultModified = false;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToURL( const OUString& URL,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment,
    const Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler >& Handler )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 > xFileAccess = ucb::SimpleFileAccess::create(m_xContext);
    if( xFileAccess.is() && Handler.is() )
        xFileAccess->setInteractionHandler( Handler );
    implStoreAtLocation( URL, NameBase, Comment, xFileAccess, false/*bUsedForStore*/, true/*bStoreAll*/ );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implKillRemovedLocaleFiles
    const OUString& Location,
    const OUString& aNameBase,
    const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 >& xFileAccess
    // Delete files for deleted locales
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aDeletedLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem )
            OUString aCompleteFileName =
                implGetPathForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem.get(), aNameBase, Location );
            if( xFileAccess->exists( aCompleteFileName ) )
                xFileAccess->kill( aCompleteFileName );
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implKillChangedDefaultFiles
    const OUString& Location,
    const OUString& aNameBase,
    const css::uno::Reference< css::ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 >& xFileAccess
    // Delete files for changed defaults
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aChangedDefaultLocaleVector )
        if( pLocaleItem != nullptr )
            OUString aCompleteFileName =
                implGetPathForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem, aNameBase, Location, true );
            if( xFileAccess->exists( aCompleteFileName ) )
                xFileAccess->kill( aCompleteFileName );
            delete pLocaleItem;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implStoreAtLocation
    const OUString& Location,
    const OUString& aNameBase,
    const OUString& aComment,
    const Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 >& xFileAccess,
    bool bUsedForStore,
    bool bStoreAll,
    bool bKillAll
    // Delete files for deleted locales
    if( bUsedForStore || bKillAll )
        implKillRemovedLocaleFiles( Location, aNameBase, xFileAccess );
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && (bStoreAll || bKillAll || pLocaleItem->m_bModified) &&
            loadLocale( pLocaleItem.get() ) )
            OUString aCompleteFileName =
                implGetPathForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem.get(), aNameBase, Location );
            if( xFileAccess->exists( aCompleteFileName ) )
                xFileAccess->kill( aCompleteFileName );
            if( !bKillAll )
                // Create Output stream
                Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = xFileAccess->openFileWrite( aCompleteFileName );
                if( xOutputStream.is() )
                    implWritePropertiesFile( pLocaleItem.get(), xOutputStream, aComment );
                if( bUsedForStore )
                    pLocaleItem->m_bModified = false;
    // Delete files for changed defaults
    if( bUsedForStore || bKillAll )
        implKillChangedDefaultFiles( Location, aNameBase, xFileAccess );
    // Default locale
    if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem != nullptr && (bStoreAll || bKillAll || m_bDefaultModified) )
        OUString aCompleteFileName =
            implGetPathForLocaleItem( m_pDefaultLocaleItem, aNameBase, Location, true );
        if( xFileAccess->exists( aCompleteFileName ) )
            xFileAccess->kill( aCompleteFileName );
        if( !bKillAll )
            // Create Output stream
            Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = xFileAccess->openFileWrite( aCompleteFileName );
            if( xOutputStream.is() )
            if( bUsedForStore )
                m_bDefaultModified = false;
// BinaryOutput, helper class for exportBinary
class BinaryOutput
    Reference< XComponentContext >          m_xContext;
    Reference< XInterface >                 m_xTempFile;
    Reference< io::XOutputStream >          m_xOutputStream;
    explicit BinaryOutput( Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext );
    const Reference< io::XOutputStream >& getOutputStream() const
        { return m_xOutputStream; }
    Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > closeAndGetData();
    // Template to be used with sal_Int16 and sal_Unicode
    template< class T >
    void write16BitInt( T n );
    void writeInt16( sal_Int16 n )
        { write16BitInt( n ); }
    void writeUnicodeChar( sal_Unicode n )
        { write16BitInt( n ); }
    void writeInt32( sal_Int32 n );
    void writeString( const OUString& aStr );
BinaryOutput::BinaryOutput( Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext )
        : m_xContext( xContext )
    m_xTempFile = io::TempFile::create( m_xContext );
    m_xOutputStream.set( m_xTempFile, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
template< class T >
void BinaryOutput::write16BitInt( T n )
    if( !m_xOutputStream.is() )
    Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 2 );
    sal_Int8* p = aSeq.getArray();
    sal_Int8 nLow  = sal_Int8( n & 0xff );
    sal_Int8 nHigh = sal_Int8( n >> 8 );
    p[0] = nLow;
    p[1] = nHigh;
    m_xOutputStream->writeBytes( aSeq );
void BinaryOutput::writeInt32( sal_Int32 n )
    if( !m_xOutputStream.is() )
    Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq( 4 );
    sal_Int8* p = aSeq.getArray();
    for( sal_Int16 i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
        p[i] = sal_Int8( n & 0xff );
        n >>= 8;
    m_xOutputStream->writeBytes( aSeq );
void BinaryOutput::writeString( const OUString& aStr )
    sal_Int32 nLen = aStr.getLength();
    const sal_Unicode* pStr = aStr.getStr();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
        writeUnicodeChar( pStr[i] );
    writeUnicodeChar( 0 );
Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > BinaryOutput::closeAndGetData()
    Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > aRetSeq;
    if( !m_xOutputStream.is() )
        return aRetSeq;
    Reference< io::XSeekable> xSeekable( m_xTempFile, UNO_QUERY );
    if( !xSeekable.is() )
        return aRetSeq;
    sal_Int32 nSize = static_cast<sal_Int32>(xSeekable->getPosition());
    Reference< io::XInputStream> xInputStream( m_xTempFile, UNO_QUERY );
    if( !xInputStream.is() )
        return aRetSeq;
    xSeekable->seek( 0 );
    sal_Int32 nRead = xInputStream->readBytes( aRetSeq, nSize );
    OSL_ENSURE( nRead == nSize, "BinaryOutput::closeAndGetData: nRead != nSize" );
    return aRetSeq;
// Binary format:
// Header
// Byte         Content
// 0 + 1        sal_Int16:  Version, currently 0, low byte first
// 2 + 3        sal_Int16:  Locale count = n, low byte first
// 4 + 5        sal_Int16:  Default Locale position in Locale list, == n if none
// 6 - 7        sal_Int32:  Start index locale block 0, lowest byte first
// (n-1) *      sal_Int32:  Start index locale block 1 to n, lowest byte first
// 6 + 4*n      sal_Int32:  "Start index" non existing locale block n+1,
//                          marks the first invalid index, kind of EOF
// Locale block
// All strings are stored as 2-Byte-0 terminated sequence
// of 16 bit Unicode characters, each with low byte first
// Empty strings only contain the 2-Byte-0
// Members of com.sun.star.lang.Locale
// with l1 = Locale.Language.getLength()
// with l2 = Locale.Country.getLength()
// with l3 = Locale.Variant.getLength()
// pos0 = 0                     Locale.Language
// pos1 = 2 * (l1 + 1)          Locale.Country
// pos2 = pos1 + 2 * (l2 + 1)   Locale.Variant
// pos3 = pos2 + 2 * (l3 + 1)
// pos3                         Properties file written by implWritePropertiesFile
Sequence< sal_Int8 > StringResourcePersistenceImpl::exportBinary(  )
    BinaryOutput aOut( m_xContext );
    sal_Int32 nLocaleCount = m_aLocaleItemVector.size();
    std::vector<Sequence< sal_Int8 >> aLocaleDataSeq(nLocaleCount);
    sal_Int32 iLocale = 0;
    sal_Int32 iDefault = 0;
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem != nullptr && loadLocale( pLocaleItem.get() ) )
            if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem == pLocaleItem.get() )
                iDefault = iLocale;
            BinaryOutput aLocaleOut( m_xContext );
            implWriteLocaleBinary( pLocaleItem.get(), aLocaleOut );
            aLocaleDataSeq[iLocale] = aLocaleOut.closeAndGetData();
    // Write header
    sal_Int16 nLocaleCount16 = static_cast<sal_Int16>(nLocaleCount);
    sal_Int16 iDefault16 = static_cast<sal_Int16>(iDefault);
    aOut.writeInt16( 0 ); // nVersion
    aOut.writeInt16( nLocaleCount16 );
    aOut.writeInt16( iDefault16 );
    // Write data positions
    sal_Int32 nDataPos = 6 + 4 * (nLocaleCount + 1);
    for( iLocale = 0; iLocale < nLocaleCount; iLocale++ )
        aOut.writeInt32( nDataPos );
        Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rSeq = aLocaleDataSeq[iLocale];
        sal_Int32 nSeqLen = rSeq.getLength();
        nDataPos += nSeqLen;
    // Write final position
    aOut.writeInt32( nDataPos );
    // Write data
    Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = aOut.getOutputStream();
    if( xOutputStream.is() )
        for( iLocale = 0; iLocale < nLocaleCount; iLocale++ )
            Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rSeq = aLocaleDataSeq[iLocale];
            xOutputStream->writeBytes( rSeq );
    Sequence< sal_Int8 > aRetSeq = aOut.closeAndGetData();
    return aRetSeq;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implWriteLocaleBinary
    ( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem, BinaryOutput& rOut )
    Reference< io::XOutputStream > xOutputStream = rOut.getOutputStream();
    if( !xOutputStream.is() )
    Locale& rLocale = pLocaleItem->m_locale;
    rOut.writeString( rLocale.Language );
    rOut.writeString( rLocale.Country );
    rOut.writeString( rLocale.Variant );
    implWritePropertiesFile( pLocaleItem, xOutputStream, m_aComment );
// BinaryOutput, helper class for exportBinary
class BinaryInput
    Sequence< sal_Int8 >                    m_aData;
    Reference< XComponentContext >          m_xContext;
    const sal_Int8*                         m_pData;
    sal_Int32                               m_nCurPos;
    sal_Int32                               m_nSize;
    BinaryInput( const Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& aData, Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext );
    Reference< io::XInputStream > getInputStreamForSection( sal_Int32 nSize );
    void seek( sal_Int32 nPos );
    sal_Int32 getPosition() const
        { return m_nCurPos; }
    sal_Int16 readInt16();
    sal_Int32 readInt32();
    sal_Unicode readUnicodeChar();
    OUString readString();
BinaryInput::BinaryInput( const Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& aData, Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext )
        : m_aData( aData )
        , m_xContext( xContext )
    m_pData = m_aData.getConstArray();
    m_nCurPos = 0;
    m_nSize = m_aData.getLength();
Reference< io::XInputStream > BinaryInput::getInputStreamForSection( sal_Int32 nSize )
    Reference< io::XInputStream > xIn;
    if( m_nCurPos + nSize <= m_nSize )
        Reference< io::XOutputStream > xTempOut( io::TempFile::create(m_xContext), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSection( m_pData + m_nCurPos, nSize );
        xTempOut->writeBytes( aSection );
        Reference< io::XSeekable> xSeekable( xTempOut, UNO_QUERY );
        if( xSeekable.is() )
            xSeekable->seek( 0 );
        xIn.set( xTempOut, UNO_QUERY );
        OSL_FAIL( "BinaryInput::getInputStreamForSection(): Read past end" );
    return xIn;
void BinaryInput::seek( sal_Int32 nPos )
    if( nPos <= m_nSize )
        m_nCurPos = nPos;
        OSL_FAIL( "BinaryInput::seek(): Position past end" );
sal_Int16 BinaryInput::readInt16()
    sal_Int16 nRet = 0;
    if( m_nCurPos + 2 <= m_nSize )
        nRet = nRet + sal_Int16( sal_uInt8( m_pData[m_nCurPos++] ) );
        nRet += 256 * sal_Int16( sal_uInt8( m_pData[m_nCurPos++] ) );
        OSL_FAIL( "BinaryInput::readInt16(): Read past end" );
    return nRet;
sal_Int32 BinaryInput::readInt32()
    sal_Int32 nRet = 0;
    if( m_nCurPos + 4 <= m_nSize )
        sal_Int32 nFactor = 1;
        for( sal_Int16 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
            nRet += sal_uInt8( m_pData[m_nCurPos++] ) * nFactor;
            nFactor *= 256;
        OSL_FAIL( "BinaryInput::readInt32(): Read past end" );
    return nRet;
sal_Unicode BinaryInput::readUnicodeChar()
    sal_uInt16 nRet = 0;
    if( m_nCurPos + 2 <= m_nSize )
        nRet = nRet + sal_uInt8( m_pData[m_nCurPos++] );
        nRet += 256 * sal_uInt8( m_pData[m_nCurPos++] );
        OSL_FAIL( "BinaryInput::readUnicodeChar(): Read past end" );
    sal_Unicode cRet = nRet;
    return cRet;
OUString BinaryInput::readString()
    OUStringBuffer aBuf;
    sal_Unicode c;
        c = readUnicodeChar();
        if( c != 0 )
            aBuf.append( c );
    while( c != 0 );
    OUString aRetStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
    return aRetStr;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::importBinary( const Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& Data )
    // Init: Remove all locales
    sal_Int32 nOldLocaleCount = 0;
        Sequence< Locale > aLocaleSeq = getLocales();
        nOldLocaleCount = aLocaleSeq.getLength();
        if( nOldLocaleCount > 0 )
            Locale aLocale = aLocaleSeq[0];
            removeLocale( aLocale );
    while( nOldLocaleCount > 0 );
    // Import data
    BinaryInput aIn( Data, m_xContext );
    aIn.readInt16(); // version
    sal_Int32 nLocaleCount = aIn.readInt16();
    sal_Int32 iDefault = aIn.readInt16();
    std::unique_ptr<sal_Int32[]> pPositions( new sal_Int32[nLocaleCount + 1] );
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLocaleCount + 1; i++ )
        pPositions[i] = aIn.readInt32();
    // Import locales
    LocaleItem* pUseAsDefaultItem = nullptr;
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLocaleCount; i++ )
        sal_Int32 nPos = pPositions[i];
        aIn.seek( nPos );
        Locale aLocale;
        aLocale.Language = aIn.readString();
        aLocale.Country = aIn.readString();
        aLocale.Variant = aIn.readString();
        sal_Int32 nAfterStringPos = aIn.getPosition();
        sal_Int32 nSize = pPositions[i+1] - nAfterStringPos;
        Reference< io::XInputStream > xInput = aIn.getInputStreamForSection( nSize );
        if( xInput.is() )
            LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = new LocaleItem( aLocale );
            if( iDefault == i )
                pUseAsDefaultItem = pLocaleItem;
            m_aLocaleItemVector.emplace_back( pLocaleItem );
            implReadPropertiesFile( pLocaleItem, xInput );
    if( pUseAsDefaultItem != nullptr )
        setDefaultLocale( pUseAsDefaultItem->m_locale );
// Private helper methods
bool checkNamingSceme( const OUString& aName, const OUString& aNameBase,
                       Locale& aLocale )
    bool bSuccess = false;
    sal_Int32 nNameLen = aName.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nNameBaseLen = aNameBase.getLength();
    // Name has to start with NameBase followed
    // by a '_' and at least one more character
    if( aName.startsWith( aNameBase ) && nNameBaseLen < nNameLen-1 &&
        aName[nNameBaseLen] == '_' )
        bSuccess = true;
        /* FIXME-BCP47: this uses '_' underscore character as separator and
         * also appends Variant, which can't be blindly changed as it would
         * violate the naming scheme in use. */
        sal_Int32 iStart = nNameBaseLen + 1;
        sal_Int32 iNext_ = aName.indexOf( '_', iStart );
        if( iNext_ != -1 && iNext_ < nNameLen-1 )
            aLocale.Language = aName.copy( iStart, iNext_ - iStart );
            iStart = iNext_ + 1;
            iNext_ = aName.indexOf( '_', iStart );
            if( iNext_ != -1 && iNext_ < nNameLen-1 )
                aLocale.Country = aName.copy( iStart, iNext_ - iStart );
                aLocale.Variant = aName.copy( iNext_ + 1 );
                aLocale.Country = aName.copy( iStart );
            aLocale.Language = aName.copy( iStart );
    return bSuccess;
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implLoadAllLocales()
    for( auto& pLocaleItem : m_aLocaleItemVector )
        if( pLocaleItem )
            loadLocale( pLocaleItem.get() );
// Scan locale properties files helper
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implScanLocaleNames( const Sequence< OUString >& aContentSeq )
    Locale aDefaultLocale;
    bool bDefaultFound = false;
    sal_Int32 nCount = aContentSeq.getLength();
    const OUString* pFiles = aContentSeq.getConstArray();
    for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ )
        OUString aCompleteName = pFiles[i];
        OUString aPureName;
        OUString aExtension;
        sal_Int32 iDot = aCompleteName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        sal_Int32 iSlash = aCompleteName.lastIndexOf( '/' );
        if( iDot != -1 && iDot > iSlash)
            sal_Int32 iCopyFrom = (iSlash != -1) ? iSlash + 1 : 0;
            aPureName = aCompleteName.copy( iCopyFrom, iDot-iCopyFrom );
            aExtension = aCompleteName.copy( iDot + 1 );
        if ( aExtension == "properties" )
            //OUString aName = aInetObj.getBase();
            Locale aLocale;
            if( checkNamingSceme( aPureName, m_aNameBase, aLocale ) )
                LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = new LocaleItem( aLocale, false );
                m_aLocaleItemVector.emplace_back( pLocaleItem );
                if( m_pCurrentLocaleItem == nullptr )
                    m_pCurrentLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
                if( m_pDefaultLocaleItem == nullptr )
                    m_pDefaultLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
                    m_bDefaultModified = true;
        else if( !bDefaultFound && aExtension == "default" )
            if( checkNamingSceme( aPureName, m_aNameBase, aDefaultLocale ) )
                bDefaultFound = true;
    if( bDefaultFound )
        LocaleItem* pLocaleItem = getItemForLocale( aDefaultLocale, false );
        if( pLocaleItem )
            m_pDefaultLocaleItem = pLocaleItem;
            m_bDefaultModified = false;
// Scan locale properties files
void StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implScanLocales()
    // Dummy implementation, method not called for this
    // base class, but pure virtual not possible-
bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::loadLocale( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    bool bSuccess = false;
    OSL_ENSURE( pLocaleItem, "StringResourcePersistenceImpl::loadLocale(): pLocaleItem == NULL" );
    if( pLocaleItem )
        if( pLocaleItem->m_bLoaded )
            bSuccess = true;
            bSuccess = implLoadLocale( pLocaleItem );
            pLocaleItem->m_bLoaded = true;      // = bSuccess??? -> leads to more tries
    return bSuccess;
bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implLoadLocale( LocaleItem* )
    // Dummy implementation, method not called for this
    // base class, but pure virtual not possible-
    return false;
OUString implGetNameScemeForLocaleItem( const LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    /* FIXME-BCP47: this uses '_' underscore character as separator and
     * also appends Variant, which can't be blindly changed as it would
     * violate the naming scheme in use. */
    static const char aUnder[] = "_";
    OSL_ENSURE( pLocaleItem,
        "StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implGetNameScemeForLocaleItem(): pLocaleItem == NULL" );
    Locale aLocale = pLocaleItem->m_locale;
    OUString aRetStr = aUnder;
    aRetStr += aLocale.Language;
    OUString aCountry  = aLocale.Country;
    if( !aCountry.isEmpty() )
        aRetStr += aUnder;
        aRetStr += aCountry;
    OUString aVariant  = aLocale.Variant;
    if( !aVariant.isEmpty() )
        aRetStr += aUnder;
        aRetStr += aVariant;
    return aRetStr;
OUString StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implGetFileNameForLocaleItem
    ( LocaleItem const * pLocaleItem, const OUString& aNameBase )
    OUString aFileName = aNameBase;
    if( aFileName.isEmpty() )
        aFileName = aNameBaseDefaultStr;
    aFileName += implGetNameScemeForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem );
    return aFileName;
OUString StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implGetPathForLocaleItem
    ( LocaleItem const * pLocaleItem, const OUString& aNameBase,
      const OUString& aLocation, bool bDefaultFile )
    OUString aFileName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem, aNameBase );
    INetURLObject aInetObj( aLocation );
    aInetObj.insertName( aFileName, true, INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism::All );
    if( bDefaultFile )
        aInetObj.setExtension( "default" );
        aInetObj.setExtension( "properties" );
    OUString aCompleteFileName = aInetObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE );
    return aCompleteFileName;
// White space according to Java property files specification in
// http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#load(java.io.InputStream)
inline bool isWhiteSpace( sal_Unicode c )
    bool bWhite = ( c == 0x0020 ||      // space
                    c == 0x0009 ||      // tab
                    c == 0x000a ||      // line feed, not always handled by TextInputStream
                    c == 0x000d ||      // carriage return, not always handled by TextInputStream
                    c == 0x000C );      // form feed
    return bWhite;
inline void skipWhites( const sal_Unicode* pBuf, sal_Int32 nLen, sal_Int32& ri )
    while( ri < nLen )
        if( !isWhiteSpace( pBuf[ri] ) )
inline bool isHexDigit( sal_Unicode c, sal_uInt16& nDigitVal )
    bool bRet = true;
    if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
        nDigitVal = c - '0';
    else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
        nDigitVal = c - 'a' + 10;
    else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
        nDigitVal = c - 'A' + 10;
        bRet = false;
    return bRet;
sal_Unicode getEscapeChar( const sal_Unicode* pBuf, sal_Int32 nLen, sal_Int32& ri )
    sal_Int32 i = ri;
    sal_Unicode cRet = 0;
    sal_Unicode c = pBuf[i];
    switch( c )
        case 't':
            cRet = 0x0009;
        case 'n':
            cRet = 0x000a;
        case 'f':
            cRet = 0x000c;
        case 'r':
            cRet = 0x000d;
        case '\\':
            cRet = '\\';
        case 'u':
            // Skip multiple u
            while( i < nLen && pBuf[i] == 'u' )
            // Process hex digits
            sal_Int32 nDigitCount = 0;
            sal_uInt16 nDigitVal;
            while( i < nLen && isHexDigit( pBuf[i], nDigitVal ) )
                cRet = 16 * cRet + nDigitVal;
                if( nDigitCount == 4 )
                    // Write back position
                    ri = i;
            cRet = c;
    return cRet;
void CheckContinueInNextLine( const Reference< io::XTextInputStream2 >& xTextInputStream,
    OUString& aLine, bool& bEscapePending, const sal_Unicode*& pBuf,
    sal_Int32& nLen, sal_Int32& i )
    if( i == nLen && bEscapePending )
        bEscapePending = false;
        if( !xTextInputStream->isEOF() )
            aLine = xTextInputStream->readLine();
            nLen = aLine.getLength();
            pBuf = aLine.getStr();
            i = 0;
            skipWhites( pBuf, nLen, i );
bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implReadPropertiesFile
    ( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem, const Reference< io::XInputStream >& xInputStream )
    if( !xInputStream.is() || pLocaleItem == nullptr )
        return false;
    Reference< io::XTextInputStream2 > xTextInputStream = io::TextInputStream::create( m_xContext );
    xTextInputStream->setInputStream( xInputStream );
    OUString aEncodingStr = OUString::createFromAscii
        ( rtl_getMimeCharsetFromTextEncoding( RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ) );
    xTextInputStream->setEncoding( aEncodingStr );
    OUString aLine;
    while( !xTextInputStream->isEOF() )
        aLine = xTextInputStream->readLine();
        sal_Int32 nLen = aLine.getLength();
        if( 0 == nLen )
        const sal_Unicode* pBuf = aLine.getStr();
        OUStringBuffer aBuf;
        sal_Unicode c = 0;
        sal_Int32 i = 0;
        skipWhites( pBuf, nLen, i );
        if( i == nLen )
            continue;   // line contains only white spaces
        // Comment?
        c = pBuf[i];
        if( c == '#' || c == '!' )
        // Scan key
        OUString aResourceID;
        bool bEscapePending = false;
        bool bStrComplete = false;
        while( i < nLen && !bStrComplete )
            c = pBuf[i];
            if( bEscapePending )
                aBuf.append( getEscapeChar( pBuf, nLen, i ) );
                bEscapePending = false;
                if( c == '\\' )
                    bEscapePending = true;
                    if( c == ':' || c == '=' || isWhiteSpace( c ) )
                        bStrComplete = true;
                        aBuf.append( c );
            CheckContinueInNextLine( xTextInputStream, aLine, bEscapePending, pBuf, nLen, i );
            if( i == nLen )
                bStrComplete = true;
            if( bStrComplete )
                aResourceID = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
        // Ignore lines with empty keys
        if( aResourceID.isEmpty() )
        // Scan value
        skipWhites( pBuf, nLen, i );
        OUString aValueStr;
        bEscapePending = false;
        bStrComplete = false;
        while( i < nLen && !bStrComplete )
            c = pBuf[i];
            if( c == 0x000a || c == 0x000d )    // line feed/carriage return, not always handled by TextInputStream
                if( bEscapePending )
                    aBuf.append( getEscapeChar( pBuf, nLen, i ) );
                    bEscapePending = false;
                else if( c == '\\' )
                    bEscapePending = true;
                    aBuf.append( c );
                CheckContinueInNextLine( xTextInputStream, aLine, bEscapePending, pBuf, nLen, i );
            if( i == nLen )
                bStrComplete = true;
            if( bStrComplete )
                aValueStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
        // Push into table
        pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap[ aResourceID ] = aValueStr;
        implScanIdForNumber( aResourceID );
        IdToIndexMap& rIndexMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToIndexMap;
        rIndexMap[ aResourceID ] = pLocaleItem->m_nNextIndex++;
    return true;
inline sal_Unicode getHexCharForDigit( sal_uInt16 nDigitVal )
    sal_Unicode cRet = ( nDigitVal < 10 ) ? ('0' + nDigitVal) : ('a' + (nDigitVal-10));
    return cRet;
void implWriteCharToBuffer( OUStringBuffer& aBuf, sal_Unicode cu, bool bKey )
    if( cu == '\\' )
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
    else if( cu == 0x000a )
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( 'n' );
    else if( cu == 0x000d )
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( 'r' );
    else if( bKey && cu == '=' )
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( '=' );
    else if( bKey && cu == ':' )
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( ':' );
    // ISO/IEC 8859-1 range according to:
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1
    else if( cu >= 0x20 && cu <= 0x7e )
    //TODO: Check why (cu >= 0xa0 && cu <= 0xFF)
    //is encoded in sample properties files
    //else if( (cu >= 0x20 && cu <= 0x7e) ||
    //       (cu >= 0xa0 && cu <= 0xFF) )
        aBuf.append( cu );
        // Unicode encoding
        aBuf.append( '\\' );
        aBuf.append( 'u' );
        sal_uInt16 nVal = cu;
        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
            sal_uInt16 nDigit = nVal / 0x1000;
            nVal -= nDigit * 0x1000;
            nVal *= 0x10;
            aBuf.append( getHexCharForDigit( nDigit ) );
void implWriteStringWithEncoding( const OUString& aStr,
    Reference< io::XTextOutputStream2 > const & xTextOutputStream, bool bKey )
    static sal_Unicode cLineFeed = 0xa;
    OUStringBuffer aBuf;
    sal_Int32 nLen = aStr.getLength();
    const sal_Unicode* pSrc = aStr.getStr();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++ )
        sal_Unicode cu = pSrc[i];
        implWriteCharToBuffer( aBuf, cu, bKey );
        // TODO?: split long lines
    if( !bKey )
        aBuf.append( cLineFeed );
    OUString aWriteStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
    xTextOutputStream->writeString( aWriteStr );
bool StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implWritePropertiesFile( LocaleItem const * pLocaleItem,
    const Reference< io::XOutputStream >& xOutputStream, const OUString& aComment )
    if( !xOutputStream.is() || pLocaleItem == nullptr )
        return false;
    bool bSuccess = false;
    Reference< io::XTextOutputStream2 > xTextOutputStream = io::TextOutputStream::create(m_xContext);
    xTextOutputStream->setOutputStream( xOutputStream );
    OUString aEncodingStr = OUString::createFromAscii
        ( rtl_getMimeCharsetFromTextEncoding( RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1 ) );
    xTextOutputStream->setEncoding( aEncodingStr );
    xTextOutputStream->writeString( aComment );
    xTextOutputStream->writeString( "\n" );
    const IdToStringMap& rHashMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToStringMap;
    if( !rHashMap.empty() )
        // Sort ids according to read order
        const IdToIndexMap& rIndexMap = pLocaleItem->m_aIdToIndexMap;
        IdToIndexMap::const_iterator it_index;
        // Find max/min index
        sal_Int32 nMinIndex = -1;
        sal_Int32 nMaxIndex = -1;
        for( it_index = rIndexMap.begin(); it_index != rIndexMap.end(); ++it_index )
            sal_Int32 nIndex = (*it_index).second;
            if( nMinIndex > nIndex || nMinIndex == -1 )
                nMinIndex = nIndex;
            if( nMaxIndex < nIndex )
                nMaxIndex = nIndex;
        sal_Int32 nTabSize = nMaxIndex - nMinIndex + 1;
        // Create sorted array of pointers to the id strings
        std::unique_ptr<const OUString*[]> pIdPtrs( new const OUString*[nTabSize] );
        for(sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nTabSize ; i++ )
            pIdPtrs[i] = nullptr;
        for( it_index = rIndexMap.begin(); it_index != rIndexMap.end(); ++it_index )
            sal_Int32 nIndex = (*it_index).second;
            pIdPtrs[nIndex - nMinIndex] = &((*it_index).first);
        // Write lines in correct order
        for(sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nTabSize ; i++ )
            const OUString* pStr = pIdPtrs[i];
            if( pStr != nullptr )
                OUString aResourceID = *pStr;
                IdToStringMap::const_iterator it = rHashMap.find( aResourceID );
                if( !( it == rHashMap.end() ) )
                    implWriteStringWithEncoding( aResourceID, xTextOutputStream, true );
                    xTextOutputStream->writeString( "=" );
                    OUString aValStr = (*it).second;
                    implWriteStringWithEncoding( aValStr, xTextOutputStream, false );
    bSuccess = true;
    return bSuccess;
// StringResourceWithStorageImpl
// component operations
static Sequence< OUString > getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceWithStorageImpl()
    Sequence< OUString > names { "com.sun.star.resource.StringResourceWithStorage" };
    return names;
static OUString getImplementationName_StringResourceWithStorageImpl()
    return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.scripting.StringResourceWithStorage" );
static Reference< XInterface > create_StringResourceWithStorageImpl(
    Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext )
    return static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject * >( new StringResourceWithStorageImpl( xContext ) );
StringResourceWithStorageImpl::StringResourceWithStorageImpl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext )
    : StringResourceWithStorageImpl_BASE( rxContext )
    , m_bStorageChanged( false )
// XServiceInfo
OUString StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getImplementationName(  )
    return getImplementationName_StringResourceWithStorageImpl();
sal_Bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceWithStorageImpl();
// XInitialization
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    if ( aArguments.getLength() != 5 )
        throw RuntimeException(
            "StringResourceWithStorageImpl::initialize: invalid number of arguments!" );
    bool bOk = (aArguments[0] >>= m_xStorage);
    if( bOk && !m_xStorage.is() )
        bOk = false;
    if( !bOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "StringResourceWithStorageImpl::initialize: invalid storage", Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    implInitializeCommonParameters( aArguments );
// Forwarding calls to base class
// XModifyBroadcaster
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::addModifyListener( aListener );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::removeModifyListener( aListener );
// XStringResourceResolver
OUString StringResourceWithStorageImpl::resolveString( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveString( ResourceID ) ;
OUString StringResourceWithStorageImpl::resolveStringForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveStringForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
sal_Bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::hasEntryForId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForId( ResourceID ) ;
sal_Bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( const OUString& ResourceID,
    const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( ResourceID, locale );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getResourceIDs(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDs();
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale
    ( const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale( locale );
Locale StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getCurrentLocale()
    return StringResourceImpl::getCurrentLocale();
Locale StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getDefaultLocale(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getDefaultLocale();
Sequence< Locale > StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getLocales(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getLocales();
// XStringResourceManager
sal_Bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::isReadOnly()
    return StringResourceImpl::isReadOnly();
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setCurrentLocale( const Locale& locale, sal_Bool FindClosestMatch )
    StringResourceImpl::setCurrentLocale( locale, FindClosestMatch );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setDefaultLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setDefaultLocale( locale );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setString( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str )
    StringResourceImpl::setString( ResourceID, Str );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setStringForLocale
    ( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setStringForLocale( ResourceID, Str, locale );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::removeId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    StringResourceImpl::removeId( ResourceID );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::removeIdForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeIdForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::newLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::newLocale( locale );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::removeLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeLocale( locale );
sal_Int32 StringResourceWithStorageImpl::getUniqueNumericId(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getUniqueNumericId();
// XStringResourcePersistence
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::store()
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceWithStorageImpl::store(): Read only" );
    bool bStoreAll = m_bStorageChanged;
    m_bStorageChanged = false;
    if( !m_bModified && !bStoreAll )
    implStoreAtStorage( m_aNameBase, m_aComment, m_xStorage, true/*bUsedForStore*/, bStoreAll );
    m_bModified = false;
sal_Bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::isModified(  )
    return StringResourcePersistenceImpl::isModified();
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setComment( const OUString& Comment )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setComment( Comment );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::storeToStorage( const Reference< XStorage >& Storage,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToStorage( Storage, NameBase, Comment );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::storeToURL( const OUString& URL,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment,
    const Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler >& Handler )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToURL( URL, NameBase, Comment, Handler );
Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > StringResourceWithStorageImpl::exportBinary(  )
    return StringResourcePersistenceImpl::exportBinary();
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::importBinary( const Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& Data )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::importBinary( Data );
// XStringResourceWithStorage
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::storeAsStorage( const Reference< XStorage >& Storage )
    setStorage( Storage );
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setStorage( const Reference< XStorage >& Storage )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    if( !Storage.is() )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "StringResourceWithStorageImpl::setStorage: invalid storage", Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    m_xStorage = Storage;
    m_bStorageChanged = true;
// Private helper methods
// Scan locale properties files
void StringResourceWithStorageImpl::implScanLocales()
    Reference< container::XNameAccess > xNameAccess( m_xStorage, UNO_QUERY );
    if( xNameAccess.is() )
        Sequence< OUString > aContentSeq = xNameAccess->getElementNames();
        implScanLocaleNames( aContentSeq );
// Loading
bool StringResourceWithStorageImpl::implLoadLocale( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    bool bSuccess = false;
        OUString aStreamName = implGetFileNameForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem, m_aNameBase );
        aStreamName += ".properties";
        Reference< io::XStream > xElementStream =
            m_xStorage->openStreamElement( aStreamName, ElementModes::READ );
        if( xElementStream.is() )
            Reference< io::XInputStream > xInputStream = xElementStream->getInputStream();
            if( xInputStream.is() )
                bSuccess = StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implReadPropertiesFile( pLocaleItem, xInputStream );
    catch( uno::Exception& )
    return bSuccess;
// StringResourceWithLocationImpl
// component operations
static Sequence< OUString > getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceWithLocationImpl()
    Sequence< OUString > names { "com.sun.star.resource.StringResourceWithLocation" };
    return names;
static OUString getImplementationName_StringResourceWithLocationImpl()
    return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.scripting.StringResourceWithLocation" );
static Reference< XInterface > create_StringResourceWithLocationImpl(
    Reference< XComponentContext > const & xContext )
    return static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject * >( new StringResourceWithLocationImpl( xContext ) );
StringResourceWithLocationImpl::StringResourceWithLocationImpl( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext )
    : StringResourceWithLocationImpl_BASE( rxContext )
    , m_bLocationChanged( false )
// XServiceInfo
OUString StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getImplementationName(  )
    return getImplementationName_StringResourceWithLocationImpl();
sal_Bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getSupportedServiceNames(  )
    return getSupportedServiceNames_StringResourceWithLocationImpl();
// XInitialization
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    if ( aArguments.getLength() != 6 )
        throw RuntimeException(
            "XInitialization::initialize: invalid number of arguments!" );
    bool bOk = (aArguments[0] >>= m_aLocation);
    sal_Int32 nLen = m_aLocation.getLength();
    if( bOk && nLen == 0 )
        bOk = false;
        if( m_aLocation[nLen - 1] != '/' )
            m_aLocation += "/";
    if( !bOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "XInitialization::initialize: invalid URL", Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    bOk = (aArguments[5] >>= m_xInteractionHandler);
    if( !bOk )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "StringResourceWithStorageImpl::initialize: invalid type", Reference< XInterface >(), 5 );
    implInitializeCommonParameters( aArguments );
// Forwarding calls to base class
// XModifyBroadcaster
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::addModifyListener( aListener );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& aListener )
    StringResourceImpl::removeModifyListener( aListener );
// XStringResourceResolver
OUString StringResourceWithLocationImpl::resolveString( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveString( ResourceID ) ;
OUString StringResourceWithLocationImpl::resolveStringForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::resolveStringForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
sal_Bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::hasEntryForId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForId( ResourceID ) ;
sal_Bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( const OUString& ResourceID,
    const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::hasEntryForIdAndLocale( ResourceID, locale );
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getResourceIDs(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDs();
Sequence< OUString > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale
    ( const Locale& locale )
    return StringResourceImpl::getResourceIDsForLocale( locale );
Locale StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getCurrentLocale()
    return StringResourceImpl::getCurrentLocale();
Locale StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getDefaultLocale(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getDefaultLocale();
Sequence< Locale > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getLocales(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getLocales();
// XStringResourceManager
sal_Bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::isReadOnly()
    return StringResourceImpl::isReadOnly();
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setCurrentLocale( const Locale& locale, sal_Bool FindClosestMatch )
    StringResourceImpl::setCurrentLocale( locale, FindClosestMatch );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setDefaultLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setDefaultLocale( locale );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setString( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str )
    StringResourceImpl::setString( ResourceID, Str );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setStringForLocale
    ( const OUString& ResourceID, const OUString& Str, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::setStringForLocale( ResourceID, Str, locale );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::removeId( const OUString& ResourceID )
    StringResourceImpl::removeId( ResourceID );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::removeIdForLocale( const OUString& ResourceID, const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeIdForLocale( ResourceID, locale );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::newLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::newLocale( locale );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::removeLocale( const Locale& locale )
    StringResourceImpl::removeLocale( locale );
sal_Int32 StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getUniqueNumericId(  )
    return StringResourceImpl::getUniqueNumericId();
// XStringResourcePersistence
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::store()
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceWithLocationImpl::store(): Read only" );
    bool bStoreAll = m_bLocationChanged;
    m_bLocationChanged = false;
    if( !m_bModified && !bStoreAll )
    Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 > xFileAccess = getFileAccess();
    implStoreAtLocation( m_aLocation, m_aNameBase, m_aComment,
        xFileAccess, true/*bUsedForStore*/, bStoreAll );
    m_bModified = false;
sal_Bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::isModified(  )
    return StringResourcePersistenceImpl::isModified();
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setComment( const OUString& Comment )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::setComment( Comment );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::storeToStorage( const Reference< XStorage >& Storage,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToStorage( Storage, NameBase, Comment );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::storeToURL( const OUString& URL,
    const OUString& NameBase, const OUString& Comment,
    const Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler >& Handler )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::storeToURL( URL, NameBase, Comment, Handler );
Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::exportBinary(  )
    return StringResourcePersistenceImpl::exportBinary();
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::importBinary( const Sequence< ::sal_Int8 >& Data )
    StringResourcePersistenceImpl::importBinary( Data );
// XStringResourceWithLocation
// XStringResourceWithLocation
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::storeAsURL( const OUString& URL )
    setURL( URL );
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setURL( const OUString& URL )
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    implCheckReadOnly( "StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setURL(): Read only" );
    sal_Int32 nLen = URL.getLength();
    if( nLen == 0 )
        throw IllegalArgumentException( "StringResourceWithLocationImpl::setURL: invalid URL", Reference< XInterface >(), 0 );
    // Delete files at old location
    implStoreAtLocation( m_aLocation, m_aNameBase, m_aComment,
        getFileAccess(), false/*bUsedForStore*/, false/*bStoreAll*/, true/*bKillAll*/ );
    m_aLocation = URL;
    m_bLocationChanged = true;
// Private helper methods
// Scan locale properties files
void StringResourceWithLocationImpl::implScanLocales()
    const Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 > xFileAccess = getFileAccess();
    if( xFileAccess.is() && xFileAccess->isFolder( m_aLocation ) )
        Sequence< OUString > aContentSeq = xFileAccess->getFolderContents( m_aLocation, false );
        implScanLocaleNames( aContentSeq );
// Loading
bool StringResourceWithLocationImpl::implLoadLocale( LocaleItem* pLocaleItem )
    bool bSuccess = false;
    const Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 > xFileAccess = getFileAccess();
    if( xFileAccess.is() )
        OUString aCompleteFileName =
            implGetPathForLocaleItem( pLocaleItem, m_aNameBase, m_aLocation );
        Reference< io::XInputStream > xInputStream;
            xInputStream = xFileAccess->openFileRead( aCompleteFileName );
        catch( Exception& )
        if( xInputStream.is() )
            bSuccess = StringResourcePersistenceImpl::implReadPropertiesFile( pLocaleItem, xInputStream );
    return bSuccess;
const Reference< ucb::XSimpleFileAccess3 > StringResourceWithLocationImpl::getFileAccess()
    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( getMutex() );
    if( !m_xSFI.is() )
        m_xSFI = ucb::SimpleFileAccess::create(m_xContext);
        if( m_xSFI.is() && m_xInteractionHandler.is() )
            m_xSFI->setInteractionHandler( m_xInteractionHandler );
    return m_xSFI;
// component export operations
static const struct ::cppu::ImplementationEntry s_component_entries [] =
        create_StringResourceImpl, getImplementationName_StringResourceImpl,
        nullptr, 0
        create_StringResourceWithLocationImpl, getImplementationName_StringResourceWithLocationImpl,
        nullptr, 0
        create_StringResourceWithStorageImpl, getImplementationName_StringResourceWithStorageImpl,
        nullptr, 0
    { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0 }
}   // namespace dlgprov
// component exports
extern "C"
    SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT void * stringresource_component_getFactory(
        const sal_Char * pImplName, void * pServiceManager,
        void * pRegistryKey )
        return ::cppu::component_getFactoryHelper(
            pImplName, pServiceManager, pRegistryKey, ::stringresource::s_component_entries );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.

V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.

V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.

V547 Expression '!s_pMutex' is always true.