/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
// TODO: Read->RefreshBuffer-> React to changes from m_nBufActualLen
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <osl/endian.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/fileformat.h>
#define SWAPNIBBLES(c)      \
unsigned char nSwapTmp=c;   \
nSwapTmp <<= 4;             \
c >>= 4;                    \
c |= nSwapTmp;
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <algorithm>
// !!! Do not inline if already the operators <<,>> are inline
inline static void SwapUShort( sal_uInt16& r )
    {   r = OSL_SWAPWORD(r);   }
inline static void SwapShort( short& r )
    {   r = OSL_SWAPWORD(r);   }
inline static void SwapULong( sal_uInt32& r )
    {   r = OSL_SWAPDWORD(r);   }
inline static void SwapLongInt( sal_Int32& r )
    {   r = OSL_SWAPDWORD(r);   }
inline static void SwapUInt64( sal_uInt64& r )
            sal_uInt64 n;
            sal_uInt32 c[2];
        } s;
        s.n = r;
        s.c[0] ^= s.c[1]; // swap the 32 bit words
        s.c[1] ^= s.c[0];
        s.c[0] ^= s.c[1];
        // swap the bytes in the words
        s.c[0] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[0]);
        s.c[1] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[1]);
        r = s.n;
inline static void SwapInt64( sal_Int64& r )
            sal_Int64 n;
            sal_Int32 c[2];
        } s;
        s.n = r;
        s.c[0] ^= s.c[1]; // swap the 32 bit words
        s.c[1] ^= s.c[0];
        s.c[0] ^= s.c[1];
        // swap the bytes in the words
        s.c[0] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[0]);
        s.c[1] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[1]);
        r = s.n;
#ifdef UNX
inline static void SwapFloat( float& r )
            float f;
            sal_uInt32 c;
        } s;
        s.f = r;
        s.c = OSL_SWAPDWORD( s.c );
        r = s.f;
inline static void SwapDouble( double& r )
        if( sizeof(double) != 8 )
          SAL_WARN( "tools.stream", "Can only swap 8-Byte-doubles" );
                double d;
                sal_uInt32 c[2];
            } s;
            s.d = r;
            s.c[0] ^= s.c[1]; // swap 32-bit values in situ
            s.c[1] ^= s.c[0];
            s.c[0] ^= s.c[1];
            s.c[0] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[0]); // swap dword itself in situ
            s.c[1] = OSL_SWAPDWORD(s.c[1]);
            r = s.d;
static void SwapUnicode(sal_Unicode & r) { r = OSL_SWAPWORD(r); }
void SvStream::readNumberWithoutSwap_(void * pDataDest, int nDataSize)
    if (m_isIoRead && nDataSize <= m_nBufFree)
        for (int i = 0; i < nDataSize; i++)
            static_cast<char*>(pDataDest)[i] = m_pBufPos[i];
        m_nBufActualPos += nDataSize;
        m_pBufPos += nDataSize;
        m_nBufFree -= nDataSize;
        ReadBytes( pDataDest, nDataSize );
void SvStream::writeNumberWithoutSwap_(const void * pDataSrc, int nDataSize)
    if (m_isIoWrite && nDataSize <= m_nBufFree)
        for (int i = 0; i < nDataSize; i++)
            m_pBufPos[i] = static_cast<const char*>(pDataSrc)[i];
        m_nBufFree -= nDataSize;
        m_nBufActualPos += nDataSize;
        if (m_nBufActualPos > m_nBufActualLen)
            m_nBufActualLen = m_nBufActualPos;
        m_pBufPos += nDataSize;
        m_isDirty = true;
        WriteBytes( pDataSrc, nDataSize );
//  class SvLockBytes
void SvLockBytes::close()
    if (m_bOwner)
        delete m_pStream;
    m_pStream = nullptr;
// virtual
ErrCode SvLockBytes::ReadAt(sal_uInt64 const nPos, void * pBuffer, std::size_t nCount,
                            std::size_t * pRead) const
    if (!m_pStream)
        OSL_FAIL("SvLockBytes::ReadAt(): Bad stream");
        return ERRCODE_NONE;
    std::size_t nTheRead = m_pStream->ReadBytes(pBuffer, nCount);
    if (pRead)
        *pRead = nTheRead;
    return m_pStream->GetErrorCode();
// virtual
ErrCode SvLockBytes::WriteAt(sal_uInt64 const nPos, const void * pBuffer, std::size_t nCount,
                             std::size_t * pWritten)
    if (!m_pStream)
        OSL_FAIL("SvLockBytes::WriteAt(): Bad stream");
        return ERRCODE_NONE;
    std::size_t nTheWritten = m_pStream->WriteBytes(pBuffer, nCount);
    if (pWritten)
        *pWritten = nTheWritten;
    return m_pStream->GetErrorCode();
// virtual
ErrCode SvLockBytes::Flush() const
    if (!m_pStream)
        OSL_FAIL("SvLockBytes::Flush(): Bad stream");
        return ERRCODE_NONE;
    return m_pStream->GetErrorCode();
// virtual
ErrCode SvLockBytes::SetSize(sal_uInt64 const nSize)
    if (!m_pStream)
        OSL_FAIL("SvLockBytes::SetSize(): Bad stream");
        return ERRCODE_NONE;
    return m_pStream->GetErrorCode();
ErrCode SvLockBytes::Stat(SvLockBytesStat * pStat, SvLockBytesStatFlag) const
    if (!m_pStream)
        OSL_FAIL("SvLockBytes::Stat(): Bad stream");
        return ERRCODE_NONE;
    if (pStat)
        sal_uInt64 const nPos = m_pStream->Tell();
        pStat->nSize = m_pStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
    return ERRCODE_NONE;
//  class SvStream
std::size_t SvStream::GetData( void* pData, std::size_t nSize )
    if( !GetError() )
        DBG_ASSERT( m_xLockBytes.is(), "pure virtual function" );
        std::size_t nRet(0);
        m_nError = m_xLockBytes->ReadAt(m_nActPos, pData, nSize, &nRet);
        m_nActPos += nRet;
        return nRet;
    else return 0;
std::size_t SvStream::PutData( const void* pData, std::size_t nSize )
    if( !GetError() )
        DBG_ASSERT( m_xLockBytes.is(), "pure virtual function" );
        std::size_t nRet(0);
        m_nError = m_xLockBytes->WriteAt(m_nActPos, pData, nSize, &nRet);
        m_nActPos += nRet;
        return nRet;
    else return 0;
sal_uInt64 SvStream::SeekPos(sal_uInt64 const nPos)
    // check if a truncated STREAM_SEEK_TO_END was passed
    assert(nPos != SAL_MAX_UINT32);
    if( !GetError() && nPos == STREAM_SEEK_TO_END )
        DBG_ASSERT( m_xLockBytes.is(), "pure virtual function" );
        SvLockBytesStat aStat;
        m_xLockBytes->Stat( &aStat, SVSTATFLAG_DEFAULT );
        m_nActPos = aStat.nSize;
        m_nActPos = nPos;
    return m_nActPos;
void SvStream::FlushData()
    if( !GetError() )
        DBG_ASSERT( m_xLockBytes.is(), "pure virtual function" );
        m_nError = m_xLockBytes->Flush();
void SvStream::SetSize(sal_uInt64 const nSize)
    DBG_ASSERT( m_xLockBytes.is(), "pure virtual function" );
    m_nError = m_xLockBytes->SetSize( nSize );
SvStream::SvStream() :
   , m_pBufPos(nullptr)
   , m_nBufSize(0)
   , m_nBufActualLen(0)
   , m_nBufActualPos(0)
   , m_nBufFree(0)
   , m_isIoRead(false)
   , m_isIoWrite(false)
   , m_isDirty(false)
   , m_isConsistent(true)
   , m_isEof(false)
   , m_nCompressMode(SvStreamCompressFlags::NONE)
#if defined UNX
   , m_eLineDelimiter(LINEEND_LF)   // UNIX-Format
   , m_eLineDelimiter(LINEEND_CRLF) // DOS-Format
   , m_eStreamCharSet(osl_getThreadTextEncoding())
   , m_nCryptMask(0)
   , m_nVersion(0)
   , m_nBufFilePos(0)
   , m_eStreamMode(StreamMode::NONE)
   , m_isWritable(true)
    SetEndian( SvStreamEndian::LITTLE );
SvStream::SvStream( SvLockBytes* pLockBytesP ) : SvStream()
    m_xLockBytes = pLockBytesP;
    if( pLockBytesP ) {
        const SvStream* pStrm = pLockBytesP->GetStream();
        if( pStrm ) {
            SetError( pStrm->GetErrorCode() );
    SetBufferSize( 256 );
    if (m_xLockBytes.is())
void SvStream::ClearError()
    m_isEof = false;
    m_nError = ERRCODE_NONE;
void SvStream::SetError( ErrCode nErrorCode )
    if (m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE)
        m_nError = nErrorCode;
void SvStream::SetEndian( SvStreamEndian nNewFormat )
    m_nEndian = nNewFormat;
    m_isSwap = false;
    if (m_nEndian == SvStreamEndian::LITTLE)
        m_isSwap = true;
    if (m_nEndian == SvStreamEndian::BIG)
        m_isSwap = true;
void SvStream::SetBufferSize( sal_uInt16 nBufferSize )
    sal_uInt64 const nActualFilePos = Tell();
    bool bDontSeek = (m_pRWBuf == nullptr);
    if (m_isDirty && m_isConsistent && m_isWritable)  // due to Windows NT: Access denied
    if (m_nBufSize)
        m_nBufFilePos += m_nBufActualPos;
    m_pRWBuf        = nullptr;
    m_nBufActualLen = 0;
    m_nBufActualPos = 0;
    m_nBufSize      = nBufferSize;
    if (m_nBufSize)
        m_pRWBuf.reset(new sal_uInt8[ m_nBufSize ]);
    m_isConsistent  = true;
    m_pBufPos       = m_pRWBuf.get();
    m_isIoRead = m_isIoWrite = false;
    if( !bDontSeek )
        SeekPos( nActualFilePos );
void SvStream::ClearBuffer()
    m_nBufActualLen = 0;
    m_nBufActualPos = 0;
    m_nBufFilePos   = 0;
    m_pBufPos       = m_pRWBuf.get();
    m_isDirty       = false;
    m_isConsistent  = true;
    m_isIoRead = m_isIoWrite = false;
    m_isEof         = false;
void SvStream::ResetError()
bool SvStream::ReadByteStringLine( OUString& rStr, rtl_TextEncoding eSrcCharSet,
                                       sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead )
    OString aStr;
    bool bRet = ReadLine( aStr, nMaxBytesToRead);
    rStr = OStringToOUString(aStr, eSrcCharSet);
    return bRet;
bool SvStream::ReadLine( OString& rStr, sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead )
    sal_Char    buf[256+1];
    bool        bEnd        = false;
    sal_uInt64  nOldFilePos = Tell();
    sal_Char    c           = 0;
    std::size_t nTotalLen   = 0;
    OStringBuffer aBuf(4096);
    while( !bEnd && !GetError() )   // Don't test for EOF as we
                                    // are reading block-wise!
        sal_uInt16 nLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ReadBytes(buf, sizeof(buf)-1));
        if ( !nLen )
            if ( aBuf.isEmpty() )
                // Exit on first block-read error
                m_isEof = true;
                return false;
        sal_uInt16 j, n;
        for( j = n = 0; j < nLen ; ++j )
            c = buf[j];
            if ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' )
                bEnd = true;
            if ( n < j )
                buf[n] = c;
        nTotalLen += j;
        if (nTotalLen > static_cast<std::size_t>(nMaxBytesToRead))
            n -= nTotalLen - nMaxBytesToRead;
            nTotalLen = nMaxBytesToRead;
            bEnd = true;
        if ( n )
            aBuf.append(buf, n);
    if ( !bEnd && !GetError() && !aBuf.isEmpty() )
        bEnd = true;
    nOldFilePos += nTotalLen;
    if( Tell() > nOldFilePos )
    Seek( nOldFilePos );  // Seek pointer due to BlockRead above
    if ( bEnd && (c=='\r' || c=='\n') )  // Special treatment for DOS files
        char cTemp;
        std::size_t nLen = ReadBytes(&cTemp, sizeof(cTemp));
        if ( nLen ) {
            if( cTemp == c || (cTemp != '\n' && cTemp != '\r') )
                Seek( nOldFilePos );
    if ( bEnd )
        m_isEof = false;
    rStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
    return bEnd;
bool SvStream::ReadUniStringLine( OUString& rStr, sal_Int32 nMaxCodepointsToRead )
    sal_Unicode buf[256+1];
    bool        bEnd        = false;
    sal_uInt64  nOldFilePos = Tell();
    sal_Unicode c           = 0;
    std::size_t nTotalLen   = 0;
    DBG_ASSERT( sizeof(sal_Unicode) == sizeof(sal_uInt16), "ReadUniStringLine: swapping sizeof(sal_Unicode) not implemented" );
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(4096);
    while( !bEnd && !GetError() )   // Don't test for EOF as we
                                    // are reading block-wise!
        sal_uInt16 nLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ReadBytes( buf, sizeof(buf)-sizeof(sal_Unicode)));
        nLen /= sizeof(sal_Unicode);
        if ( !nLen )
            if ( aBuf.isEmpty() )
                // exit on first BlockRead error
                m_isEof = true;
                return false;
        sal_uInt16 j, n;
        for( j = n = 0; j < nLen ; ++j )
            if (m_isSwap)
                SwapUnicode( buf[n] );
            c = buf[j];
            if ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' )
                bEnd = true;
            // erAck 26.02.01: Old behavior was no special treatment of '\0'
            // character here, but a following rStr+=c did ignore it. Is this
            // really intended? Or should a '\0' better terminate a line?
            // The nOldFilePos stuff wasn't correct then anyways.
            if ( c )
                if ( n < j )
                    buf[n] = c;
        nTotalLen += j;
        if (nTotalLen > static_cast<std::size_t>(nMaxCodepointsToRead))
            n -= nTotalLen - nMaxCodepointsToRead;
            nTotalLen = nMaxCodepointsToRead;
            bEnd = true;
        if ( n )
            aBuf.append( buf, n );
    if ( !bEnd && !GetError() && !aBuf.isEmpty() )
        bEnd = true;
    nOldFilePos += nTotalLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode);
    if( Tell() > nOldFilePos )
        nOldFilePos += sizeof(sal_Unicode);
    Seek( nOldFilePos );  // seek due to BlockRead above
    if ( bEnd && (c=='\r' || c=='\n') )  // special treatment for DOS files
        sal_Unicode cTemp;
        ReadBytes( &cTemp, sizeof(cTemp) );
        if (m_isSwap)
            SwapUnicode( cTemp );
        if( cTemp == c || (cTemp != '\n' && cTemp != '\r') )
            Seek( nOldFilePos );
    if ( bEnd )
        m_isEof = false;
    rStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
    return bEnd;
bool SvStream::ReadUniOrByteStringLine( OUString& rStr, rtl_TextEncoding eSrcCharSet,
                                            sal_Int32 nMaxCodepointsToRead )
    if ( eSrcCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
        return ReadUniStringLine( rStr, nMaxCodepointsToRead );
        return ReadByteStringLine( rStr, eSrcCharSet, nMaxCodepointsToRead );
OString read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOString(SvStream& rStream)
    OStringBuffer aOutput(256);
    sal_Char buf[ 256 + 1 ];
    bool bEnd = false;
    sal_uInt64 nFilePos = rStream.Tell();
    while( !bEnd && !rStream.GetError() )
        std::size_t nLen = rStream.ReadBytes(buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
        if (!nLen)
        std::size_t nReallyRead = nLen;
        const sal_Char* pPtr = buf;
        while (nLen && *pPtr)
        bEnd =  ( nReallyRead < sizeof(buf)-1 )         // read less than attempted to read
                ||  (  ( nLen > 0 )                    // OR it is inside the block we read
                    &&  ( 0 == *pPtr )                  //    AND found a string terminator
        aOutput.append(buf, pPtr - buf);
    nFilePos += aOutput.getLength();
    if (rStream.Tell() > nFilePos)
        rStream.Seek(nFilePos+1);  // seek due to FileRead above
    return aOutput.makeStringAndClear();
OUString read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOUString(SvStream& rStream, rtl_TextEncoding eEnc)
    return OStringToOUString(
        read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOString(rStream), eEnc);
/** Attempt to write a prefixed sequence of nUnits 16bit units from an OUString,
    returned value is number of bytes written */
std::size_t write_uInt16s_FromOUString(SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rStr,
    std::size_t nUnits)
    DBG_ASSERT( sizeof(sal_Unicode) == sizeof(sal_uInt16), "write_uInt16s_FromOUString: swapping sizeof(sal_Unicode) not implemented" );
    std::size_t nWritten;
    if (!rStrm.IsEndianSwap())
        nWritten = rStrm.WriteBytes(rStr.getStr(), nUnits * sizeof(sal_Unicode));
        std::size_t nLen = nUnits;
        sal_Unicode aBuf[384];
        sal_Unicode* const pTmp = ( nLen > 384 ? new sal_Unicode[nLen] : aBuf);
        memcpy( pTmp, rStr.getStr(), nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
        sal_Unicode* p = pTmp;
        const sal_Unicode* const pStop = pTmp + nLen;
        while ( p < pStop )
            SwapUnicode( *p );
        nWritten = rStrm.WriteBytes( pTmp, nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
        if ( pTmp != aBuf )
            delete [] pTmp;
    return nWritten;
bool SvStream::WriteUnicodeOrByteText( const OUString& rStr, rtl_TextEncoding eDestCharSet )
    if ( eDestCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
        write_uInt16s_FromOUString(*this, rStr, rStr.getLength());
        return m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE;
        OString aStr(OUStringToOString(rStr, eDestCharSet));
        write_uInt8s_FromOString(*this, aStr, aStr.getLength());
        return m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool SvStream::WriteByteStringLine( const OUString& rStr, rtl_TextEncoding eDestCharSet )
    return WriteLine(OUStringToOString(rStr, eDestCharSet));
bool SvStream::WriteLine(const OString& rStr)
    WriteBytes(rStr.getStr(), rStr.getLength());
    return m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool SvStream::WriteUniOrByteChar( sal_Unicode ch, rtl_TextEncoding eDestCharSet )
    if ( eDestCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
        OString aStr(&ch, 1, eDestCharSet);
        WriteBytes(aStr.getStr(), aStr.getLength());
    return m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE;
void SvStream::StartWritingUnicodeText()
    // BOM, Byte Order Mark, U+FEFF, see
    // http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM
    // Upon read: 0xfeff(-257) => no swap; 0xfffe(-2) => swap
    writeNumberWithoutSwap(sal_uInt16(0xfeff)); // write native format
void SvStream::StartReadingUnicodeText( rtl_TextEncoding eReadBomCharSet )
    if (!(  eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ||
            eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ||
            eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8))
        return;    // nothing to read
    bool bTryUtf8 = false;
    sal_uInt16 nFlag(0);
    sal_sSize nBack = sizeof(nFlag);
    ReadUInt16( nFlag );
    switch ( nFlag )
        case 0xfeff :
            // native UTF-16
            if (    eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ||
                    eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE)
                nBack = 0;
        case 0xfffe :
            // swapped UTF-16
            if (    eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ||
                    eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE)
                SetEndian( m_nEndian == SvStreamEndian::BIG ? SvStreamEndian::LITTLE : SvStreamEndian::BIG );
                nBack = 0;
        case 0xefbb :
            if (m_nEndian == SvStreamEndian::BIG &&
                    (eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ||
                     eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8))
                bTryUtf8 = true;
        case 0xbbef :
            if (m_nEndian == SvStreamEndian::LITTLE &&
                    (eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ||
                     eReadBomCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8))
                bTryUtf8 = true;
            ;   // nothing
    if (bTryUtf8)
        unsigned char nChar(0);
        nBack += sizeof(nChar);
        ReadUChar( nChar );
        if (nChar == 0xbf)
            nBack = 0;      // it is UTF-8
    if (nBack)
        SeekRel( -nBack );      // no BOM, pure data
sal_uInt64 SvStream::SeekRel(sal_Int64 const nPos)
    sal_uInt64 nActualPos = Tell();
    if ( nPos >= 0 )
        if (SAL_MAX_UINT64 - nActualPos > static_cast<sal_uInt64>(nPos))
            nActualPos += nPos;
        sal_uInt64 const nAbsPos = static_cast<sal_uInt64>(-nPos);
        if ( nActualPos >= nAbsPos )
            nActualPos -= nAbsPos;
    m_pBufPos = m_pRWBuf.get() + nActualPos;
    return Seek( nActualPos );
SvStream& SvStream::ReadUInt16(sal_uInt16& r)
    sal_uInt16 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadUInt32(sal_uInt32& r)
    sal_uInt32 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadUInt64(sal_uInt64& r)
    sal_uInt64 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadInt16(sal_Int16& r)
    sal_Int16 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadInt32(sal_Int32& r)
    sal_Int32 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadInt64(sal_Int64& r)
    sal_Int64 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadSChar( signed char& r )
    if ((m_isIoRead || !m_isConsistent) &&
        sizeof(signed char) <= m_nBufFree)
        r = *m_pBufPos;
        m_nBufActualPos += sizeof(signed char);
        m_pBufPos += sizeof(signed char);
        m_nBufFree -= sizeof(signed char);
        ReadBytes( &r, sizeof(signed char) );
    return *this;
// Special treatment for Chars due to PutBack
SvStream& SvStream::ReadChar( char& r )
    if ((m_isIoRead || !m_isConsistent) &&
        sizeof(char) <= m_nBufFree)
        r = *m_pBufPos;
        m_nBufActualPos += sizeof(char);
        m_pBufPos += sizeof(char);
        m_nBufFree -= sizeof(char);
        ReadBytes( &r, sizeof(char) );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadUChar( unsigned char& r )
    if ((m_isIoRead || !m_isConsistent) &&
        sizeof(char) <= m_nBufFree)
        r = *m_pBufPos;
        m_nBufActualPos += sizeof(char);
        m_pBufPos += sizeof(char);
        m_nBufFree -= sizeof(char);
        ReadBytes( &r, sizeof(char) );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadUtf16(sal_Unicode& r)
    sal_uInt16 n = 0;
    if (good())
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = sal_Unicode(n);
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadCharAsBool( bool& r )
    if ((m_isIoRead || !m_isConsistent) &&
        sizeof(char) <= m_nBufFree)
            *m_pBufPos > 1, "tools.stream", unsigned(*m_pBufPos) << " not 0/1");
        r = *m_pBufPos != 0;
        m_nBufActualPos += sizeof(char);
        m_pBufPos += sizeof(char);
        m_nBufFree -= sizeof(char);
        unsigned char c;
        if (ReadBytes(&c, 1) == 1)
            SAL_WARN_IF(c > 1, "tools.stream", unsigned(c) << " not 0/1");
            r = c != 0;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadFloat(float& r)
    float n = 0;
    if (good())
#if defined UNX
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadDouble(double& r)
    double n = 0;
    if (good())
#if defined UNX
        if (m_isSwap)
        r = n;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::ReadStream( SvStream& rStream )
    const sal_uInt32 cBufLen = 0x8000;
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> pBuf( new char[ cBufLen ] );
    sal_uInt32 nCount;
    do {
        nCount = ReadBytes( pBuf.get(), cBufLen );
        rStream.WriteBytes( pBuf.get(), nCount );
    } while( nCount == cBufLen );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUInt16( sal_uInt16 v )
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUInt32( sal_uInt32 v )
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUInt64( sal_uInt64 v )
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteInt16( sal_Int16 v )
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteInt32( sal_Int32 v )
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteInt64  (sal_Int64 v)
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteSChar( signed char v )
    if (m_isIoWrite && sizeof(signed char) <= m_nBufFree)
        *m_pBufPos = v;
        m_pBufPos++; // sizeof(char);
        if (m_nBufActualPos > m_nBufActualLen)  // Append ?
            m_nBufActualLen = m_nBufActualPos;
        m_nBufFree--; // = sizeof(char);
        m_isDirty = true;
        WriteBytes( &v, sizeof(signed char) );
    return *this;
// Special treatment for Chars due to PutBack
SvStream& SvStream::WriteChar( char v )
    if (m_isIoWrite && sizeof(char) <= m_nBufFree)
        *m_pBufPos = v;
        m_pBufPos++; // sizeof(char);
        if (m_nBufActualPos > m_nBufActualLen)  // Append ?
            m_nBufActualLen = m_nBufActualPos;
        m_nBufFree--; // = sizeof(char);
        m_isDirty = true;
        WriteBytes( &v, sizeof(char) );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUChar( unsigned char v )
    if (m_isIoWrite && sizeof(char) <= m_nBufFree)
        *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(m_pBufPos) = v;
        m_pBufPos++; // = sizeof(char);
        m_nBufActualPos++; // = sizeof(char);
        if (m_nBufActualPos > m_nBufActualLen)  // Append ?
            m_nBufActualLen = m_nBufActualPos;
        m_isDirty = true;
        WriteBytes( &v, sizeof(char) );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUInt8( sal_uInt8 v )
    return WriteUChar(v);
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUnicode( sal_Unicode v )
    return WriteUInt16(v);
SvStream& SvStream::WriteFloat( float v )
#ifdef UNX
    if (m_isSwap)
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteDouble ( const double& r )
#if defined UNX
    if (m_isSwap)
      double nHelp = r;
      return *this;
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteCharPtr( const char* pBuf )
    WriteBytes( pBuf, strlen(pBuf) );
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteStream( SvStream& rStream )
    const sal_uInt32 cBufLen = 0x8000;
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> pBuf( new char[ cBufLen ] );
    sal_uInt32 nCount;
    do {
        nCount = rStream.ReadBytes( pBuf.get(), cBufLen );
        WriteBytes( pBuf.get(), nCount );
    } while( nCount == cBufLen );
    return *this;
sal_uInt64 SvStream::WriteStream( SvStream& rStream, sal_uInt64 nSize )
    const sal_uInt32 cBufLen = 0x8000;
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> pBuf( new char[ cBufLen ] );
    sal_uInt32 nCurBufLen = cBufLen;
    sal_uInt32 nCount;
    sal_uInt64 nWriteSize = nSize;
        nCurBufLen = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nCurBufLen, nWriteSize);
        nCount = rStream.ReadBytes(pBuf.get(), nCurBufLen);
        WriteBytes( pBuf.get(), nCount );
        nWriteSize -= nCount;
    while( nWriteSize && nCount == nCurBufLen );
    return nSize - nWriteSize;
OUString SvStream::ReadUniOrByteString( rtl_TextEncoding eSrcCharSet )
    // read UTF-16 string directly from stream ?
        return read_uInt32_lenPrefixed_uInt16s_ToOUString(*this);
    return read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(*this, eSrcCharSet);
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUniOrByteString( const OUString& rStr, rtl_TextEncoding eDestCharSet )
    // write UTF-16 string directly into stream ?
        write_uInt32_lenPrefixed_uInt16s_FromOUString(*this, rStr);
        write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(*this, rStr, eDestCharSet);
    return *this;
void SvStream::FlushBuffer(bool isConsistent)
    if (m_isDirty && isConsistent) // Does stream require a flush?
        if (m_nCryptMask)
            CryptAndWriteBuffer(m_pRWBuf.get(), m_nBufActualLen);
        else if (PutData(m_pRWBuf.get(), m_nBufActualLen) != m_nBufActualLen)
        m_isDirty = false;
std::size_t SvStream::ReadBytes( void* pData, std::size_t nCount )
    std::size_t nSaveCount = nCount;
    if (!m_isConsistent)
    if (!m_pRWBuf)
        nCount = GetData( pData,nCount);
        if (m_nCryptMask)
            EncryptBuffer(pData, nCount);
        m_nBufFilePos += nCount;
        // check if block is completely within buffer
        m_isIoRead = true;
        m_isIoWrite = false;
        if (nCount <= static_cast<std::size_t>(m_nBufActualLen - m_nBufActualPos))
            // => yes
            if (nCount != 0)
                memcpy(pData, m_pBufPos, static_cast<size_t>(nCount));
            m_nBufActualPos = m_nBufActualPos + static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
            m_pBufPos += nCount;
            m_nBufFree = m_nBufFree - static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
            // Does data block fit into buffer?
            if (nCount > m_nBufSize)
                // => No! Thus read directly
                // into target area without using the buffer
                m_isIoRead = false;
                SeekPos(m_nBufFilePos + m_nBufActualPos);
                m_nBufActualLen = 0;
                m_pBufPos     = m_pRWBuf.get();
                nCount = GetData( pData, nCount );
                if (m_nCryptMask)
                    EncryptBuffer(pData, nCount);
                m_nBufFilePos += nCount;
                m_nBufFilePos += m_nBufActualPos;
                m_nBufActualPos = 0;
                // => Yes. Fill buffer first, then copy to target area
                m_nBufFilePos += m_nBufActualPos;
                // TODO: Typecast before GetData, sal_uInt16 nCountTmp
                std::size_t nCountTmp = GetData( m_pRWBuf.get(), m_nBufSize );
                if (m_nCryptMask)
                    EncryptBuffer(m_pRWBuf.get(), nCountTmp);
                m_nBufActualLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCountTmp);
                if( nCount > nCountTmp )
                    nCount = nCountTmp;  // trim count back, EOF see below
                memcpy( pData, m_pRWBuf.get(), static_cast<size_t>(nCount) );
                m_nBufActualPos = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
                m_pBufPos = m_pRWBuf.get() + nCount;
    m_isEof = false;
    m_nBufFree = m_nBufActualLen - m_nBufActualPos;
    if (nCount != nSaveCount && m_nError != ERRCODE_IO_PENDING)
        m_isEof = true;
    if (nCount == nSaveCount && m_nError == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING)
        m_nError = ERRCODE_NONE;
    return nCount;
std::size_t SvStream::WriteBytes( const void* pData, std::size_t nCount )
    if( !nCount )
        return 0;
    if (!m_isWritable)
        SetError( ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE );
        return 0;
    if (!m_isConsistent)
        RefreshBuffer();   // Remove changes in buffer through PutBack
    if (!m_pRWBuf)
        if (m_nCryptMask)
            nCount = CryptAndWriteBuffer( pData, nCount );
            nCount = PutData( pData, nCount );
        m_nBufFilePos += nCount;
        return nCount;
    m_isIoRead = false;
    m_isIoWrite = true;
    if (nCount <= static_cast<std::size_t>(m_nBufSize - m_nBufActualPos))
        memcpy( m_pBufPos, pData, static_cast<size_t>(nCount) );
        m_nBufActualPos = m_nBufActualPos + static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
        // Update length if buffer was updated
        if (m_nBufActualPos > m_nBufActualLen)
            m_nBufActualLen = m_nBufActualPos;
        m_pBufPos += nCount;
        m_isDirty = true;
        // Does data block fit into buffer?
        if (nCount > m_nBufSize)
            m_isIoWrite = false;
            m_nBufFilePos += m_nBufActualPos;
            m_nBufActualLen = 0;
            m_nBufActualPos = 0;
            m_pBufPos     = m_pRWBuf.get();
            if (m_nCryptMask)
                nCount = CryptAndWriteBuffer( pData, nCount );
                nCount = PutData( pData, nCount );
            m_nBufFilePos += nCount;
            // Copy block to buffer
            memcpy( m_pRWBuf.get(), pData, static_cast<size_t>(nCount) );
            // Mind the order!
            m_nBufFilePos += m_nBufActualPos;
            m_nBufActualPos = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
            m_pBufPos = m_pRWBuf.get() + nCount;
            m_nBufActualLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nCount);
            m_isDirty = true;
    m_nBufFree = m_nBufSize - m_nBufActualPos;
    return nCount;
sal_uInt64 SvStream::Seek(sal_uInt64 const nFilePos)
    m_isIoRead = m_isIoWrite = false;
    m_isEof = false;
    if (!m_pRWBuf)
        m_nBufFilePos = SeekPos( nFilePos );
        DBG_ASSERT(Tell() == m_nBufFilePos,"Out Of Sync!");
        return m_nBufFilePos;
    // Is seek position within buffer?
    if (nFilePos >= m_nBufFilePos && nFilePos <= (m_nBufFilePos + m_nBufActualLen))
        m_nBufActualPos = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nFilePos - m_nBufFilePos);
        m_pBufPos = m_pRWBuf.get() + m_nBufActualPos;
        // Update m_nBufFree to avoid crash upon PutBack
        m_nBufFree = m_nBufActualLen - m_nBufActualPos;
        m_nBufActualLen = 0;
        m_nBufActualPos = 0;
        m_pBufPos     = m_pRWBuf.get();
        m_nBufFilePos = SeekPos( nFilePos );
    return m_nBufFilePos + m_nBufActualPos;
bool checkSeek(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt64 nOffset)
    const sal_uInt64 nMaxSeek(rSt.Tell() + rSt.remainingSize());
    return (nOffset <= nMaxSeek && rSt.Seek(nOffset) == nOffset);
//STREAM_SEEK_TO_END in some of the Seek backends is special cased to be
//efficient, in others e.g. SotStorageStream it's really horribly slow, and in
//those this should be overridden
sal_uInt64 SvStream::remainingSize()
    sal_uInt64 const nCurr = Tell();
    sal_uInt64 const nEnd = Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
    sal_uInt64 nMaxAvailable = nEnd > nCurr ? (nEnd-nCurr) : 0;
    return nMaxAvailable;
void SvStream::Flush()
    if (m_isWritable)
void SvStream::RefreshBuffer()
    m_nBufActualLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(GetData( m_pRWBuf.get(), m_nBufSize ));
    if (m_nBufActualLen && m_nError == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING)
        m_nError = ERRCODE_NONE;
    if (m_nCryptMask)
        EncryptBuffer(m_pRWBuf.get(), static_cast<std::size_t>(m_nBufActualLen));
    m_isConsistent = true;
    m_isIoRead = m_isIoWrite = false;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteInt32AsString(sal_Int32 nInt32)
    char buffer[12];
    std::size_t nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%" SAL_PRIdINT32, nInt32);
    WriteBytes(buffer, nLen);
    return *this;
SvStream& SvStream::WriteUInt32AsString(sal_uInt32 nUInt32)
    char buffer[11];
    std::size_t nLen = sprintf(buffer, "%" SAL_PRIuUINT32, nUInt32);
    WriteBytes(buffer, nLen);
    return *this;
#define CRYPT_BUFSIZE 1024
/// Encrypt and write
std::size_t SvStream::CryptAndWriteBuffer( const void* pStart, std::size_t nLen)
    unsigned char  pTemp[CRYPT_BUFSIZE];
    unsigned char const * pDataPtr = static_cast<unsigned char const *>(pStart);
    std::size_t nCount = 0;
    std::size_t nBufCount;
    unsigned char nMask = m_nCryptMask;
        if( nLen >= CRYPT_BUFSIZE )
            nBufCount = CRYPT_BUFSIZE;
            nBufCount = nLen;
        nLen -= nBufCount;
        memcpy( pTemp, pDataPtr, static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nBufCount) );
        // ******** Encrypt ********
        for (unsigned char & rn : pTemp)
            unsigned char aCh = rn;
            aCh ^= nMask;
            rn = aCh;
        // *************************
        nCount += PutData( pTemp, nBufCount );
        pDataPtr += nBufCount;
    while ( nLen );
    return nCount;
void SvStream::EncryptBuffer(void* pStart, std::size_t nLen) const
    unsigned char* pTemp = static_cast<unsigned char*>(pStart);
    unsigned char nMask = m_nCryptMask;
    for ( std::size_t n=0; n < nLen; n++, pTemp++ )
        unsigned char aCh = *pTemp;
        aCh ^= nMask;
        *pTemp = aCh;
static unsigned char implGetCryptMask(const sal_Char* pStr, sal_Int32 nLen, long nVersion)
    unsigned char nCryptMask = 0;
    if (!nLen)
        return nCryptMask;
    if( nVersion <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31 )
        while( nLen )
            nCryptMask ^= *pStr;
    else // BugFix #25888#
        for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen; i++ ) {
            nCryptMask ^= pStr[i];
            if( nCryptMask & 0x80 ) {
                nCryptMask <<= 1;
                nCryptMask <<= 1;
    if( !nCryptMask )
        nCryptMask = 67;
    return nCryptMask;
void SvStream::SetCryptMaskKey(const OString& rCryptMaskKey)
    m_aCryptMaskKey = rCryptMaskKey;
    m_nCryptMask = implGetCryptMask(m_aCryptMaskKey.getStr(),
        m_aCryptMaskKey.getLength(), GetVersion());
bool SvStream::SetStreamSize(sal_uInt64 const nSize)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    sal_uInt64 nFPos = Tell();
    sal_uInt16 nBuf = m_nBufSize;
    SetBufferSize( 0 );
    SetSize( nSize );
    SetBufferSize( nBuf );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    DBG_ASSERT(Tell()==nFPos,"SetStreamSize failed");
    return (m_nError == ERRCODE_NONE);
SvStream& endl( SvStream& rStr )
    LineEnd eDelim = rStr.GetLineDelimiter();
    if ( eDelim == LINEEND_CR )
    else if( eDelim == LINEEND_LF )
    return rStr;
SvStream& endlu( SvStream& rStrm )
    switch ( rStrm.GetLineDelimiter() )
        case LINEEND_CR :
        case LINEEND_LF :
    return rStrm;
SvStream& endlub( SvStream& rStrm )
    if ( rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
        return endlu( rStrm );
        return endl( rStrm );
SvMemoryStream::SvMemoryStream( void* pBuffer, std::size_t bufSize,
                                StreamMode eMode )
    if( eMode & StreamMode::WRITE )
        m_isWritable = true;
        m_isWritable = false;
    nEndOfData  = bufSize;
    bOwnsData   = false;
    pBuf        = static_cast<sal_uInt8 *>(pBuffer);
    nResize     = 0;
    nSize       = bufSize;
    nPos        = 0;
    SetBufferSize( 0 );
SvMemoryStream::SvMemoryStream( std::size_t nInitSize, std::size_t nResizeOffset )
    m_isWritable = true;
    bOwnsData   = true;
    nEndOfData  = 0;
    nResize     = nResizeOffset;
    nPos        = 0;
    pBuf        = nullptr;
    if( nResize != 0 && nResize < 16 )
        nResize = 16;
    if( nInitSize && !AllocateMemory( nInitSize ) )
        nSize = 0;
        nSize = nInitSize;
    SetBufferSize( 64 );
    if( pBuf )
        if( bOwnsData )
const void* SvMemoryStream::GetBuffer()
    return GetData();
sal_uInt64 SvMemoryStream::GetSize()
    sal_uInt64 const nTemp = Tell();
    sal_uInt64 const nLength = Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
    Seek( nTemp );
    return nLength;
void SvMemoryStream::SetBuffer( void* pNewBuf, std::size_t nCount,
                                 std::size_t nEOF )
    SetBufferSize( 0 ); // Init buffering in the base class
    Seek( 0 );
    if( bOwnsData )
        if( pNewBuf != pBuf )
    pBuf        = static_cast<sal_uInt8 *>(pNewBuf);
    nPos        = 0;
    nSize       = nCount;
    nResize     = 0;
    bOwnsData   = false;
    if( nEOF > nCount )
        nEOF = nCount;
    nEndOfData = nEOF;
std::size_t SvMemoryStream::GetData( void* pData, std::size_t nCount )
    std::size_t nMaxCount = nEndOfData-nPos;
    if( nCount > nMaxCount )
        nCount = nMaxCount;
    if (nCount != 0)
        memcpy( pData, pBuf+nPos, static_cast<size_t>(nCount) );
    nPos += nCount;
    return nCount;
std::size_t SvMemoryStream::PutData( const void* pData, std::size_t nCount )
    if( GetError() )
        return 0L;
    std::size_t nMaxCount = nSize-nPos;
    // check for overflow
    if( nCount > nMaxCount )
        if( nResize == 0 )
            // copy as much as possible
            nCount = nMaxCount;
            SetError( SVSTREAM_OUTOFMEMORY );
            long nNewResize;
            if( nSize && nSize > nResize )
                nNewResize = nSize;
                nNewResize = nResize;
            if( (nCount-nMaxCount) < nResize )
                // lacking memory is smaller than nResize,
                // resize accordingly
                if( !ReAllocateMemory( nNewResize) )
                    nCount = 0;
                    SetError( SVSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR );
                // lacking memory is larger than nResize,
                // resize by (nCount-nMaxCount) + resize offset
                if( !ReAllocateMemory( nCount-nMaxCount+nNewResize ) )
                    nCount = 0;
                    SetError( SVSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR );
    assert(pBuf && "Possibly Reallocate failed");
    memcpy( pBuf+nPos, pData, static_cast<size_t>(nCount));
    nPos += nCount;
    if( nPos > nEndOfData )
        nEndOfData = nPos;
    return nCount;
sal_uInt64 SvMemoryStream::SeekPos(sal_uInt64 const nNewPos)
    // nEndOfData: First position in stream not allowed to read from
    // nSize: Size of allocated buffer
    // check if a truncated STREAM_SEEK_TO_END was passed
    assert(nNewPos != SAL_MAX_UINT32);
    if( nNewPos < nEndOfData )
        nPos = nNewPos;
    else if( nNewPos == STREAM_SEEK_TO_END )
        nPos = nEndOfData;
        if( nNewPos >= nSize ) // Does buffer need extension?
            if( nResize )  // Is extension possible?
                long nDiff = static_cast<long>(nNewPos - nSize + 1);
                nDiff += static_cast<long>(nResize);
                ReAllocateMemory( nDiff );
                nPos = nNewPos;
                nEndOfData = nNewPos;
            else  // Extension not possible, set pos to end of data
                // SetError( SVSTREAM_OUTOFMEMORY );
                nPos = nEndOfData;
        else  // Expand buffer size
            nPos = nNewPos;
            nEndOfData = nNewPos;
    return nPos;
void SvMemoryStream::FlushData()
void SvMemoryStream::ResetError()
bool SvMemoryStream::AllocateMemory( std::size_t nNewSize )
    pBuf = new sal_uInt8[nNewSize];
    return( pBuf != nullptr );
// (using Bozo algorithm)
bool SvMemoryStream::ReAllocateMemory( long nDiff )
    if (!m_isWritable || !bOwnsData)
        return false;
    bool bRetVal    = false;
    long nTemp      = static_cast<long>(nSize);
    nTemp           += nDiff;
    std::size_t nNewSize  = static_cast<std::size_t>(nTemp);
    if( nNewSize )
        sal_uInt8* pNewBuf   = new sal_uInt8[nNewSize];
        bRetVal = true; // Success!
        if( nNewSize < nSize )      // Are we shrinking?
            memcpy( pNewBuf, pBuf, static_cast<size_t>(nNewSize) );
            if( nPos > nNewSize )
                nPos = 0;
            if( nEndOfData >= nNewSize )
                nEndOfData = nNewSize-1;
            if (nSize != 0)
                memcpy( pNewBuf, pBuf, static_cast<size_t>(nSize) );
            memset(pNewBuf + nSize, 0x00, nNewSize - nSize);
        pBuf  = pNewBuf;
        nSize = nNewSize;
        bRetVal = true;
        pBuf = nullptr;
        nSize = 0;
        nEndOfData = 0;
        nPos = 0;
    return bRetVal;
void SvMemoryStream::FreeMemory()
    if (bOwnsData)
        delete[] pBuf;
        pBuf = nullptr;
void* SvMemoryStream::SwitchBuffer()
    if( !bOwnsData )
        return nullptr;
    void* pRetVal = pBuf;
    pBuf          = nullptr;
    nEndOfData    = 0;
    nResize       = 64;
    nPos          = 0;
    if( nResize != 0 && nResize < 16 )
        nResize = 16;
    std::size_t nInitSize = 512;
    if( !AllocateMemory(nInitSize) )
        nSize = 0;
        nSize = nInitSize;
    SetBufferSize( 64 );
    return pRetVal;
void SvMemoryStream::SetSize(sal_uInt64 const nNewSize)
    if (!m_isWritable)
    long nDiff = static_cast<long>(nNewSize) - static_cast<long>(nSize);
    ReAllocateMemory( nDiff );
//Create a OString of nLen bytes from rStream
OString read_uInt8s_ToOString(SvStream& rStrm, std::size_t nLen)
    rtl_String *pStr = nullptr;
    if (nLen)
        nLen = std::min<std::size_t>(nLen, SAL_MAX_INT32);
        //limit allocation to size of file, but + 1 to set eof state
        nLen = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nLen, rStrm.remainingSize() + 1);
        //alloc a (ref-count 1) rtl_String of the desired length.
        //rtl_String's buffer is uninitialized, except for null termination
        pStr = rtl_string_alloc(sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(nLen));
        SAL_WARN_IF(!pStr, "tools.stream", "allocation failed");
        if (pStr)
            std::size_t nWasRead = rStrm.ReadBytes(pStr->buffer, nLen);
            if (nWasRead != nLen)
                //on (typically unlikely) short read set length to what we could
                //read, and null terminate. Excess buffer capacity remains of
                //course, could create a (true) replacement OString if it matters.
                pStr->length = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(nWasRead);
                pStr->buffer[pStr->length] = 0;
    //take ownership of buffer and return, otherwise return empty string
    return pStr ? OString(pStr, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) : OString();
//Create a OUString of nLen sal_Unicode code units from rStream
OUString read_uInt16s_ToOUString(SvStream& rStrm, std::size_t nLen)
    rtl_uString *pStr = nullptr;
    if (nLen)
        nLen = std::min<std::size_t>(nLen, SAL_MAX_INT32);
        //limit allocation to size of file, but + 1 to set eof state
        nLen = std::min<sal_uInt64>(nLen, (rStrm.remainingSize() + 2) / 2);
        //alloc a (ref-count 1) rtl_uString of the desired length.
        //rtl_String's buffer is uninitialized, except for null termination
        pStr = rtl_uString_alloc(sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(nLen));
        SAL_WARN_IF(!pStr, "tools.stream", "allocation failed");
        if (pStr)
            std::size_t nWasRead = rStrm.ReadBytes(pStr->buffer, nLen*2)/2;
            if (nWasRead != nLen)
                //on (typically unlikely) short read set length to what we could
                //read, and null terminate. Excess buffer capacity remains of
                //course, could create a (true) replacement OUString if it matters.
                pStr->length = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(nWasRead);
                pStr->buffer[pStr->length] = 0;
            if (rStrm.IsEndianSwap())
                for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < pStr->length; ++i)
                    pStr->buffer[i] = OSL_SWAPWORD(pStr->buffer[i]);
    //take ownership of buffer and return, otherwise return empty string
    return pStr ? OUString(pStr, SAL_NO_ACQUIRE) : OUString();
    template <typename T, typename O> T tmpl_convertLineEnd(const T &rIn, LineEnd eLineEnd)
        // Determine linebreaks and compute length
        bool            bConvert    = false;    // Needs conversion
        sal_Int32       nStrLen     = rIn.getLength();
        sal_Int32       nLineEndLen = (eLineEnd == LINEEND_CRLF) ? 2 : 1;
        sal_Int32       nLen        = 0;        // Target length
        sal_Int32       i           = 0;        // Source counter
        while (i < nStrLen)
            // \r or \n causes linebreak
            if ( (rIn[i] == '\r') || (rIn[i] == '\n') )
                nLen = nLen + nLineEndLen;
                // If set already, skip expensive test
                if ( !bConvert )
                    // Do we need to convert?
                    if ( ((eLineEnd != LINEEND_LF) && (rIn[i] == '\n')) ||
                         ((eLineEnd == LINEEND_CRLF) && (i+1) < nStrLen && (rIn[i+1] != '\n')) ||
                         ((eLineEnd == LINEEND_LF) &&
                          ((rIn[i] == '\r') || ((i+1) < nStrLen && rIn[i+1] == '\r'))) ||
                         ((eLineEnd == LINEEND_CR) &&
                          ((rIn[i] == '\n') || ((i+1) < nStrLen && rIn[i+1] == '\n'))) )
                        bConvert = true;
                // skip char if \r\n or \n\r
                if ( (i+1) < nStrLen && ((rIn[i+1] == '\r') || (rIn[i+1] == '\n')) &&
                     (rIn[i] != rIn[i+1]) )
        if (!bConvert)
            return rIn;
        // convert linebreaks, insert string
        O aNewData(nLen);
        i = 0;
        while (i < nStrLen)
            // \r or \n causes linebreak
            if ( (rIn[i] == '\r') || (rIn[i] == '\n') )
                if ( eLineEnd == LINEEND_CRLF )
                    if ( eLineEnd == LINEEND_CR )
                if ( (i+1) < nStrLen && ((rIn[i+1] == '\r') || (rIn[i+1] == '\n')) &&
                     (rIn[i] != rIn[i+1]) )
        return aNewData.makeStringAndClear();
OString convertLineEnd(const OString &rIn, LineEnd eLineEnd)
    return tmpl_convertLineEnd<OString, OStringBuffer>(rIn, eLineEnd);
OUString convertLineEnd(const OUString &rIn, LineEnd eLineEnd)
    return tmpl_convertLineEnd<OUString, OUStringBuffer>(rIn, eLineEnd);
std::size_t write_uInt32_lenPrefixed_uInt16s_FromOUString(SvStream& rStrm,
                                                const OUString &rStr)
    std::size_t nWritten = 0;
    sal_uInt32 nUnits = std::min<std::size_t>(rStr.getLength(), std::numeric_limits<sal_uInt32>::max());
    SAL_WARN_IF(static_cast<std::size_t>(nUnits) != static_cast<std::size_t>(rStr.getLength()),
        "string too long for prefix count to fit in output type");
    if (rStrm.good())
        nWritten += sizeof(sal_uInt32);
        nWritten += write_uInt16s_FromOUString(rStrm, rStr, nUnits);
    return nWritten;
std::size_t write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt16s_FromOUString(SvStream& rStrm,
                                                const OUString &rStr)
    std::size_t nWritten = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nUnits = std::min<std::size_t>(rStr.getLength(), std::numeric_limits<sal_uInt16>::max());
    SAL_WARN_IF(nUnits != rStr.getLength(),
        "string too long for prefix count to fit in output type");
    if (rStrm.good())
        nWritten += sizeof(nUnits);
        nWritten += write_uInt16s_FromOUString(rStrm, rStr, nUnits);
    return nWritten;
std::size_t write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOString(SvStream& rStrm,
                                              const OString &rStr)
    std::size_t nWritten = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nUnits = std::min<std::size_t>(rStr.getLength(), std::numeric_limits<sal_uInt16>::max());
    SAL_WARN_IF(static_cast<std::size_t>(nUnits) != static_cast<std::size_t>(rStr.getLength()),
        "string too long for sal_uInt16 count to fit in output type");
    rStrm.WriteUInt16( nUnits );
    if (rStrm.good())
        nWritten += sizeof(sal_uInt16);
        nWritten += write_uInt8s_FromOString(rStrm, rStr, nUnits);
    return nWritten;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: nResize < 16.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: nResize != 0.

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'pBuf' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.