/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <comphelper/threadpool.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapaccess.hxx>
#include <bitmapwriteaccess.hxx>
#include <BitmapScaleSuperFilter.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
namespace {
#define MAP( cVal0, cVal1, nFrac )  (static_cast<sal_uInt8>(((static_cast<long>(cVal0)<<7)+nFrac*(static_cast<long>(cVal1)-(cVal0)))>>7))
void generateMap(long nW, long nDstW, bool bHMirr, long* pMapIX, long* pMapFX)
    const double fRevScaleX = (nDstW > 1) ? static_cast<double>(nW - 1) / (nDstW - 1) : 0.0;
    long nTemp = nW - 2;
    long nTempX = nW - 1;
    for (long nX = 0; nX < nDstW; nX++)
        double fTemp = nX * fRevScaleX;
        if (bHMirr)
            fTemp = nTempX - fTemp;
        pMapIX[nX] = MinMax(static_cast<long>(fTemp), 0, nTemp);
        pMapFX[nX] = static_cast<long>((fTemp - pMapIX[nX]) * 128.0);
struct ScaleContext {
    BitmapReadAccess  *mpSrc;
    BitmapWriteAccess *mpDest;
    long mnSrcW, mnDestW;
    long mnSrcH, mnDestH;
    bool mbHMirr, mbVMirr;
    std::unique_ptr<long[]> mpMapIX;
    std::unique_ptr<long[]> mpMapIY;
    std::unique_ptr<long[]> mpMapFX;
    std::unique_ptr<long[]> mpMapFY;
    ScaleContext( BitmapReadAccess *pSrc,
                  BitmapWriteAccess *pDest,
                  long nSrcW, long nDestW,
                  long nSrcH, long nDestH,
                  bool bHMirr, bool bVMirr)
        : mpSrc( pSrc ), mpDest( pDest )
        , mnSrcW( nSrcW ), mnDestW( nDestW )
        , mnSrcH( nSrcH ), mnDestH( nDestH )
        , mbHMirr( bHMirr ), mbVMirr( bVMirr )
        , mpMapIX( new long[ nDestW ] )
        , mpMapIY( new long[ nDestH ] )
        , mpMapFX( new long[ nDestW ] )
        , mpMapFY( new long[ nDestH ] )
        generateMap(nSrcW, nDestW, bHMirr, mpMapIX.get(), mpMapFX.get());
        generateMap(nSrcH, nDestH, bVMirr, mpMapIY.get(), mpMapFY.get());
struct ScaleRangeContext {
    ScaleContext *mrCtx;
    long mnStartY, mnEndY;
    ScaleRangeContext( ScaleContext *rCtx, long nStartY )
        : mrCtx( rCtx ), mnStartY( nStartY ),
          mnEndY( nStartY + SCALE_THREAD_STRIP ) {}
typedef void (*ScaleRangeFn)(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY);
class ScaleTask : public comphelper::ThreadTask
    ScaleRangeFn mpFn;
    std::vector< ScaleRangeContext > maStrips;
    explicit ScaleTask( const std::shared_ptr<comphelper::ThreadTaskTag>& pTag, ScaleRangeFn pFn )
        : comphelper::ThreadTask(pTag), mpFn( pFn ) {}
    void push( ScaleRangeContext const &aRC ) { maStrips.push_back( aRC ); }
    virtual void doWork() override
        for (auto const& strip : maStrips)
            mpFn( *(strip.mrCtx), strip.mnStartY, strip.mnEndY );
void scalePallete8bit(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTempY = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
        long nTempFY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nY ];
        Scanline pLine0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nTempY );
        Scanline pLine1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( ++nTempY );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for(long nX = nStartX, nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nTempX = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
            long nTempFX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nX ];
            const BitmapColor& rCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( pLine0[ nTempX ] );
            const BitmapColor& rCol2 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( pLine1[ nTempX ] );
            const BitmapColor& rCol1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( pLine0[ ++nTempX ] );
            const BitmapColor& rCol3 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( pLine1[ nTempX ] );
            sal_uInt8 cR0 = MAP( rCol0.GetRed(), rCol1.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG0 = MAP( rCol0.GetGreen(), rCol1.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB0 = MAP( rCol0.GetBlue(), rCol1.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cR1 = MAP( rCol2.GetRed(), rCol3.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG1 = MAP( rCol2.GetGreen(), rCol3.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB1 = MAP( rCol2.GetBlue(), rCol3.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            BitmapColor aColRes( MAP( cR0, cR1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cG0, cG1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cB0, cB1, nTempFY ) );
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scalePalleteGeneral(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTempY = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
        long nTempFY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nY ];
        Scanline pScanline = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX, nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nTempX = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
            long nTempFX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nX ];
            BitmapColor aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixelIndex( nTempY, nTempX ) );
            BitmapColor aCol1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixelIndex( nTempY, ++nTempX ) );
            sal_uInt8 cR0 = MAP( aCol0.GetRed(), aCol1.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG0 = MAP( aCol0.GetGreen(), aCol1.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB0 = MAP( aCol0.GetBlue(), aCol1.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            aCol1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixelIndex( ++nTempY, nTempX ) );
            aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixelIndex( nTempY--, --nTempX ) );
            sal_uInt8 cR1 = MAP( aCol0.GetRed(), aCol1.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG1 = MAP( aCol0.GetGreen(), aCol1.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB1 = MAP( aCol0.GetBlue(), aCol1.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            BitmapColor aColRes( MAP( cR0, cR1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cG0, cG1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cB0, cB1, nTempFY ) );
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scale24bitBGR(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTempY = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
        long nTempFY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nY ];
        Scanline pLine0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nTempY );
        Scanline pLine1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( ++nTempY );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX, nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nOff = 3 * rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
            long nTempFX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nX ];
            Scanline pTmp0 = pLine0 + nOff ;
            Scanline pTmp1 = pTmp0 + 3;
            sal_uInt8 cB0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cG0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cR0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp1 = ( pTmp0 = pLine1 + nOff ) + 3;
            sal_uInt8 cB1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cG1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cR1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            BitmapColor aColRes( MAP( cR0, cR1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cG0, cG1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cB0, cB1, nTempFY ) );
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scale24bitRGB(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTempY = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
        long nTempFY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nY ];
        Scanline pLine0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nTempY );
        Scanline pLine1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( ++nTempY );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX, nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nOff = 3 * rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
            long nTempFX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nX ];
            Scanline pTmp0 = pLine0 + nOff;
            Scanline pTmp1 = pTmp0 + 3;
            sal_uInt8 cR0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cG0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cB0 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp1 = ( pTmp0 = pLine1 + nOff ) + 3;
            sal_uInt8 cR1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cG1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            pTmp0++; pTmp1++;
            sal_uInt8 cB1 = MAP( *pTmp0, *pTmp1, nTempFX );
            BitmapColor aColRes( MAP( cR0, cR1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cG0, cG1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cB0, cB1, nTempFY ) );
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scaleNonPalleteGeneral(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTempY = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
        long nTempFY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nY ];
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX, nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nTempX = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
            long nTempFX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nX ];
            BitmapColor aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixel( nTempY, nTempX );
            BitmapColor aCol1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixel( nTempY, ++nTempX );
            sal_uInt8 cR0 = MAP( aCol0.GetRed(), aCol1.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG0 = MAP( aCol0.GetGreen(), aCol1.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB0 = MAP( aCol0.GetBlue(), aCol1.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            aCol1 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixel( ++nTempY, nTempX );
            aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixel( nTempY--, --nTempX );
            sal_uInt8 cR1 = MAP( aCol0.GetRed(), aCol1.GetRed(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cG1 = MAP( aCol0.GetGreen(), aCol1.GetGreen(), nTempFX );
            sal_uInt8 cB1 = MAP( aCol0.GetBlue(), aCol1.GetBlue(), nTempFX );
            BitmapColor aColRes( MAP( cR0, cR1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cG0, cG1, nTempFY ),
                    MAP( cB0, cB1, nTempFY ) );
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scalePallete8bit2(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    const long nMax = 1 << 7;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTop = rCtx.mbVMirr ? ( nY + 1 ) : nY;
        long nBottom = rCtx.mbVMirr ? nY : ( nY + 1 ) ;
        long nLineStart, nLineRange;
        if( nY == nEndY )
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
            nLineRange = 0;
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ;
            nLineRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] == rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ) ? 1 :( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] - rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX , nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nLeft = rCtx.mbHMirr ? ( nX + 1 ) : nX;
            long nRight = rCtx.mbHMirr ? nX : ( nX + 1 ) ;
            long nRowStart;
            long nRowRange;
            if( nX == nEndX )
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
                nRowRange = 0;
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ];
                nRowRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] == rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] )? 1 : ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] - rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] );
            long nSumR = 0;
            long nSumG = 0;
            long nSumB = 0;
            long nTotalWeightY = 0;
            for(long i = 0; i<= nLineRange; i++)
                Scanline pTmpY = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nLineStart + i );
                long nSumRowR = 0;
                long nSumRowG = 0;
                long nSumRowB = 0;
                long nTotalWeightX = 0;
                for(long j = 0; j <= nRowRange; j++)
                    const BitmapColor& rCol = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor( pTmpY[ nRowStart + j ] );
                    if(nX == nEndX )
                        nSumRowB += rCol.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += rCol.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += rCol.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                    else if( j == 0 )
                        long nWeightX = (nMax- rCtx.mpMapFX[ nLeft ]) ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetBlue()) ;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetGreen()) ;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetRed()) ;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                    else if ( nRowRange == j )
                        long nWeightX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nRight ] ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetBlue() );
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetGreen() );
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *rCol.GetRed() );
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                        nSumRowB += rCol.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += rCol.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += rCol.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                long nWeightY = nMax;
                if( nY == nEndY )
                    nWeightY = nMax;
                else if( i == 0 )
                    nWeightY = nMax - rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if( nLineRange == 1 )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if ( nLineRange == i )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nBottom ];
                if (nTotalWeightX)
                    nSumRowB /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowG /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowR /= nTotalWeightX;
                nSumB += nWeightY * nSumRowB;
                nSumG += nWeightY * nSumRowG;
                nSumR += nWeightY * nSumRowR;
                nTotalWeightY += nWeightY;
            if (nTotalWeightY)
                nSumR /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumG /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumB /= nTotalWeightY;
            BitmapColor aColRes(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumB));
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scalePalleteGeneral2(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    const long nMax = 1 << 7;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTop = rCtx.mbVMirr ? ( nY + 1 ) : nY;
        long nBottom = rCtx.mbVMirr ? nY : ( nY + 1 ) ;
        long nLineStart, nLineRange;
        if( nY ==nEndY )
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
            nLineRange = 0;
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ;
            nLineRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] == rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ) ? 1 :( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] - rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX , nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nLeft = rCtx.mbHMirr ? ( nX + 1 ) : nX;
            long nRight = rCtx.mbHMirr ? nX : ( nX + 1 ) ;
            long nRowStart, nRowRange;
            if( nX == nEndX )
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
                nRowRange = 0;
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ];
                nRowRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] == rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] )? 1 : ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] - rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] );
            long nSumR = 0;
            long nSumG = 0;
            long nSumB = 0;
            long nTotalWeightY = 0;
            for(long i = 0; i<= nLineRange; i++)
                long nSumRowR = 0;
                long nSumRowG = 0;
                long nSumRowB = 0;
                long nTotalWeightX = 0;
                Scanline pScanlineSrc = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nLineStart + i );
                for(long j = 0; j <= nRowRange; j++)
                    BitmapColor aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPaletteColor ( rCtx.mpSrc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineSrc, nRowStart + j ) );
                    if(nX == nEndX )
                        nSumRowB += aCol0.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += aCol0.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += aCol0.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                    else if( j == 0 )
                        long nWeightX = (nMax- rCtx.mpMapFX[ nLeft ]) ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetBlue()) ;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetGreen()) ;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetRed()) ;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                    else if ( nRowRange == j )
                        long nWeightX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nRight ] ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetBlue() );
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetGreen() );
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetRed() );
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                        nSumRowB += aCol0.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += aCol0.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += aCol0.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                long nWeightY = nMax;
                if( nY == nEndY )
                    nWeightY = nMax;
                else if( i == 0 )
                    nWeightY = nMax - rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if( nLineRange == 1 )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if ( nLineRange == i )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nBottom ];
                if (nTotalWeightX)
                    nSumRowB /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowG /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowR /= nTotalWeightX;
                nSumB += nWeightY * nSumRowB;
                nSumG += nWeightY * nSumRowG;
                nSumR += nWeightY * nSumRowR;
                nTotalWeightY += nWeightY;
            if (nTotalWeightY)
                nSumR /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumG /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumB /= nTotalWeightY;
            BitmapColor aColRes(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumB));
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scale24bitBGR2(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    const long nMax = 1 << 7;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTop = rCtx.mbVMirr ? ( nY + 1 ) : nY;
        long nBottom = rCtx.mbVMirr ? nY : ( nY + 1 ) ;
        long nLineStart;
        long nLineRange;
        if( nY ==nEndY )
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
            nLineRange = 0;
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ;
            nLineRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] == rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ) ? 1 :( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] - rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX , nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nLeft = rCtx.mbHMirr ? ( nX + 1 ) : nX;
            long nRight = rCtx.mbHMirr ? nX : ( nX + 1 ) ;
            long nRowStart;
            long nRowRange;
            if( nX == nEndX )
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
                nRowRange = 0;
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ];
                nRowRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] == rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] )? 1 : ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] - rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] );
            long nSumR = 0;
            long nSumG = 0;
            long nSumB = 0;
            long nTotalWeightY = 0;
            for(long i = 0; i<= nLineRange; i++)
                Scanline pTmpY = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nLineStart + i );
                Scanline pTmpX = pTmpY + 3 * nRowStart;
                long nSumRowR = 0;
                long nSumRowG = 0;
                long nSumRowB = 0;
                long nTotalWeightX = 0;
                for(long j = 0; j <= nRowRange; j++)
                    if(nX == nEndX )
                        nSumRowB += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowR += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                    else if( j == 0 )
                        long nWeightX = (nMax- rCtx.mpMapFX[ nLeft ]) ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                    else if ( nRowRange == j )
                        long nWeightX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nRight ] ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                        nSumRowB += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowR += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                long nWeightY = nMax;
                if( nY == nEndY )
                    nWeightY = nMax;
                else if( i == 0 )
                    nWeightY = nMax - rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if( nLineRange == 1 )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if ( nLineRange == i )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nBottom ];
                if (nTotalWeightX)
                    nSumRowB /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowG /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowR /= nTotalWeightX;
                nSumB += nWeightY * nSumRowB;
                nSumG += nWeightY * nSumRowG;
                nSumR += nWeightY * nSumRowR;
                nTotalWeightY += nWeightY;
            if (nTotalWeightY)
                nSumR /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumG /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumB /= nTotalWeightY;
            BitmapColor aColRes(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumB));
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scale24bitRGB2(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    const long nMax = 1 << 7;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTop = rCtx.mbVMirr ? ( nY + 1 ) : nY;
        long nBottom = rCtx.mbVMirr ? nY : ( nY + 1 ) ;
        long nLineStart, nLineRange;
        if( nY ==nEndY )
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
            nLineRange = 0;
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ;
            nLineRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] == rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ) ? 1 :( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] - rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX , nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nLeft = rCtx.mbHMirr ? ( nX + 1 ) : nX;
            long nRight = rCtx.mbHMirr ? nX : ( nX + 1 ) ;
            long nRowStart, nRowRange;
            if( nX == nEndX )
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
                nRowRange = 0;
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ];
                nRowRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] == rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] )? 1 : ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] - rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] );
            long nSumR = 0;
            long nSumG = 0;
            long nSumB = 0;
            long nTotalWeightY = 0;
            for(long i = 0; i<= nLineRange; i++)
                Scanline pTmpY = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nLineStart + i );
                Scanline pTmpX = pTmpY + 3 * nRowStart;
                long nSumRowR = 0;
                long nSumRowG = 0;
                long nSumRowB = 0;
                long nTotalWeightX = 0;
                for(long j = 0; j <= nRowRange; j++)
                    if(nX == nEndX )
                        nSumRowR += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowB += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                    else if( j == 0 )
                        long nWeightX = (nMax- rCtx.mpMapFX[ nLeft ]) ;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX )) ;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                    else if ( nRowRange == j )
                        long nWeightX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nRight ] ;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *( *pTmpX ) );pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                        nSumRowR += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowG += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nSumRowB += ( *pTmpX ) << 7;pTmpX++;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                long nWeightY = nMax;
                if( nY == nEndY )
                    nWeightY = nMax;
                else if( i == 0 )
                    nWeightY = nMax - rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if( nLineRange == 1 )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if ( nLineRange == i )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nBottom ];
                if (nTotalWeightX)
                    nSumRowB /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowG /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowR /= nTotalWeightX;
                nSumB += nWeightY * nSumRowB;
                nSumG += nWeightY * nSumRowG;
                nSumR += nWeightY * nSumRowR;
                nTotalWeightY += nWeightY;
            if (nTotalWeightY)
                nSumR /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumG /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumB /= nTotalWeightY;
            BitmapColor aColRes(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumB));
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
void scaleNonPalleteGeneral2(ScaleContext &rCtx, long nStartY, long nEndY)
    const long nStartX = 0, nEndX = rCtx.mnDestW - 1;
    const long nMax = 1 << 7;
    for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ )
        long nTop = rCtx.mbVMirr ? ( nY + 1 ) : nY;
        long nBottom = rCtx.mbVMirr ? nY : ( nY + 1 ) ;
        long nLineStart, nLineRange;
        if( nY ==nEndY )
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nY ];
            nLineRange = 0;
            nLineStart = rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ;
            nLineRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] == rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] ) ? 1 :( rCtx.mpMapIY[ nBottom ] - rCtx.mpMapIY[ nTop ] );
        Scanline pScanDest = rCtx.mpDest->GetScanline( nY );
        for( long nX = nStartX , nXDst = 0; nX <= nEndX; nX++ )
            long nLeft = rCtx.mbHMirr ? ( nX + 1 ) : nX;
            long nRight = rCtx.mbHMirr ? nX : ( nX + 1 ) ;
            long nRowStart, nRowRange;
            if( nX == nEndX )
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nX ];
                nRowRange = 0;
                nRowStart = rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ];
                nRowRange = ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] == rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] )? 1 : ( rCtx.mpMapIX[ nRight ] - rCtx.mpMapIX[ nLeft ] );
            long nSumR = 0;
            long nSumG = 0;
            long nSumB = 0;
            long nTotalWeightY = 0;
            for(long i = 0; i<= nLineRange; i++)
                long nSumRowR = 0;
                long nSumRowG = 0;
                long nSumRowB = 0;
                long nTotalWeightX = 0;
                Scanline pScanlineSrc = rCtx.mpSrc->GetScanline( nLineStart + i );
                for(long j = 0; j <= nRowRange; j++)
                    BitmapColor aCol0 = rCtx.mpSrc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nRowStart + j );
                    if(nX == nEndX )
                        nSumRowB += aCol0.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += aCol0.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += aCol0.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                    else if( j == 0 )
                        long nWeightX = (nMax- rCtx.mpMapFX[ nLeft ]) ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetBlue()) ;
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetGreen()) ;
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetRed()) ;
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                    else if ( nRowRange == j )
                        long nWeightX = rCtx.mpMapFX[ nRight ] ;
                        nSumRowB += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetBlue() );
                        nSumRowG += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetGreen() );
                        nSumRowR += ( nWeightX *aCol0.GetRed() );
                        nTotalWeightX += nWeightX;
                        nSumRowB += aCol0.GetBlue() << 7;
                        nSumRowG += aCol0.GetGreen() << 7;
                        nSumRowR += aCol0.GetRed() << 7;
                        nTotalWeightX += 1 << 7;
                long nWeightY = nMax;
                if( nY == nEndY )
                    nWeightY = nMax;
                else if( i == 0 )
                    nWeightY = nMax - rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if( nLineRange == 1 )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nTop ];
                else if ( nLineRange == i )
                    nWeightY = rCtx.mpMapFY[ nBottom ];
                if (nTotalWeightX)
                    nSumRowB /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowG /= nTotalWeightX;
                    nSumRowR /= nTotalWeightX;
                nSumB += nWeightY * nSumRowB;
                nSumG += nWeightY * nSumRowG;
                nSumR += nWeightY * nSumRowR;
                nTotalWeightY += nWeightY;
            if (nTotalWeightY)
                nSumR /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumG /= nTotalWeightY;
                nSumB /= nTotalWeightY;
            BitmapColor aColRes(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSumB));
            rCtx.mpDest->SetPixelOnData( pScanDest, nXDst++, aColRes );
} // end anonymous namespace
BitmapScaleSuperFilter::BitmapScaleSuperFilter(const double& rScaleX, const double& rScaleY) :
BitmapEx BitmapScaleSuperFilter::execute(BitmapEx const& rBitmap) const
    Bitmap aBitmap(rBitmap.GetBitmap());
    bool bRet = false;
    const Size aSizePix(rBitmap.GetSizePixel());
    bool bHMirr = mrScaleX < 0;
    bool bVMirr = mrScaleY < 0;
    double fScaleX = std::fabs(mrScaleX);
    double fScaleY = std::fabs(mrScaleY);
    const long nDstW = FRound(aSizePix.Width()  * fScaleX);
    const long nDstH = FRound(aSizePix.Height() * fScaleY);
    const double fScaleThresh = 0.6;
    if (nDstW <= 1 || nDstH <= 1)
        return BitmapEx();
        Bitmap::ScopedReadAccess pReadAccess(aBitmap);
        Bitmap aOutBmp(Size(nDstW, nDstH), 24);
        Size aOutSize = aOutBmp.GetSizePixel();
        if (!aOutSize.Width() || !aOutSize.Height())
            SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "bmp creation failed");
            return BitmapEx();
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAccess(aOutBmp);
        const long nStartY = 0;
        const long nEndY   = nDstH - 1;
        if (pReadAccess && pWriteAccess)
            ScaleRangeFn pScaleRangeFn;
            ScaleContext aContext( pReadAccess.get(),
                                   bVMirr, bHMirr );
            bool bScaleUp = fScaleX >= fScaleThresh && fScaleY >= fScaleThresh;
            if( pReadAccess->HasPalette() )
                switch( pReadAccess->GetScanlineFormat() )
                case ScanlineFormat::N8BitPal:
                    pScaleRangeFn = bScaleUp ? scalePallete8bit : scalePallete8bit2;
                    pScaleRangeFn = bScaleUp ? scalePalleteGeneral
                                            : scalePalleteGeneral2;
                switch( pReadAccess->GetScanlineFormat() )
                case ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcBgr:
                    pScaleRangeFn = bScaleUp ? scale24bitBGR : scale24bitBGR2;
                case ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcRgb:
                    pScaleRangeFn = bScaleUp ? scale24bitRGB : scale24bitRGB2;
                    pScaleRangeFn = bScaleUp ? scaleNonPalleteGeneral
                                            : scaleNonPalleteGeneral2;
            // We want to thread - only if there is a lot of work to do:
            // We work hard when there is a large destination image, or
            // A large source image.
            bool bHorizontalWork = pReadAccess->Width() > 512 || pWriteAccess->Width() > 512;
            bool bUseThreads = true;
            static bool bDisableThreadedScaling = getenv ("VCL_NO_THREAD_SCALE");
            if ( bDisableThreadedScaling || !bHorizontalWork ||
                 nEndY - nStartY < SCALE_THREAD_STRIP )
                SAL_INFO("vcl.gdi", "Scale in main thread");
                bUseThreads = false;
            if (bUseThreads)
                    // partition and queue work
                    comphelper::ThreadPool &rShared = comphelper::ThreadPool::getSharedOptimalPool();
                    std::shared_ptr<comphelper::ThreadTaskTag> pTag = comphelper::ThreadPool::createThreadTaskTag();
                    sal_uInt32 nThreads = rShared.getWorkerCount();
                    assert( nThreads > 0 );
                    sal_uInt32 nStrips = ((nEndY - nStartY) + SCALE_THREAD_STRIP - 1) / SCALE_THREAD_STRIP;
                    sal_uInt32 nStripsPerThread = nStrips / nThreads;
                    SAL_INFO("vcl.gdi", "Scale in " << nStrips << " strips " << nStripsPerThread << " per thread we have " << nThreads << " CPU threads ");
                    long nStripY = nStartY;
                    for ( sal_uInt32 t = 0; t < nThreads - 1; t++ )
                        std::unique_ptr<ScaleTask> pTask(new ScaleTask( pTag, pScaleRangeFn ));
                        for ( sal_uInt32 j = 0; j < nStripsPerThread; j++ )
                            ScaleRangeContext aRC( &aContext, nStripY );
                            pTask->push( aRC );
                            nStripY += SCALE_THREAD_STRIP;
                        rShared.pushTask( std::move(pTask) );
                    // finish any remaining bits here
                    pScaleRangeFn( aContext, nStripY, nEndY );
                    SAL_INFO("vcl.gdi", "All threaded scaling tasks complete");
                catch (...)
                    SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "threaded bitmap scaling failed");
                    bUseThreads = false;
            if (!bUseThreads)
                pScaleRangeFn( aContext, nStartY, nEndY );
            bRet = true;
            if (bRet)
                aBitmap = aOutBmp;
    if (bRet)
        tools::Rectangle aRect(Point(0, 0), Point(nDstW, nDstH));
        return BitmapEx(aBitmap);
    return BitmapEx();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression 'bRet' is always true.