/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <vcl/bitmap.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapaccess.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <salinst.hxx>
#include <salbmp.hxx>
#include <bitmapwriteaccess.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
Bitmap::Bitmap(const Bitmap& rBitmap)
    : mxSalBmp(rBitmap.mxSalBmp)
    , maPrefMapMode(rBitmap.maPrefMapMode)
    , maPrefSize(rBitmap.maPrefSize)
Bitmap::Bitmap(std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> const & pSalBitmap)
    : mxSalBmp(pSalBitmap)
    , maPrefMapMode(MapMode(MapUnit::MapPixel))
    , maPrefSize(mxSalBmp->GetSize())
Bitmap::Bitmap( const Size& rSizePixel, sal_uInt16 nBitCount, const BitmapPalette* pPal )
    if (rSizePixel.Width() && rSizePixel.Height())
        BitmapPalette   aPal;
        BitmapPalette*  pRealPal = nullptr;
        if( nBitCount <= 8 )
            if( !pPal )
                if( 1 == nBitCount )
                    aPal.SetEntryCount( 2 );
                    aPal[ 0 ] = COL_BLACK;
                    aPal[ 1 ] = COL_WHITE;
                else if( ( 4 == nBitCount ) || ( 8 == nBitCount ) )
                    aPal.SetEntryCount( 1 << nBitCount );
                    aPal[ 0 ] = COL_BLACK;
                    aPal[ 1 ] = COL_BLUE;
                    aPal[ 2 ] = COL_GREEN;
                    aPal[ 3 ] = COL_CYAN;
                    aPal[ 4 ] = COL_RED;
                    aPal[ 5 ] = COL_MAGENTA;
                    aPal[ 6 ] = COL_BROWN;
                    aPal[ 7 ] = COL_GRAY;
                    aPal[ 8 ] = COL_LIGHTGRAY;
                    aPal[ 9 ] = COL_LIGHTBLUE;
                    aPal[ 10 ] = COL_LIGHTGREEN;
                    aPal[ 11 ] = COL_LIGHTCYAN;
                    aPal[ 12 ] = COL_LIGHTRED;
                    aPal[ 13 ] = COL_LIGHTMAGENTA;
                    aPal[ 14 ] = COL_YELLOW;
                    aPal[ 15 ] = COL_WHITE;
                    // Create dither palette
                    if( 8 == nBitCount )
                        sal_uInt16 nActCol = 16;
                        for( sal_uInt16 nB = 0; nB < 256; nB += 51 )
                            for( sal_uInt16 nG = 0; nG < 256; nG += 51 )
                                for( sal_uInt16 nR = 0; nR < 256; nR += 51 )
                                    aPal[ nActCol++ ] = BitmapColor( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nR), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nG), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nB) );
                        // Set standard Office colors
                        aPal[ nActCol++ ] = BitmapColor( 0, 184, 255 );
                pRealPal = const_cast<BitmapPalette*>(pPal);
        mxSalBmp = ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap();
        mxSalBmp->Create( rSizePixel, nBitCount, pRealPal ? *pRealPal : aPal );
const BitmapPalette& Bitmap::GetGreyPalette( int nEntries )
    static BitmapPalette aGreyPalette2;
    static BitmapPalette aGreyPalette4;
    static BitmapPalette aGreyPalette16;
    static BitmapPalette aGreyPalette256;
    // Create greyscale palette with 2, 4, 16 or 256 entries
    if( 2 == nEntries || 4 == nEntries || 16 == nEntries || 256 == nEntries )
        if( 2 == nEntries )
            if( !aGreyPalette2.GetEntryCount() )
                aGreyPalette2.SetEntryCount( 2 );
                aGreyPalette2[ 0 ] = BitmapColor( 0, 0, 0 );
                aGreyPalette2[ 1 ] = BitmapColor( 255, 255, 255 );
            return aGreyPalette2;
        else if( 4 == nEntries )
            if( !aGreyPalette4.GetEntryCount() )
                aGreyPalette4.SetEntryCount( 4 );
                aGreyPalette4[ 0 ] = BitmapColor( 0, 0, 0 );
                aGreyPalette4[ 1 ] = BitmapColor( 85, 85, 85 );
                aGreyPalette4[ 2 ] = BitmapColor( 170, 170, 170 );
                aGreyPalette4[ 3 ] = BitmapColor( 255, 255, 255 );
            return aGreyPalette4;
        else if( 16 == nEntries )
            if( !aGreyPalette16.GetEntryCount() )
                sal_uInt8 cGrey = 0;
                sal_uInt8 const cGreyInc = 17;
                aGreyPalette16.SetEntryCount( 16 );
                for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 16; i++, cGrey = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt8>(cGrey + cGreyInc) )
                    aGreyPalette16[ i ] = BitmapColor( cGrey, cGrey, cGrey );
            return aGreyPalette16;
            if( !aGreyPalette256.GetEntryCount() )
                aGreyPalette256.SetEntryCount( 256 );
                for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
                    aGreyPalette256[ i ] = BitmapColor( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(i), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(i), static_cast<sal_uInt8>(i) );
            return aGreyPalette256;
        OSL_FAIL( "Bitmap::GetGreyPalette: invalid entry count (2/4/16/256 allowed)" );
        return aGreyPalette2;
bool BitmapPalette::IsGreyPalette() const
    const int nEntryCount = GetEntryCount();
    if( !nEntryCount ) // NOTE: an empty palette means 1:1 mapping
        return true;
    // See above: only certain entry values will result in a valid call to GetGreyPalette
    if( nEntryCount == 2 || nEntryCount == 4 || nEntryCount == 16 || nEntryCount == 256 )
        const BitmapPalette& rGreyPalette = Bitmap::GetGreyPalette( nEntryCount );
        if( rGreyPalette == *this )
            return true;
    bool bRet = false;
    // TODO: is it worth to compare the entries for the general case?
    if (nEntryCount == 2)
       const BitmapColor& rCol0(maBitmapColor[0]);
       const BitmapColor& rCol1(maBitmapColor[1]);
       bRet = rCol0.GetRed() == rCol0.GetGreen() && rCol0.GetRed() == rCol0.GetBlue() &&
              rCol1.GetRed() == rCol1.GetGreen() && rCol1.GetRed() == rCol1.GetBlue();
    return bRet;
Bitmap& Bitmap::operator=( const Bitmap& rBitmap )
    if (this == &rBitmap)
        return *this;
    maPrefSize = rBitmap.maPrefSize;
    maPrefMapMode = rBitmap.maPrefMapMode;
    mxSalBmp = rBitmap.mxSalBmp;
    return *this;
Bitmap& Bitmap::operator=( Bitmap&& rBitmap )
    maPrefSize = std::move(rBitmap.maPrefSize);
    maPrefMapMode = std::move(rBitmap.maPrefMapMode);
    mxSalBmp = std::move(rBitmap.mxSalBmp);
    return *this;
bool Bitmap::operator==( const Bitmap& rBmp ) const
    if (rBmp.mxSalBmp == mxSalBmp) // Includes both are nullptr
        return true;
    if (!rBmp.mxSalBmp || !mxSalBmp)
        return false;
    if (rBmp.mxSalBmp->GetSize() != mxSalBmp->GetSize() ||
        rBmp.mxSalBmp->GetBitCount() != mxSalBmp->GetBitCount())
        return false;
    BitmapChecksum aChecksum1, aChecksum2;
    return aChecksum1 == aChecksum2;
void Bitmap::SetEmpty()
    maPrefMapMode = MapMode();
    maPrefSize = Size();
Size Bitmap::GetSizePixel() const
    return( mxSalBmp ? mxSalBmp->GetSize() : Size() );
sal_uInt16 Bitmap::GetBitCount() const
    if (!mxSalBmp)
        return 0;
    sal_uInt16 nBitCount = mxSalBmp->GetBitCount();
    return ( nBitCount <= 4 ) ? ( ( nBitCount <= 1 ) ? 1 : 4 ):
                                ( ( nBitCount <= 8 ) ? 8 : 24);
bool Bitmap::HasGreyPalette() const
    const sal_uInt16    nBitCount = GetBitCount();
    bool            bRet = nBitCount == 1;
    ScopedInfoAccess pIAcc(const_cast<Bitmap&>(*this));
    if( pIAcc )
        bRet = pIAcc->HasPalette() && pIAcc->GetPalette().IsGreyPalette();
    return bRet;
BitmapChecksum Bitmap::GetChecksum() const
    BitmapChecksum nRet = 0;
    if( mxSalBmp )
        if (!nRet)
            // nRet == 0 => probably, we were not able to acquire
            // the buffer in SalBitmap::updateChecksum;
            // so, we need to update the imp bitmap for this bitmap instance
            // as we do in BitmapInfoAccess::ImplCreate
            std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> xNewImpBmp(ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap());
            if (xNewImpBmp->Create(*mxSalBmp, GetBitCount()))
                Bitmap* pThis = const_cast<Bitmap*>(this);
                pThis->mxSalBmp = xNewImpBmp;
    return nRet;
void Bitmap::ImplMakeUnique()
    if (mxSalBmp && mxSalBmp.use_count() > 1)
        std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> xOldImpBmp = mxSalBmp;
        mxSalBmp = ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap();
void Bitmap::ReassignWithSize(const Bitmap& rBitmap)
    const Size aOldSizePix(GetSizePixel());
    const Size aNewSizePix(rBitmap.GetSizePixel());
    const MapMode aOldMapMode(maPrefMapMode);
    Size aNewPrefSize;
    if ((aOldSizePix != aNewSizePix) && aOldSizePix.Width() && aOldSizePix.Height())
        aNewPrefSize.setWidth(FRound(maPrefSize.Width() * aNewSizePix.Width() / aOldSizePix.Width()));
        aNewPrefSize.setHeight(FRound(maPrefSize.Height() * aNewSizePix.Height() / aOldSizePix.Height()));
        aNewPrefSize = maPrefSize;
    *this = rBitmap;
    maPrefSize = aNewPrefSize;
    maPrefMapMode = aOldMapMode;
void Bitmap::ImplSetSalBitmap(const std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap>& xImpBmp)
    mxSalBmp = xImpBmp;
BitmapInfoAccess* Bitmap::AcquireInfoAccess()
    BitmapInfoAccess* pInfoAccess = new BitmapInfoAccess( *this );
    if( !*pInfoAccess )
        delete pInfoAccess;
        pInfoAccess = nullptr;
    return pInfoAccess;
BitmapReadAccess* Bitmap::AcquireReadAccess()
    BitmapReadAccess* pReadAccess = new BitmapReadAccess( *this );
    if( !*pReadAccess )
        delete pReadAccess;
        pReadAccess = nullptr;
    return pReadAccess;
BitmapWriteAccess* Bitmap::AcquireWriteAccess()
    BitmapWriteAccess* pWriteAccess = new BitmapWriteAccess( *this );
    if( !*pWriteAccess )
        delete pWriteAccess;
        pWriteAccess = nullptr;
    return pWriteAccess;
void Bitmap::ReleaseAccess( BitmapInfoAccess* pBitmapAccess )
    delete pBitmapAccess;
bool Bitmap::Crop( const tools::Rectangle& rRectPixel )
    const Size          aSizePix( GetSizePixel() );
    tools::Rectangle           aRect( rRectPixel );
    bool                bRet = false;
    aRect.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSizePix ) );
    if( !aRect.IsEmpty() && aSizePix != aRect.GetSize())
        ScopedReadAccess pReadAcc(*this);
        if( pReadAcc )
            const tools::Rectangle     aNewRect( Point(), aRect.GetSize() );
            Bitmap              aNewBmp( aNewRect.GetSize(), GetBitCount(), &pReadAcc->GetPalette() );
            BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAcc(aNewBmp);
            if( pWriteAcc )
                const long nOldX = aRect.Left();
                const long nOldY = aRect.Top();
                const long nNewWidth = aNewRect.GetWidth();
                const long nNewHeight = aNewRect.GetHeight();
                for( long nY = 0, nY2 = nOldY; nY < nNewHeight; nY++, nY2++ )
                    Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                    Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline(nY2);
                    for( long nX = 0, nX2 = nOldX; nX < nNewWidth; nX++, nX2++ )
                        pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nX, pReadAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineRead, nX2 ) );
                bRet = true;
            if( bRet )
                ReassignWithSize( aNewBmp );
    return bRet;
bool Bitmap::CopyPixel( const tools::Rectangle& rRectDst,
                        const tools::Rectangle& rRectSrc, const Bitmap* pBmpSrc )
    const Size  aSizePix( GetSizePixel() );
    tools::Rectangle   aRectDst( rRectDst );
    bool        bRet = false;
    aRectDst.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSizePix ) );
    if( !aRectDst.IsEmpty() )
        if( pBmpSrc && ( pBmpSrc->mxSalBmp != mxSalBmp ) )
            Bitmap*         pSrc = const_cast<Bitmap*>(pBmpSrc);
            const Size      aCopySizePix( pSrc->GetSizePixel() );
            tools::Rectangle       aRectSrc( rRectSrc );
            const sal_uInt16    nSrcBitCount = pBmpSrc->GetBitCount();
            const sal_uInt16    nDstBitCount = GetBitCount();
            if( nSrcBitCount > nDstBitCount )
                int nNextIndex = 0;
                if( ( nSrcBitCount == 24 ) && ( nDstBitCount < 24 ) )
                    Convert( BmpConversion::N24Bit );
                else if( ( nSrcBitCount == 8 ) && ( nDstBitCount < 8 ) )
                    Convert( BmpConversion::N8BitColors );
                    nNextIndex = 16;
                else if( ( nSrcBitCount == 4 ) && ( nDstBitCount < 4 ) )
                    Convert( BmpConversion::N4BitColors );
                    nNextIndex = 2;
                if( nNextIndex )
                    ScopedReadAccess    pSrcAcc(*pSrc);
                    BitmapScopedWriteAccess pDstAcc(*this);
                    if( pSrcAcc && pDstAcc )
                        const int nSrcCount = pDstAcc->GetPaletteEntryCount();
                        const int nDstCount = 1 << nDstBitCount;
                        for (int i = 0; ( i < nSrcCount ) && ( nNextIndex < nSrcCount ); ++i)
                            const BitmapColor& rSrcCol = pSrcAcc->GetPaletteColor( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i) );
                            bool bFound = false;
                            for (int j = 0; j < nDstCount; ++j)
                                if( rSrcCol == pDstAcc->GetPaletteColor( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(j) ) )
                                    bFound = true;
                            if( !bFound )
                                pDstAcc->SetPaletteColor( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nNextIndex++), rSrcCol );
            aRectSrc.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aCopySizePix ) );
            if( !aRectSrc.IsEmpty() )
                ScopedReadAccess pReadAcc(*pSrc);
                if( pReadAcc )
                    BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAcc(*this);
                    if( pWriteAcc )
                        const long  nWidth = std::min( aRectSrc.GetWidth(), aRectDst.GetWidth() );
                        const long  nHeight = std::min( aRectSrc.GetHeight(), aRectDst.GetHeight() );
                        const long  nSrcEndX = aRectSrc.Left() + nWidth;
                        const long  nSrcEndY = aRectSrc.Top() + nHeight;
                        long        nDstY = aRectDst.Top();
                        if( pReadAcc->HasPalette() && pWriteAcc->HasPalette() )
                            const sal_uInt16    nCount = pReadAcc->GetPaletteEntryCount();
                            std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pMap(new sal_uInt8[ nCount ]);
                            // Create index map for the color table, as the bitmap should be copied
                            // retaining it's color information relatively well
                            for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
                                pMap[ i ] = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(pWriteAcc->GetBestPaletteIndex( pReadAcc->GetPaletteColor( i ) ));
                            for( long nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top(); nSrcY < nSrcEndY; nSrcY++, nDstY++ )
                                Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nDstY);
                                Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline(nSrcY);
                                for( long nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left(), nDstX = aRectDst.Left(); nSrcX < nSrcEndX; nSrcX++, nDstX++ )
                                    pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nDstX, BitmapColor( pMap[ pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nSrcX ) ] ));
                        else if( pReadAcc->HasPalette() )
                            for( long nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top(); nSrcY < nSrcEndY; nSrcY++, nDstY++ )
                                Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nDstY);
                                Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline(nSrcY);
                                for( long nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left(), nDstX = aRectDst.Left(); nSrcX < nSrcEndX; nSrcX++, nDstX++ )
                                    pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nDstX, pReadAcc->GetPaletteColor( pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nSrcX ) ) );
                            for( long nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top(); nSrcY < nSrcEndY; nSrcY++, nDstY++ )
                                Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nDstY);
                                Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline(nSrcY);
                                for( long nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left(), nDstX = aRectDst.Left(); nSrcX < nSrcEndX; nSrcX++, nDstX++ )
                                    pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nDstX, pReadAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineRead, nSrcX ) );
                        bRet = ( nWidth > 0 ) && ( nHeight > 0 );
            tools::Rectangle aRectSrc( rRectSrc );
            aRectSrc.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSizePix ) );
            if( !aRectSrc.IsEmpty() && ( aRectSrc != aRectDst ) )
                BitmapScopedWriteAccess   pWriteAcc(*this);
                if( pWriteAcc )
                    const long  nWidth = std::min( aRectSrc.GetWidth(), aRectDst.GetWidth() );
                    const long  nHeight = std::min( aRectSrc.GetHeight(), aRectDst.GetHeight() );
                    const long  nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left();
                    const long  nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top();
                    const long  nSrcEndX1 = nSrcX + nWidth - 1;
                    const long  nSrcEndY1 = nSrcY + nHeight - 1;
                    const long  nDstX = aRectDst.Left();
                    const long  nDstY = aRectDst.Top();
                    const long  nDstEndX1 = nDstX + nWidth - 1;
                    const long  nDstEndY1 = nDstY + nHeight - 1;
                    if( ( nDstX <= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY <= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcY, nYN = nDstY; nY <= nSrcEndY1; nY++, nYN++ )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcX, nXN = nDstX; nX <= nSrcEndX1; nX++, nXN++ )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    else if( ( nDstX <= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY >= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcEndY1, nYN = nDstEndY1; nY >= nSrcY; nY--, nYN-- )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcX, nXN = nDstX; nX <= nSrcEndX1; nX++, nXN++ )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    else if( ( nDstX >= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY <= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcY, nYN = nDstY; nY <= nSrcEndY1; nY++, nYN++ )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcEndX1, nXN = nDstEndX1; nX >= nSrcX; nX--, nXN-- )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                        for( long nY = nSrcEndY1, nYN = nDstEndY1; nY >= nSrcY; nY--, nYN-- )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcEndX1, nXN = nDstEndX1; nX >= nSrcX; nX--, nXN-- )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    bRet = true;
    return bRet;
bool Bitmap::CopyPixel_AlphaOptimized( const tools::Rectangle& rRectDst, const tools::Rectangle& rRectSrc,
                           const Bitmap* pBmpSrc )
    // Note: this code is copied from Bitmap::CopyPixel but avoids any palette lookups
    // This optimization is possible because the palettes of AlphaMasks are always identical (8bit GreyPalette, see ctor)
    const Size  aSizePix( GetSizePixel() );
    tools::Rectangle   aRectDst( rRectDst );
    bool        bRet = false;
    aRectDst.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSizePix ) );
    if( !aRectDst.IsEmpty() )
        if( pBmpSrc && ( pBmpSrc->mxSalBmp != mxSalBmp ) )
            Bitmap*         pSrc = const_cast<Bitmap*>(pBmpSrc);
            const Size      aCopySizePix( pSrc->GetSizePixel() );
            tools::Rectangle       aRectSrc( rRectSrc );
            aRectSrc.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aCopySizePix ) );
            if( !aRectSrc.IsEmpty() )
                ScopedReadAccess pReadAcc(*pSrc);
                if( pReadAcc )
                    BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAcc(*this);
                    if( pWriteAcc )
                        const long  nWidth = std::min( aRectSrc.GetWidth(), aRectDst.GetWidth() );
                        const long  nHeight = std::min( aRectSrc.GetHeight(), aRectDst.GetHeight() );
                        const long  nSrcEndX = aRectSrc.Left() + nWidth;
                        const long  nSrcEndY = aRectSrc.Top() + nHeight;
                        long        nDstY = aRectDst.Top();
                        for( long nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top(); nSrcY < nSrcEndY; nSrcY++, nDstY++)
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nDstY);
                            Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline(nSrcY);
                            for( long nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left(), nDstX = aRectDst.Left(); nSrcX < nSrcEndX; nSrcX++, nDstX++ )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nDstX, pReadAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineRead, nSrcX ) );
                        bRet = ( nWidth > 0 ) && ( nHeight > 0 );
            tools::Rectangle aRectSrc( rRectSrc );
            aRectSrc.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSizePix ) );
            if( !aRectSrc.IsEmpty() && ( aRectSrc != aRectDst ) )
                BitmapScopedWriteAccess   pWriteAcc(*this);
                if( pWriteAcc )
                    const long  nWidth = std::min( aRectSrc.GetWidth(), aRectDst.GetWidth() );
                    const long  nHeight = std::min( aRectSrc.GetHeight(), aRectDst.GetHeight() );
                    const long  nSrcX = aRectSrc.Left();
                    const long  nSrcY = aRectSrc.Top();
                    const long  nSrcEndX1 = nSrcX + nWidth - 1;
                    const long  nSrcEndY1 = nSrcY + nHeight - 1;
                    const long  nDstX = aRectDst.Left();
                    const long  nDstY = aRectDst.Top();
                    const long  nDstEndX1 = nDstX + nWidth - 1;
                    const long  nDstEndY1 = nDstY + nHeight - 1;
                    if( ( nDstX <= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY <= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcY, nYN = nDstY; nY <= nSrcEndY1; nY++, nYN++ )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcX, nXN = nDstX; nX <= nSrcEndX1; nX++, nXN++ )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    else if( ( nDstX <= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY >= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcEndY1, nYN = nDstEndY1; nY >= nSrcY; nY--, nYN-- )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcX, nXN = nDstX; nX <= nSrcEndX1; nX++, nXN++ )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    else if( ( nDstX >= nSrcX ) && ( nDstY <= nSrcY ) )
                        for( long nY = nSrcY, nYN = nDstY; nY <= nSrcEndY1; nY++, nYN++ )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcEndX1, nXN = nDstEndX1; nX >= nSrcX; nX--, nXN-- )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                        for( long nY = nSrcEndY1, nYN = nDstEndY1; nY >= nSrcY; nY--, nYN-- )
                            Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nYN);
                            Scanline pScanlineSrc = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                            for( long nX = nSrcEndX1, nXN = nDstEndX1; nX >= nSrcX; nX--, nXN-- )
                                pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nXN, pWriteAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineSrc, nX ) );
                    bRet = true;
    return bRet;
bool Bitmap::Expand( sal_uLong nDX, sal_uLong nDY, const Color* pInitColor )
    bool bRet = false;
    if( nDX || nDY )
        const Size          aSizePixel( GetSizePixel() );
        const long          nWidth = aSizePixel.Width();
        const long          nHeight = aSizePixel.Height();
        const Size          aNewSize( nWidth + nDX, nHeight + nDY );
        ScopedReadAccess    pReadAcc(*this);
        if( pReadAcc )
            BitmapPalette       aBmpPal( pReadAcc->GetPalette() );
            Bitmap              aNewBmp( aNewSize, GetBitCount(), &aBmpPal );
            BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAcc(aNewBmp);
            if( pWriteAcc )
                BitmapColor aColor;
                const long  nNewX = nWidth;
                const long  nNewY = nHeight;
                const long  nNewWidth = pWriteAcc->Width();
                const long  nNewHeight = pWriteAcc->Height();
                long        nX;
                long        nY;
                if( pInitColor )
                    aColor = pWriteAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( *pInitColor );
                for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                    pWriteAcc->CopyScanline( nY, *pReadAcc );
                    if( pInitColor && nDX )
                        Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                        for( nX = nNewX; nX < nNewWidth; nX++ )
                            pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nX, aColor );
                if( pInitColor && nDY )
                    for( nY = nNewY; nY < nNewHeight; nY++ )
                        Scanline pScanline = pWriteAcc->GetScanline(nY);
                        for( nX = 0; nX < nNewWidth; nX++ )
                            pWriteAcc->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nX, aColor );
                bRet = true;
            if (bRet)
    return bRet;
Bitmap Bitmap::CreateDisplayBitmap( OutputDevice* pDisplay )
    Bitmap aDispBmp( *this );
    SalGraphics* pDispGraphics = pDisplay->GetGraphics();
    if( mxSalBmp && pDispGraphics )
        std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> xImpDispBmp(ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap());
        if (xImpDispBmp->Create(*mxSalBmp, pDispGraphics))
    return aDispBmp;
bool Bitmap::GetSystemData( BitmapSystemData& rData ) const
    bool bRet = false;
    if (mxSalBmp)
        SalBitmap* pSalBitmap = mxSalBmp.get();
        if( pSalBitmap )
            bRet = pSalBitmap->GetSystemData( rData );
    return bRet;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression 'pSalBitmap' is always true.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: (nDstBitCount < 24).