/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <drawingml/chart/seriesconverter.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/chart/DataLabelPlacement.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart/ErrorBarStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/DataPointLabel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XDataPointCustomLabelField.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/DataPointCustomLabelField.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/DataPointCustomLabelFieldType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XDataSeries.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XRegressionCurve.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XRegressionCurveContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XDataSink.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/LabeledDataSequence.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XFormattedString2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/FormattedString.hpp>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
#include <drawingml/chart/datasourceconverter.hxx>
#include <drawingml/chart/seriesmodel.hxx>
#include <drawingml/chart/titleconverter.hxx>
#include <drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.hxx>
#include <drawingml/chart/typegroupmodel.hxx>
#include <oox/core/xmlfilterbase.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/attributelist.hxx>
#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
#include <oox/token/properties.hxx>
#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>
#include <drawingml/lineproperties.hxx>
#include <drawingml/textparagraph.hxx>
#include <drawingml/textrun.hxx>
#include <drawingml/textfield.hxx>
#include <drawingml/textbody.hxx>
namespace oox {
namespace drawingml {
namespace chart {
using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2::data;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
namespace {
/** Function to get vertical position of label from chart height factor.
    Value can be negative, prefer top placement.
int lclGetPositionY( double nVal )
    if( nVal <= 0.1 )
        return -1;
    else if( nVal <= 0.6 )
        return 0;
        return 1;
/** Function to get horizontal position of label from chart width factor.
    Value can be negative, prefer center placement.
int lclGetPositionX( double nVal )
    if( nVal <= -0.2 )
        return -1;
    else if( nVal <= 0.2 )
        return 0;
        return 1;
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > lclCreateLabeledDataSequence(
        const ConverterRoot& rParent,
        DataSourceModel* pValues, const OUString& rRole,
        TextModel* pTitle = nullptr )
    // create data sequence for values
    Reference< XDataSequence > xValueSeq;
    if( pValues )
        DataSourceConverter aSourceConv( rParent, *pValues );
        xValueSeq = aSourceConv.createDataSequence( rRole );
    // create data sequence for title
    Reference< XDataSequence > xTitleSeq;
    if( pTitle )
        TextConverter aTextConv( rParent, *pTitle );
        xTitleSeq = aTextConv.createDataSequence( "label" );
    // create the labeled data sequence, if values or title are present
    Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq;
    if( xValueSeq.is() || xTitleSeq.is() )
        xLabeledSeq.set( LabeledDataSequence::create(rParent.getComponentContext()), UNO_QUERY );
        if( xLabeledSeq.is() )
            xLabeledSeq->setValues( xValueSeq );
            xLabeledSeq->setLabel( xTitleSeq );
    return xLabeledSeq;
void lclConvertLabelFormatting( PropertySet& rPropSet, ObjectFormatter& rFormatter,
                                const DataLabelModelBase& rDataLabel, const TypeGroupConverter& rTypeGroup,
                                bool bDataSeriesLabel, bool bMSO2007Doc, const PropertySet* pSeriesPropSet )
    const TypeGroupInfo& rTypeInfo = rTypeGroup.getTypeInfo();
    /*  Excel 2007 does not change the series setting for a single data point,
        if none of some specific elements occur. But only one existing element
        in a data point will reset most other of these elements from the series
        (e.g.: series has <c:showVal>, data point has <c:showCatName>, this
        will reset <c:showVal> for this point, unless <c:showVal> is repeated
        in the data point). The elements <c:layout>, <c:numberFormat>,
        <c:spPr>, <c:tx>, and <c:txPr> are not affected at all. */
    bool bHasAnyElement = true;
    if (bMSO2007Doc)
        bHasAnyElement = rDataLabel.moaSeparator.has() || rDataLabel.monLabelPos.has() ||
            rDataLabel.mobShowCatName.has() || rDataLabel.mobShowLegendKey.has() ||
            rDataLabel.mobShowPercent.has() || rDataLabel.mobShowSerName.has() ||
    bool bShowValue   = !rDataLabel.mbDeleted && rDataLabel.mobShowVal.get( !bMSO2007Doc );
    bool bShowPercent = !rDataLabel.mbDeleted && rDataLabel.mobShowPercent.get( !bMSO2007Doc ) && (rTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE);
    if( bShowValue &&
        !bShowPercent && rTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE &&
        rDataLabel.maNumberFormat.maFormatCode.indexOf('%') >= 0 )
        bShowValue = false;
        bShowPercent = true;
    bool bShowCateg   = !rDataLabel.mbDeleted && rDataLabel.mobShowCatName.get( !bMSO2007Doc );
    bool bShowSymbol  = !rDataLabel.mbDeleted && rDataLabel.mobShowLegendKey.get( !bMSO2007Doc );
    // type of attached label
    if( bHasAnyElement || rDataLabel.mbDeleted )
        DataPointLabel aPointLabel( bShowValue, bShowPercent, bShowCateg, bShowSymbol );
        rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Label, aPointLabel );
    if( !rDataLabel.mbDeleted )
        // data label number format (percentage format wins over value format)
        rFormatter.convertNumberFormat( rPropSet, rDataLabel.maNumberFormat, false, bShowPercent );
        // data label text formatting (frame formatting not supported by Chart2)
        rFormatter.convertTextFormatting( rPropSet, rDataLabel.mxTextProp, OBJECTTYPE_DATALABEL );
        ObjectFormatter::convertTextRotation( rPropSet, rDataLabel.mxTextProp, false );
        ObjectFormatter::convertTextWrap( rPropSet, rDataLabel.mxTextProp );
        // data label separator (do not overwrite series separator, if no explicit point separator is present)
        if( bDataSeriesLabel || rDataLabel.moaSeparator.has() )
            rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_LabelSeparator, rDataLabel.moaSeparator.get( "; " ) );
        // data label placement (do not overwrite series placement, if no explicit point placement is present)
        if( bDataSeriesLabel || rDataLabel.monLabelPos.has() )
            namespace csscd = ::com::sun::star::chart::DataLabelPlacement;
            sal_Int32 nPlacement = rTypeInfo.mnDefLabelPos;
            switch( rDataLabel.monLabelPos.get( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) )
                case XML_outEnd:    nPlacement = csscd::OUTSIDE;        break;
                case XML_inEnd:     nPlacement = csscd::INSIDE;         break;
                case XML_ctr:       nPlacement = csscd::CENTER;         break;
                case XML_inBase:    nPlacement = csscd::NEAR_ORIGIN;    break;
                case XML_t:         nPlacement = csscd::TOP;            break;
                case XML_b:         nPlacement = csscd::BOTTOM;         break;
                case XML_l:         nPlacement = csscd::LEFT;           break;
                case XML_r:         nPlacement = csscd::RIGHT;          break;
                case XML_bestFit:   nPlacement = csscd::AVOID_OVERLAP;  break;
            sal_Int32 nGlobalPlacement = 0;
            if ( !bDataSeriesLabel && nPlacement == rTypeInfo.mnDefLabelPos && pSeriesPropSet &&
                 pSeriesPropSet->getProperty( nGlobalPlacement, PROP_LabelPlacement ) )
                nPlacement = nGlobalPlacement;
            rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_LabelPlacement, nPlacement );
void importBorderProperties( PropertySet& rPropSet, Shape& rShape, const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper )
    LineProperties& rLP = rShape.getLineProperties();
    // no fill has the same effect as no border so skip it
    if (rLP.maLineFill.moFillType.get() == XML_noFill)
    if (rLP.moLineWidth.has())
        sal_Int32 nWidth = convertEmuToHmm(rLP.moLineWidth.get());
        rPropSet.setProperty(PROP_LabelBorderWidth, uno::makeAny(nWidth));
        rPropSet.setProperty(PROP_LabelBorderStyle, uno::makeAny(drawing::LineStyle_SOLID));
    const Color& aColor = rLP.maLineFill.maFillColor;
    ::Color nColor = aColor.getColor(rGraphicHelper);
    rPropSet.setProperty(PROP_LabelBorderColor, uno::makeAny(nColor));
DataPointCustomLabelFieldType lcl_ConvertFieldNameToFieldEnum( const OUString& rField )
    if (rField == "VALUE")
        return DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_VALUE;
    else if (rField == "SERIESNAME")
        return DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_SERIESNAME;
    else if (rField == "CATEGORYNAME")
        return DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_CATEGORYNAME;
    else if (rField == "CELLREF")
        return DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_CELLREF;
        return DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_TEXT;
} // namespace
DataLabelConverter::DataLabelConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, DataLabelModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< DataLabelModel >( rParent, rModel )
void DataLabelConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxDataSeries, const TypeGroupConverter& rTypeGroup,
                                           const PropertySet& rSeriesPropSet )
    if (!rxDataSeries.is())
        bool bMSO2007Doc = getFilter().isMSO2007Document();
        PropertySet aPropSet( rxDataSeries->getDataPointByIndex( mrModel.mnIndex ) );
        lclConvertLabelFormatting( aPropSet, getFormatter(), mrModel, rTypeGroup, false, bMSO2007Doc, &rSeriesPropSet );
        const TypeGroupInfo& rTypeInfo = rTypeGroup.getTypeInfo();
        bool bIsPie = rTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE;
        if( mrModel.mxLayout && !mrModel.mxLayout->mbAutoLayout && !bIsPie )
            // bnc#694340 - nasty hack - chart2 cannot individually
            // place data labels, let's try to find a useful
            // compromise instead
            namespace csscd = ::com::sun::star::chart::DataLabelPlacement;
            const sal_Int32 aPositionsLookupTable[] =
                    csscd::TOP_LEFT,    csscd::TOP,    csscd::TOP_RIGHT,
                    csscd::LEFT,        csscd::CENTER, csscd::RIGHT,
                    csscd::BOTTOM_LEFT, csscd::BOTTOM, csscd::BOTTOM_RIGHT
            const int simplifiedX = lclGetPositionX(mrModel.mxLayout->mfX);
            const int simplifiedY = lclGetPositionY(mrModel.mxLayout->mfY);
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_LabelPlacement,
                                  aPositionsLookupTable[ simplifiedX+1 + 3*(simplifiedY+1) ] );
        if (mrModel.mxShapeProp)
            importBorderProperties(aPropSet, *mrModel.mxShapeProp, getFilter().getGraphicHelper());
        if( mrModel.mxText && mrModel.mxText->mxTextBody && mrModel.mxText->mxTextBody->getParagraphs().size() )
            css::uno::Reference< XComponentContext > xContext = getComponentContext();
            uno::Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XDataPointCustomLabelField > > aSequence;
            auto& rParagraphs = mrModel.mxText->mxTextBody->getParagraphs();
            int nSequenceSize = 0;
            for( auto& pParagraph : rParagraphs )
                nSequenceSize += pParagraph->getRuns().size();
            int nParagraphs = rParagraphs.size();
            if( nParagraphs > 1 )
                nSequenceSize += nParagraphs - 1;
            aSequence.realloc( nSequenceSize );
            int nPos = 0;
            for( auto& pParagraph : rParagraphs )
                for( auto& pRun : pParagraph->getRuns() )
                    css::uno::Reference< XDataPointCustomLabelField > xCustomLabel = DataPointCustomLabelField::create( xContext );
                    // Store properties
                    oox::PropertySet aPropertySet( xCustomLabel );
                    pRun->getTextCharacterProperties().pushToPropSet( aPropertySet, getFilter() );
                    TextField* pField = nullptr;
                    if( ( pField = dynamic_cast< TextField* >( pRun.get() ) ) )
                        xCustomLabel->setString( pField->getText() );
                        xCustomLabel->setFieldType( lcl_ConvertFieldNameToFieldEnum( pField->getType() ) );
                        xCustomLabel->setGuid( pField->getUuid() );
                    else if( pRun.get() )
                        xCustomLabel->setString( pRun->getText() );
                        xCustomLabel->setFieldType( DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_TEXT );
                    aSequence[ nPos++ ] = xCustomLabel;
                if( nParagraphs > 1 && nPos < nSequenceSize )
                    css::uno::Reference< XDataPointCustomLabelField > xCustomLabel = DataPointCustomLabelField::create( xContext );
                    xCustomLabel->setFieldType( DataPointCustomLabelFieldType::DataPointCustomLabelFieldType_NEWLINE );
                    aSequence[ nPos++ ] = xCustomLabel;
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_CustomLabelFields, makeAny( aSequence ) );
    catch( Exception& )
DataLabelsConverter::DataLabelsConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, DataLabelsModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< DataLabelsModel >( rParent, rModel )
void DataLabelsConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxDataSeries, const TypeGroupConverter& rTypeGroup )
    PropertySet aPropSet( rxDataSeries );
    if( !mrModel.mbDeleted )
        bool bMSO2007Doc = getFilter().isMSO2007Document();
        lclConvertLabelFormatting( aPropSet, getFormatter(), mrModel, rTypeGroup, true, bMSO2007Doc, nullptr );
        if (mrModel.mxShapeProp)
            // Import baseline border properties for these data labels.
            importBorderProperties(aPropSet, *mrModel.mxShapeProp, getFilter().getGraphicHelper());
    // data point label settings
    for (auto const& pointLabel : mrModel.maPointLabels)
        if (pointLabel->maNumberFormat.maFormatCode.isEmpty())
            pointLabel->maNumberFormat = mrModel.maNumberFormat;
        DataLabelConverter aLabelConv(*this, *pointLabel);
        aLabelConv.convertFromModel( rxDataSeries, rTypeGroup, aPropSet );
ErrorBarConverter::ErrorBarConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, ErrorBarModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< ErrorBarModel >( rParent, rModel )
void ErrorBarConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxDataSeries )
    bool bShowPos = (mrModel.mnTypeId == XML_plus) || (mrModel.mnTypeId == XML_both);
    bool bShowNeg = (mrModel.mnTypeId == XML_minus) || (mrModel.mnTypeId == XML_both);
    if( bShowPos || bShowNeg ) try
        Reference< XPropertySet > xErrorBar( createInstance( "com.sun.star.chart2.ErrorBar" ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        PropertySet aBarProp( xErrorBar );
        // plus/minus bars
        aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowPositiveError, bShowPos );
        aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowNegativeError, bShowNeg );
        // type of displayed error
        namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart;
        switch( mrModel.mnValueType )
            case XML_cust:
                // #i87806# manual error bars
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarStyle, cssc::ErrorBarStyle::FROM_DATA );
                // attach data sequences to error bar
                Reference< XDataSink > xDataSink( xErrorBar, UNO_QUERY );
                if( xDataSink.is() )
                    // create vector of all value sequences
                    ::std::vector< Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > > aLabeledSeqVec;
                    // add positive values
                    if( bShowPos )
                        Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xValueSeq = createLabeledDataSequence( ErrorBarModel::PLUS );
                        if( xValueSeq.is() )
                            aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xValueSeq );
                    // add negative values
                    if( bShowNeg )
                        Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xValueSeq = createLabeledDataSequence( ErrorBarModel::MINUS );
                        if( xValueSeq.is() )
                            aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xValueSeq );
                    // attach labeled data sequences to series
                    if( aLabeledSeqVec.empty() )
                        xDataSink->setData( ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( aLabeledSeqVec ) );
            case XML_fixedVal:
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarStyle, cssc::ErrorBarStyle::ABSOLUTE );
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_PositiveError, mrModel.mfValue );
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_NegativeError, mrModel.mfValue );
            case XML_percentage:
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarStyle, cssc::ErrorBarStyle::RELATIVE );
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_PositiveError, mrModel.mfValue );
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_NegativeError, mrModel.mfValue );
            case XML_stdDev:
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarStyle, cssc::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_DEVIATION );
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_Weight, mrModel.mfValue );
            case XML_stdErr:
                aBarProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarStyle, cssc::ErrorBarStyle::STANDARD_ERROR );
                OSL_FAIL( "ErrorBarConverter::convertFromModel - unknown error bar type" );
        // error bar formatting
        getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aBarProp, mrModel.mxShapeProp, OBJECTTYPE_ERRORBAR );
        if( xErrorBar.is() )
            PropertySet aSeriesProp( rxDataSeries );
            switch( mrModel.mnDirection )
                case XML_x: aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarX, xErrorBar );   break;
                case XML_y: aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_ErrorBarY, xErrorBar );   break;
                default:    OSL_FAIL( "ErrorBarConverter::convertFromModel - invalid error bar direction" );
    catch( Exception& )
        OSL_FAIL( "ErrorBarConverter::convertFromModel - error while creating error bars" );
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > ErrorBarConverter::createLabeledDataSequence( ErrorBarModel::SourceType eSourceType )
    OUString aRole;
    switch( eSourceType )
        case ErrorBarModel::PLUS:
            switch( mrModel.mnDirection )
                case XML_x: aRole = "error-bars-x-positive"; break;
                case XML_y: aRole = "error-bars-y-positive"; break;
        case ErrorBarModel::MINUS:
            switch( mrModel.mnDirection )
                case XML_x: aRole = "error-bars-x-negative"; break;
                case XML_y: aRole = "error-bars-y-negative"; break;
    OSL_ENSURE( !aRole.isEmpty(), "ErrorBarConverter::createLabeledDataSequence - invalid error bar direction" );
    return lclCreateLabeledDataSequence( *this, mrModel.maSources.get( eSourceType ).get(), aRole );
TrendlineLabelConverter::TrendlineLabelConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, TrendlineLabelModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< TrendlineLabelModel >( rParent, rModel )
void TrendlineLabelConverter::convertFromModel( PropertySet& rPropSet )
    // formatting
    getFormatter().convertFormatting( rPropSet, mrModel.mxShapeProp, mrModel.mxTextProp, OBJECTTYPE_TRENDLINELABEL );
TrendlineConverter::TrendlineConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, TrendlineModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< TrendlineModel >( rParent, rModel )
void TrendlineConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxDataSeries )
        // trend line type
        OUString aServiceName;
        switch( mrModel.mnTypeId )
            case XML_exp:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.ExponentialRegressionCurve";
            case XML_linear:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.LinearRegressionCurve";
            case XML_log:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.LogarithmicRegressionCurve";
            case XML_movingAvg:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.MovingAverageRegressionCurve";
            case XML_poly:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.PolynomialRegressionCurve";
            case XML_power:
                aServiceName = "com.sun.star.chart2.PotentialRegressionCurve";
                OSL_FAIL( "TrendlineConverter::convertFromModel - unknown trendline type" );
        if( !aServiceName.isEmpty() )
            Reference< XRegressionCurve > xRegCurve( createInstance( aServiceName ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            PropertySet aPropSet( xRegCurve );
            // Name
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_CurveName, mrModel.maName );
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_PolynomialDegree, mrModel.mnOrder );
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_MovingAveragePeriod, mrModel.mnPeriod );
            // Intercept
            bool hasIntercept = mrModel.mfIntercept.has();
            aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_ForceIntercept, hasIntercept);
            if (hasIntercept)
                aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_InterceptValue,  mrModel.mfIntercept.get());
            // Extrapolation
            if (mrModel.mfForward.has())
                aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_ExtrapolateForward, mrModel.mfForward.get() );
            if (mrModel.mfBackward.has())
                aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_ExtrapolateBackward, mrModel.mfBackward.get() );
            // trendline formatting
            getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aPropSet, mrModel.mxShapeProp, OBJECTTYPE_TRENDLINE );
            // #i83100# show equation and correlation coefficient
            PropertySet aLabelProp( xRegCurve->getEquationProperties() );
            aLabelProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowEquation, mrModel.mbDispEquation );
            aLabelProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowCorrelationCoefficient, mrModel.mbDispRSquared );
            // #i83100# formatting of the equation text box
            if( mrModel.mbDispEquation || mrModel.mbDispRSquared )
                TrendlineLabelConverter aLabelConv( *this, mrModel.mxLabel.getOrCreate() );
                aLabelConv.convertFromModel( aLabelProp );
            // unsupported: #i5085# manual trendline size
            // unsupported: #i34093# manual crossing point
            Reference< XRegressionCurveContainer > xRegCurveCont( rxDataSeries, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            xRegCurveCont->addRegressionCurve( xRegCurve );
    catch( Exception& )
        OSL_FAIL( "TrendlineConverter::convertFromModel - error while creating trendline" );
DataPointConverter::DataPointConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, DataPointModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< DataPointModel >( rParent, rModel )
void DataPointConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxDataSeries,
        const TypeGroupConverter& rTypeGroup, const SeriesModel& rSeries )
    bool bMSO2007Doc = getFilter().isMSO2007Document();
        PropertySet aPropSet( rxDataSeries->getDataPointByIndex( mrModel.mnIndex ) );
        // data point marker
        if( mrModel.monMarkerSymbol.differsFrom( rSeries.mnMarkerSymbol ) || mrModel.monMarkerSize.differsFrom( rSeries.mnMarkerSize ) )
            rTypeGroup.convertMarker( aPropSet, mrModel.monMarkerSymbol.get( rSeries.mnMarkerSymbol ),
                    mrModel.monMarkerSize.get( rSeries.mnMarkerSize ), mrModel.mxMarkerProp );
        // data point pie explosion
        if( mrModel.monExplosion.differsFrom( rSeries.mnExplosion ) )
            rTypeGroup.convertPieExplosion( aPropSet, mrModel.monExplosion.get() );
        // point formatting
        if( mrModel.mxShapeProp.is() )
            if( rTypeGroup.getTypeInfo().mbPictureOptions )
                getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aPropSet, mrModel.mxShapeProp, mrModel.mxPicOptions.getOrCreate(bMSO2007Doc), rTypeGroup.getSeriesObjectType(), rSeries.mnIndex );
                getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aPropSet, mrModel.mxShapeProp, rTypeGroup.getSeriesObjectType(), rSeries.mnIndex );
    catch( Exception& )
SeriesConverter::SeriesConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, SeriesModel& rModel ) :
    ConverterBase< SeriesModel >( rParent, rModel )
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > SeriesConverter::createCategorySequence( const OUString& rRole )
    return createLabeledDataSequence(SeriesModel::CATEGORIES, rRole, false);
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > SeriesConverter::createValueSequence( const OUString& rRole )
    return createLabeledDataSequence( SeriesModel::VALUES, rRole, true );
Reference< XDataSeries > SeriesConverter::createDataSeries( const TypeGroupConverter& rTypeGroup, bool bVaryColorsByPoint )
    const TypeGroupInfo& rTypeInfo = rTypeGroup.getTypeInfo();
    // create the data series object
    Reference< XDataSeries > xDataSeries( createInstance( "com.sun.star.chart2.DataSeries" ), UNO_QUERY );
    PropertySet aSeriesProp( xDataSeries );
    // attach data and title sequences to series
    sal_Int32 nDataPointCount = 0;
    Reference< XDataSink > xDataSink( xDataSeries, UNO_QUERY );
    if( xDataSink.is() )
        // create vector of all value sequences
        ::std::vector< Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > > aLabeledSeqVec;
        // add Y values
        Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xYValueSeq = createValueSequence( "values-y" );
        if( xYValueSeq.is() )
            aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xYValueSeq );
            Reference< XDataSequence > xValues = xYValueSeq->getValues();
            if( xValues.is() )
                nDataPointCount = xValues->getData().getLength();
            if (!nDataPointCount)
                // No values present.  Don't create a data series.
                return Reference<XDataSeries>();
        // add X values of scatter and bubble charts
        if( !rTypeInfo.mbCategoryAxis )
            Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xXValueSeq = createCategorySequence( "values-x" );
            if( xXValueSeq.is() )
                aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xXValueSeq );
            // add size values of bubble charts
            if( rTypeInfo.meTypeId == TYPEID_BUBBLE )
                Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xSizeValueSeq = createLabeledDataSequence( SeriesModel::POINTS, "values-size", true );
                if( xSizeValueSeq.is() )
                    aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xSizeValueSeq );
        // attach labeled data sequences to series
        if( !aLabeledSeqVec.empty() )
            xDataSink->setData( ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( aLabeledSeqVec ) );
    // error bars
    for (auto const& errorBar : mrModel.maErrorBars)
        ErrorBarConverter aErrorBarConv(*this, *errorBar);
        aErrorBarConv.convertFromModel( xDataSeries );
    // trendlines
    for (auto const& trendLine : mrModel.maTrendlines)
        TrendlineConverter aTrendlineConv(*this, *trendLine);
        aTrendlineConv.convertFromModel( xDataSeries );
    // data point markers
    rTypeGroup.convertMarker( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mnMarkerSymbol, mrModel.mnMarkerSize, mrModel.mxMarkerProp );
    // #i66858# smoothed series lines
    rTypeGroup.convertLineSmooth( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mbSmooth );
    // 3D bar style (not possible to set at chart type -> set at all series)
    rTypeGroup.convertBarGeometry( aSeriesProp, mrModel.monShape.get( rTypeGroup.getModel().mnShape ) );
    // pie explosion (restricted to [0%,100%] in Chart2)
    rTypeGroup.convertPieExplosion( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mnExplosion );
    // series formatting
    ObjectFormatter& rFormatter = getFormatter();
    ObjectType eObjType = rTypeGroup.getSeriesObjectType();
    bool bMSO2007Doc = getFilter().isMSO2007Document();
    if( rTypeInfo.mbPictureOptions )
        rFormatter.convertFrameFormatting( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mxShapeProp, mrModel.mxPicOptions.getOrCreate(bMSO2007Doc), eObjType, mrModel.mnIndex );
        rFormatter.convertFrameFormatting( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mxShapeProp, eObjType, mrModel.mnIndex );
    // set the (unused) property default value used by the Chart2 templates (true for pie/doughnut charts)
    bool bIsPie = rTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE;
    aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_VaryColorsByPoint, bVaryColorsByPoint );
    // own area formatting for every data point (TODO: varying line color not supported)
    // #i91271# always set area formatting for every point in pie/doughnut charts to override their automatic point formatting
    if( bIsPie || (bVaryColorsByPoint && rTypeGroup.isSeriesFrameFormat() && ObjectFormatter::isAutomaticFill( mrModel.mxShapeProp )) )
        /*  Set the series point number as color cycle size at the object
            formatter to get correct start-shade/end-tint. TODO: in doughnut
            charts, the sizes of the series may vary, need to use the maximum
            point count of all series. */
        sal_Int32 nOldMax = rFormatter.getMaxSeriesIndex();
        if( bVaryColorsByPoint )
            rFormatter.setMaxSeriesIndex( nDataPointCount - 1 );
        for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nDataPointCount; ++nIndex )
                PropertySet aPointProp( xDataSeries->getDataPointByIndex( nIndex ) );
                rFormatter.convertAutomaticFill( aPointProp, eObjType, bVaryColorsByPoint ? nIndex : mrModel.mnIndex );
            catch( Exception& )
        rFormatter.setMaxSeriesIndex( nOldMax );
    // data point settings
    for (auto const& point : mrModel.maPoints)
        DataPointConverter aPointConv(*this, *point);
        aPointConv.convertFromModel( xDataSeries, rTypeGroup, mrModel );
    /*  Series data label settings. If and only if the series does not contain
        a c:dLbls element, then the c:dLbls element of the parent chart type is
        used (data label settings of the parent chart type are *not* merged
        into own existing data label settings). */
    ModelRef< DataLabelsModel > xLabels = mrModel.mxLabels.is() ? mrModel.mxLabels : rTypeGroup.getModel().mxLabels;
    if( xLabels.is() )
        if( xLabels->maNumberFormat.maFormatCode.isEmpty() )
            // Use number format code from Value series
            DataSourceModel* pValues = mrModel.maSources.get( SeriesModel::VALUES ).get();
            if( pValues )
                xLabels->maNumberFormat.maFormatCode = pValues->mxDataSeq->maFormatCode;
        DataLabelsConverter aLabelsConv( *this, *xLabels );
        aLabelsConv.convertFromModel( xDataSeries, rTypeGroup );
    return xDataSeries;
// private --------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > SeriesConverter::createLabeledDataSequence(
        SeriesModel::SourceType eSourceType, const OUString& rRole, bool bUseTextLabel )
    DataSourceModel* pValues = mrModel.maSources.get( eSourceType ).get();
    TextModel* pTitle = bUseTextLabel ? mrModel.mxText.get() : nullptr;
    return lclCreateLabeledDataSequence( *this, pValues, rRole, pTitle );
} // namespace chart
} // namespace drawingml
} // namespace oox
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V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type. Inspect the second argument.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type. Inspect the second argument.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type. Inspect the second argument.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type. Inspect the second argument.